#146 Leadership Lake Day

Today at church, Lydia came rushing into the modular to tell us Anna had something new on her hand. We all dashed outside to go and meet her, and come to find out she was in service not just outside! Oops. So a few minutes later her and David walked up, and sure enough these two are engaged! Their wedding is now tentatively planned for March, and I couldn't be more excited for these two.

After our regular Sunday lunch get together, we all headed out to the lake at the Melbourne's home. Their house is situated on lot 7 on Living Water Drive, and if that doesn't tell you how perfect this home is (I mean God's "number" and "Living Water"), once you get there you'll know! I should have taken some photos, but alas all I came away with was one photo from their staircase of a bunch of penguin stuffed animals squished through the railings that reminded me of Kimmie and her love for penguins.

But while we met for our monthly leadership meeting, almost wrapping up our year long book reading club, the view outside into their yard was breathtaking. They have a lovely home situated on a lot that gently slopes in the back yard down to what feels like a giant creek or river, but is really an inlet of the lake. They had a foot path worn into the grass, and as you walked down the hill, you passed by their very large vegetable garden that Susan took me on a tour of all the veggies growing beneath the large plant leaves--watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, and more! As the sun began to set, the weather became bearable and actually incredibly enjoyable. The humidity almost a thing of the past, and the sky filled up with beautiful clouds and colors.

I also got nosey while I was in the house, and began checking out their wall of family photos. Susan and David were married a little later in their lifetime, so it was so neat to see these two and their separate lives before each other depicted in a timeline fashion along a beautifully decorated stanza of music (made with a creative treble clef and strings connecting each photo frame from behind) all leading to a cross at the end. Susan is from Taiwan, and so her childhood and family photos are in black and white with very oriental homes and dress, until you see her arrive in America. David's young life in color as he spent his days along the East coast in New England. And then their lives that came together, and the journeys they've taken since then. It was a beautiful display of their life all in the span of a hallway.

It was so good to get to know this couple and just their love and draw for young single adults. Plus they have a yellow lab named Jake, which makes everything good.

#145 Bowling Party

Today is another scorcher. I'm really just wanting this weather to take a chill pill and settle down. Don't know why it's so raging angry, but Columbia has lived up to their lame slogan "Famously Hot" for sure this summer.

So even though it was that kind of day, Stephen and Matt spent all day outside practically working on the yard and cars. I feel really, really lazy when they do that. So I decided I'd work on getting the mildew off of Hank, which unfortunately is a whole process. Thankfully I think we can just wax it and buff it from here, and then spot clean with Purple Power, but literally had to wipe the whole thing down in Purple Power and scrub. Otherwise the only thing to get the mildew off is my spit. Apparently my spit = Purple Power.

I took like 20 min shifts to get that done, because I cannot stand the heat, at least not like this!

On our way down the road this afternoon, Stephen and I look over at the car next to us as we're sitting in Hank, and this guy is caressing his window as he stares at us. At first anyone might would think the guy is being a creep, but that is some good ole Jeep Wagoneer love right there. I've had people wave me down, stop me in parking lots, drive next to me while talking through the window, and more because of this thing. I think Stephen has a real good method taking the Gospel to others--through cars--because man do they flock to a cool vehicle!

One thing you should know about me, I really don't like bowling. But I do like my friends, and I do love Lydia. Today was her birthday, so we headed out around 5 to go eat and bowl with a group from church. I really suck at bowling, but Menchi's Yogurt made up for it.

Love these people! They are good souls for sure.

PS. Sorry for the lack of photos this past week. I know they speak a thousand words.

#144 Icecream Shop

After a day of sleeping in trying to shake off this cold or whatever I have, I woke up lounged around the house, and ended up going to lunch with my parents. My dad came back to the house to help install some antivirus software on my computer, because I have next to no knowledge about antivirus and computer protection. Thankfully he's the expert!

Stephen came home, and after he worked on some things at home, I fixed dinner for us. The only request Stephen had for the evening was to go get icecream.

So around 9 pm we headed out to Coldstone. Instead of keeping ourselves crammed up in the tiny shop, we headed to the car to sit in the cool A/C. Eating icecream. Talking about the day. People watching. Unwinding.

Perfect way to end my week.

#143 Missing Out

Today was a good way to end the week at work. We had staff meetings this week, so today was WMU's, which means we go out to lunch together. We headed to the Villa, which has great Italian food. Got to spend some time with some of our Camp guys as well as Denny who has been helping us move this entire week. And while the food was very much appreciated, it sent me in my downward spiral of needing sleep.

Food coma. But also it put my cold coma into hyper-drive.

I woke up early this morning multiple times with acid reflux so bad that I felt I was choking, which is terrifying. I've had sore throats, sniffly nose, achy body and more, and so my body finally was telling me it was time to crash.

I came home to Stephen working hard on the cars. He told me the dogs had refused to go outside when he got home, which is odd since they stay cooped up all day in the house. He asked if I'd grab a cup of water for him, so I came inside to find that the dishes had been put away and done. I filled up Stephen's glass of water, and went outside asking him if he'd unloaded the dishwasher--No. Odd.

Came inside to find that the dish towels had been washed. So I put them away, and looked in the laundry to find my bra hanging up. Okay so this is not the doings of Matt, or is it? Why would he do my laundry and also touch my bra? Weird.

I came around the corner and found the couch pillows straightened up and the couch blanket folded. I headed upstairs to see all of our laundry folded on a freshly made bed. AH HA! It had to be my mamma! Who tried to play me for a fool when I called, but I saw through her quickly.

Such a sweet gesture, and so perfectly timed as today I was just too exhausted to do much more than put away the laundry. She wanted to bless us, knowing that there were certain things when she was working she wished someone could come and do--and so she came and did it!

I decided to take a nap on my freshly made bed, and that nap turned into mostly sleep, as since then I've been and out of consciousness--missing Thursday night Unleashed. Bummer.

Hoping tomorrow brings on some pain meds and better feelings! 

#142 Early Nights

This week has bee one of mine and Stephen's semi-annual sleep-a-thons, where we come home and just can't seem to stay up past 10:30 or so. Which is super unusual for us night owls. It's like the lack of sleep, you know due to have jobs who require us to be up at 5:30 am each morning, has caught up to us, and we physically cannot refuse trying to get in a few extra hours of sleep. We need it. We really do.

So off to bed again. Thankful for evenings with nothing going on that still let us enjoy the evening, but rush into bed quickly too!

#141 Dam Day

Today I still got to wear jeans, but no moving my office. I'm all packed up and ready to go though, which is making this finding anything I need semi difficult as it's all in boxes.

Another night at the dam walking with my mom. I so enjoy walking the dam over Wal-mart, and I feel we get more accomplished too. Somehow the water, boats, passing cars, and setting sun distract you from the fact you're actually walking. There's a destination in end, which has also always benefited me. Makes me work harder to get to it, so I can get back to the car sooner.

Afterwards we ran over to Food Lion where my $25 cash in pocket (I never have cash) did not quite cover my $40 bill, so my mom very kindly spotted me the money. Thank goodness for moms! 

#140 Jean Day

So today marks the beginning of moving week for most of our office, and that means JEANS TO WORK! Did you hear me? JEANS TO WORK!! Which is like the best thing ever, because who likes having to wear actual real pants? No one. Don't let them lie to you.

But unfortunately, while I helped some people move, I did not move myself. There are still filing cabinets filling my entire new office, which doesn't work too well as a desk or chair. Although I'm sure I could get creative.

#139 Prahl Birthdays

So when it's been a while, as in a couple of months, birthdays tend to happen in this giant Prahl family of ours. So we miss them because we're all a little spread apart--okay just us and Kevin really. Therefore make up birthday celebrations are in order.

After a morning at FBLex, we ventured on to good ole Greenville. Presents in tow.

We stuffed ourselves with cake and ice cream, blew out candles, and sang the birthday song. I got to talk with Amie for a bit, and it warmed my heart to hear how her, Whit and the kids always try and stay a little longer than normal on days we are there so they can spend time with us. While Stephen and I feel Columbia is where we are supposed to be, it's tough being away from family that we have in Greenville. Little nieces and nephews growing up before our eyes over FB, and we're barely there in person to catch a glimpse of it.

I feel Amie and I are forming more of a bond, which only makes sense now that it's been a few years. We're very close in age, and we even went to North Greenville together--although I did yell at her once when she lived on my hallway, but we won't go there. Haha.

It made my heart melt to hear how much they want to be in our lives; they've even tried to come on their own to visit us down in Columbia. Today though Amie brought up how when Stephen and I have our first child, they will be down in Columbia immediately to see the new one.

It's weird sometimes being an only child, to remember how sibling bonds are, and that your siblings will sometimes (on a good day right? haha) cross heaven and earth to be there to help and support you. With this family, I finally get that.    

#138 Shopping Trip and Quiet Night

Today practically just consisted of me trying to find gifts for the Prahl family birthday get together tomorrow. While I've been in this family for 5 years, and as a wife you tend to get in the role of doing the shopping for events, I realized how not having Stephen around give me some guidance set off my indecisiveness. I managed to come away with a few good gifts, including one for John that I figured for his technology loving self was  just a fun toy-- a mini drone.

Then I got home and realized that I was supposed to buy for Jonathan, not John. About a 20 year age gap there. Thankfully drones work for all ages, although we had already bought Jonathan a gift back in December, so we opted for that gift instead. Lego sets don't work so well with a 29 year old John.

Ventured on to my parents for dinner, and after a couple hours I decided I wanted to go home and spend the evening alone. Some time to rewind and recharge. Although, at some point in my alone time I always manage to go through this intense "crap I want to be near people" moment. For an introvert, sometimes I'm a little extroverted too.

Can't I just be quiet in a room filled with people? 

#137 Riverbanks Zoo

Well because I do not have any photos (since to download the video and photos I shared on Instagram stories was apparently too difficult for me) you'll have to suffice with online photos.

Side note: I think I'm starting to hit that age where technology may be slowly falling out of my realm of knowledge. Trust me, when it comes to tech stuff, I'm one of the first people ask to help troubleshoot things. While I have nothing more than Google search and trial-and-error knowledge, I tend to get something accomplished when trying to resolve issues. The problem is now--social media. Social Media was just starting when I began college (Facebook), and now there's so many Instagrams, Tweets, Stories, Snapchats, etc. that I can't keep up with how it all works. Mainly because I really just hate to be so connected and available, but some social media platforms I really don't care about. Nonetheless, I feel like a 90 year old grandmother learning how to move the mouse for the first time on a desktop computer. Hence my nickname from Stephanie is grandma.

Back to it...

Today I spent the morning and afternoon with Joanna and Jack. We ventured to the Riverbanks Zoo, which for South Carolina and for the size the zoo is, this is about the nicest zoo you'll see in the southeast (okay, minus North Carolina and Atlanta's zoos). They've updated so much, and I felt myself being blown away just at the new entrance alone.

Sets a whole new tone for the zoo.
We ventured on, taking breaks under the new outdoor misting areas, while ducking in and out of buildings like the Aquarium and the Bird House (whew it stunk!). We ended our afternoon at the Grizzly Bear exhibit, where all the bears were relaxing a lot like Daniel was in the stream of the waterfall on our kayaking trip--almost creating a dam with his fuzzy bear body as he sunk into the water neck deep.

We also saw the otters, but they were passed out and asleep, although a little wild squirrel stole the show as it very sweetly approached a little girl, trying to get food from her hands. He sniffed, and when no food was found, continued to crawl about approaching people.

Joanna brought me home after a fun day of relaxing and talking at her home, and afterwards Stephen and I went on an adventure/date to Momma Rabbit's, which is such a hipster cool place in Lexington with THE BEST food. I mean they can make their two specials something that you actually want to eat, when normally those kind of ingredients would scare me away too much.

We had both :) 

#136 Just Worship, Only Worship

Going into tonight, I figured it'd just be a long service of worship songs. A time to just relax and reconnect. But this evening was so much more. Our "Ten Thirty" band really brought us to the feet of Jesus, and for that I am ever so grateful for them!

Because while this video doesn't show it, the songs and the testimonies that were shared were done in such a way that only could be led by the Holy Spirit. I do not believe anyone could have left without coming face to face with a Holy and Righteous God! 

#135 Power Outage

One, lets all have a moment of silence for the fact I've now driven two days without Hank. Gerard is a lovely little car, 2005 Mazda 6, but personality--he has none. Although he is quick, but Hank makes me slow down and appreciate life. So for that I am sad that I have not been able to drive the Jeep this week. Dumb heat #ColumbiaFamouslyHot

Tonight around 9:30pm, as Stephen, Matt, and I sat around talking about things (with the TV off, it's a miracle), the power went out. My husband, who has the most childlike amazement in things, sprung to his feet and was so excited "to see the sky with no light pollution"!

We all walked outside, and because the whole house was pitch black dark, Little Bear snuck by and out of the house. So in the pitch black night, our dog ran away up the street, with Stephen running after him. Thankfully after about 2 minutes, he came running right back home.

We all stood in the driveway, staring at the brightness of the moon that almost made you feel like it was dusk it was so bright. Shadows forming on the ground as we stood in the strong moon light. Stephen couldn't contain himself, and had to find out how far the outage had spread.

We hopped in the car, and realized the power was still going strong at the corner with the gas station, so we headed back by the neighborhood and beyond, and realized it was probably a good square mile that had been impacted.

It's little moments like these that I'm very thankful for a man who finds joy in the small things. Even his appreciation for old cars has rubbed off on me, as I'm missing my rusted panels, broken seats, missing door handle, squeaky, slow Jeep. 

#134 Tuesdays Have Routine

My most routine of days is probably Tuesdays lately. Ever since Stephen and some of the guys from Unleashed have been holding a Bible study in our living room (which once again can I get an "Amen!" that God is good-->case in point), I feel the need to get out of the house. Last time I stayed cooped up in the master bedroom, I kind of went stir crazy and a little downer Debbie on Stephen.

So now I fix dinner (which we had Little Ceasers, so maybe I should have skipped this step for the blog), go walking with my mom for about an hour, shop for a little bit, and do a little driving around. I end up spending about an hour or so alone in my bedroom by the time I do get home, before the guys finally call it a night.

Today Joel was home before even I was, and Stephen stayed on the phone with a coworker and a friend, before the two of them headed out to get grub. I piddled around the house getting some stuff done before they came back with food in hand, and I dined and dashed out to meet my mom at Wal-Mart. Praise the Lord for air condition.

We got to talk. About a lot. I'm sure there is going to be the day (okay today may be that day) I look back and wish I could come back to these moments with my mom. Spending an hour once a week just walking and talking about things. Sometimes the phone calls don't always get made, but having a set time like this where we know we'll be together keeps that communication open. It becomes a set aside time that shows the importance we've placed on well exercise, but also each other.

I came home. Browsed the internet for information on graphic design certificates and human trafficking organizations in the Columbia area. I found one. I've been searching and didn't turn up anything except in Greenville and Charleston, granite they are not that far, but to keep doing what we're doing in Columbia and find a way to be involved in helping to combat human trafficking, I need it to be nearby.

Which brings me back to Greece. My friend Allison (buddy from college) and her husband George (Greek national) live in Athens, Greece. We got to visit them almost a year ago in September for a week and a half. I planned and schemed with George for months leading up to this, because he was set to make this a huge surprise for Allison. Well I sometimes forget not everyone cares for crazy surprises, that they have ZERO warning for! Although, after an hour or so, Allison and I were back in college again, staying up until the late hours (okay we arrived at their house at midnight so it was already late) talking and gabbing, and making Dubsmash videos to commemorate the moment--booooo, it won't post.

At Myrtos Beach--not Myrtle Beach, Myrtos
One of the things they shared with us was their heart for those being trafficked. They work with a local organization, and reach out to many Nigerian women who are prostituting themselves in exchange of caring for their families back home.

Athens from the nearby mountain
Our last night with them in Greece, we went to the top of the mountain that overlooks Athens. George shared his heart about reaching a city with the Truth that contains over half a million people--bigger than some countries. We went back to their flat and watched Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. My heart broke.

Since then, I've kept trying to pray and think on what it is that God would have me do. Why has my heart latched onto this horrendous act and made me not want to sit idly by and let this go on?

So I'm at a crossroads, and I hope that I can take the next step. What will I do to be sure I can be a part of this story of freeing a generation of enslaved people?

From the Acropolis in Athens

#133 Simple Nights

Well as you know, my heart has been longing for one on one time more often with my husband. In a world where so many things get put on the back burner, this is not an option to be tucked out of sight and not made a priority. Well God answers the prayers of your heart, and while I know that we're a long way from making this something that is regular--aka we will have to work hard at this, because love is worth it right? Anyways, back to what I was saying, God answers prayers because I've had now 3 days in a row of peaceful moments and date like moments with my husband. It's been a breath of fresh air.

We finished putting the dresser in place, and somehow this room feels bigger, or at least nicer. It's nice to grow out of the hand-me-down furniture and the stuff that's falling apart. Our dresser was in-salvageable. Stephen kindly reminded me that he was grateful for the fact I enjoyed making sure our house was presentable, but if it were just him, he would have lived forever with the broken drawers and dinged up top of the old free dresser we had. Guys.

#132 Like Playing with Legos

God is so good. Stephen has really befriended a neighbor of ours over the past few years, and we've both managed to have some good times speaking with their family and getting to build a friendship with them. They've recently had some troubles, and this family who has never gone to church came to service with us today. It was more than just a time to see what this church thing is about, they seem to really be seeking answers and I'm excited to see them looking to God for those answers. I would say so much more, but since this is public I do want to respect their privacy. It's humbling to be used by God sometimes, and so exciting when he shows up and just shows out!

We headed out to lunch shortly after at Subway with some of the gang. Shoe shopped a little, and then found our way back home--full and tired.

Although our lazy afternoon, turned into quiet work sessions. Stephen tucked away in our front bedroom sorting HotWheels cars, and I in our master bedroom putting together our Ikea dresser (we didn't get the coffee table after all). I'll have to post a picture of the difference here soon, but it's drastic.

Watched too many rerun episodes of Dawson's Creek. Too many.

#131 Ikea Bound

Today Stephen had planned on having a birthday surprise for me, but when his plans fell through, we finally got our Ikea trip instead! I told Stephen I wasn't in a rush to go, and that I didn't want to think about leaving until we hit double digits on the alarm clock--although us old fogeys could barely force ourselves to sleep in past 9:30 am. So much for that.

But we did lounge around the house until about 1pm, when we finally decided we'd need to borrow my parents Rogue to make the trip in cool air with big enough space to hold the dresser and coffee table I planned to buy.

Stephen spent the day trying to recreate this video..


We then found an Italian place to eat around the corner (okay 30 minutes away), and man was it delicious. We even got some Kahlua Cheesecake to take home. Yum.

#130 Banners and Double Dates

This morning I woke up bright and early to go help a couple of ladies at FBLex make a sign for this Sunday's Small Group Rally/ Ministry Fair. On my way, I got a trusty Dunkin Donuts coffee (why does drive-thru coffee taste better instantly than my own?) and a breakfast sandwich, because they were out of my muffin, actually all muffins. Yes I order muffins at a doughnut shop. Dunkin Donuts suck. Krispy for life!

Well after much discussion, lots of good talks, and a lot more procrastination, 2 and half hours in and this is all we had.

Wish I was joking.
Thankfully Robin got some pep in our step, and we were painting in no time, and done even sooner.

Paint away

After "paint class", I came home and got some stuff done before heading out with Stephen on a double date of sorts.

This was a first date for an Unleashed couple we know, but instead of doing it solo, they decided it'd be best to have someone with them. While the night was really fun, it just wasn't meant to be more than friends. This would be the follow up to my Secrets post a week or so ago.

#129 The Olympic Games

Tonight at our regularly scheduled second dinner (like a Hobbits third breakfast), I got to live in the presence of real Olympic royalty. That's right, TJ Malone and Kevin Prahl.

Real Splits. Real Men.
Right in the middle of Buffalo Wild Wings, with the Olympics game being broadcast on half the televisions in there, these two got down in the floor and gave us both their best split. I should have gotten their autograph.

Plus siting with a pretty great audience, talking the night away with Kristen, Kevin, and Aaron until my eyes were just a bit too heavy to stay awake.

#128 Birthday Celebrations Continue

Today I got to celebrate a bit more of my birthday with my favorite cake.

My mouth is watering again.

Laurie, my boss, is kind enough to make us all our own special birthday dessert. Carrot cake is one of the tougher, labor intensive cakes to make, and while she kept telling us how the layers were a mess because the cake was so moist (uh, and that's a problem?!), it was one of the best carrot cakes I've ever had! Yum!

Today in chapel, we didn't have a lesson, just sang some hymns from the good ole Baptist Hymnal (although we do have the updated version--10,000 Reasons updated). It was a great break in the morning to be able to stand and worship our Savior and all of his goodness. Thanking God for another year, and amazing people to celebrate it with!

#127 Dam Walks Are Back

Tonight, the temperature cooled down just enough that it was actually reasonable to walk the dam. So for the first time in about a month, my mom and I went to the dam for our walk. It was glorious. I forget that even though its a long distance, seeing the beautiful sunsets is like payoff for the hard work.

My mom bought a pedometer right before we went walking, and we figured out that we've been doing 3.75 miles walking the dam. Some nights it feels like more.

I'm so ready for this weather to be done. The humidity is killer. Fall can't come soon enough!

#126 Restless Mondays

Today I was supposed to go and have lunch with Stephen at his work. I had the day off because it was my birthday weekend, plus having to work put me in a position where I needed time out of the office--no overtime here!

So around 12:30pm I headed out the door to meet Stephen at work with some leftovers from home. While he helped a few customers, I started heating up his food, saying hello to Gary as he walked in for his lunch.

I headed back to his desk with all the warm, delicious, heated food in tow, and sat down. I then proceeded to wait for an hour and a half as Stephen ran around the office putting out one fire after another, while simultaneously trying to juggle 10 other things, including but not limited to interviewing someone in the conference room. I don't know how this man does it people.

I had to rush out to go meet my mom at the flooring place to look at samples for the house.
We had someone come and give us an estimate on flooring installation--but they don't secure the flooring for us, so we went to someone he suggested. Found a few viable options.

The Waterfront Oak is pretty much the only thing I've really liked in the house.

I came home shortly after, and kept thinking to myself how when Stephen got home we'd be able to enjoy a night in together. No distractions. Nothing pressing. Nothing we had to do. No house guest coming home that night. Until a couple of the guys from church decided to come by. Which honestly was great, except their quick stop by visit at 9:30 pm lasted until 12:30 am.

So here's some of that nitty, gritty, ugly, not always the best part of anyone's day type story, but for the sake of being honest I'll share it. I got really jealous. A time when my husband was right where he needed to be (a God appointed moment), I stewed away inside, getting more and more upset. Although simultaneously getting more and more upset at myself knowing that I had no real reason to be mad. 

But here's the thing people, our lives have changed drastically in the past 6 months or so. I know I've stated this before. Honestly I guess drastically may be too strong, but when you've gone on 4 1/2 years of marriage where it almost always is just the two of you 3-4 days a week, to now where you have a few hours in the evening on 2 to 3 nights (and that's if something doesn't come up, which case in point it does). And on top of always having things going on during the week, we now have a guest who's been with us for the past 2 months. Even our alone time, isn't alone anymore.

So when Stephen finally came back in, I didn't know how to feel or what to say. After trying to go to bed, and failing at it miserably, I went downstairs to try and just work out my frustration. Stephen woke up and realized I was gone, and well we had a little talk. At 1 am. I love my husband for caring enough to listen, as well as understand.

Thankfully the time alone downstairs had given me enough time to figure out that tonight was not the reason for me getting upset, it was just one of that catalysts that let the emotions rise to the top. It also gave me time to not get angry, but just share how I felt instead. I miss my husband. Our life is changing, and these are growing pains. Just still trying to navigate this marriage thing and find balance in the newness. 

#125 I'm Back Again, North Greenville

After church, we headed out onto the road with Grubbs leading the way, as we transported some of his college dorm room back up to North Greenville University for the new school year.

This place is my old stomping grounds. Although, it's changed so much I'm not even sure if I can call it mine anymore.

Taking these drives up through the mountains to get to the top of Greenville County, makes me miss being here so badly. Columbia may have our family, but Greenville has my heart.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We met up with George, Stephen's old boss from Pizza House. We talked to him about our time in Greece, reminiscing about the beautiful landscape of Kefalonia. Take me back...

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

Our adventure continued as we traveled through downtown Travelers Rest. This town has become such a cool place. Our old coffee hangout, moved down the street--doesn't quite have the same vibe. But it's new neighbor Tandem is amazing, I was praying it was open, but no such luck today!

We ventured on to Swee's house. She's one of those people that I feel I've known my whole life, and yet I've only spent about 2 hours ever with her. She's a car buddy of Stephen's, and even with the age difference Swee has a way of making friends and getting along with anyone and everyone, even the young! Her great dane Sadie kept weaving her way around everyone to get as much loving as she could, including trying to be a 100lb lap dog in Stephen's lap. One of her daughters and her husband were there, and we spent a good chunk of the evening just talking about cars and trips and life.

#124 Birthdays

This morning I woke up incredibly too early to head back out to Camp to finish our Saturday registration--for like 10 people. Nonetheless I got to enjoy a fun drive back again, this time in the early morning. The morning light an empty yellow glow.

I headed back to Columbia around 9 am. Stopped by Stephen's work on the way back in. Brought him some candy and a soda, before I headed out again onto the road to go back to home. I needed to get home and change, and also grab Jackson's Birthday present before going on to the party for his 1 year celebration!

I hit traffic. A lot of traffic.

I finally got turned around, on the entrance ramp to the interstate. Thankful for cops who ignore your blatant disrespect for the law and even stop traffic to let you pass through.

Got to see one of my many second families, the Robinsons, and this little goober stuff his face with cake.
He's the best.
The day and the heat had already taken its tole, and so Stephen and I headed back from the party to our house to take a nap and get some rest.

Stephen was open to a moment God had laid out for him--aka he got to spend time with a neighbor who is in a bit of a crisis in his life. I on the other hand was lazy and slept for about an hour. We got ready soon after to head out to my parents for dinner--my birthday dinner.

We spent the evening talking and eating, and I even received a sweet gift from my parents. A Vera Bradley makeup bag that will replace my old bag, which has seen a lot of use.

It was the simplest, but most pure birthday I could have asked for.

#123 Lyrics for the Books

Today I spent some of my morning sleeping in, doing chores around the house, and then heading up to Winnsboro to help with registration for our work event up at Camp La Vida. The drive up and back, while super boring, can sometimes sport some of the best landscapes. In my windowy Wagoneer Hank, I was left speechless a couple of times watching the sun begin to set behind saturated green landscapes and fluffy white clouds hanging in the sky.

This really does none of it justice. At all.
I began inserting random CDs from my early 2000 collection of albums and burned discs to see what kind of soundtrack I could make for myself, as the radio was patchy traveling the lonely path on I-77.

I started remembering a few of my favorite songs, well some of my favorite lyrics--I do tend to be the person who never listens to the actual lyrics or knows them, I just like beats of songs. While I've also never been big on reading or writing, or really could ever profess to have an expansive knowledge of literature or what is a great piece of literature, these little fragments of songs jump out at me. They have stuck in my mind, and any time I think of great lyrics these little bits get me every time. Their imagery evokes a specific reaction in me, and I can really see and feel everything I think the artist meant it to say.

"Slow Hands" - Interpol

I watched the pole dance of the stars


"Pink Bullets" - The Shins

Cool of a temperate breeze from dark skies to wet grass

We fell in a field it seems now a thousand summers passed

When our kite lines first crossed

We tied them into knots

And to finally fly apart

We had to cut them off.


But your memory is here and I'd like it to stay
Warm light on a winter's day.


"At the Bottom of Everything" - Bright Eyes

We must stare into a crystal ball

And only see the past

And into the caverns of tomorrow

With just our flashlights and our love

We must plunge, we must plunge, we must plunge


"Hide and Seek" - Imogen Heap

The dust has only just begun to fall,
Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling.

The last song, Hide and Seek, the way she sings it creates exactly the hurt and pain those lyrics convey. Whew.

Okay enough of my Senior year in High School and Freshman year in College music.

#122 Secrets

Tonight we had a couple join our college and career group (Unleashed) for the evening. They are relatively new members to FBLex, and are a little outside of our demographic--but that's just perfect! Steve has really been wanting to bring in an older age demographic into our group to provide mentors and build relationships to help bridge the gap to the church. This couple was super sweet and got to sit in our small group prayer time. It was neat to get to interact with them, hear their life stories, and see our group really engage back with them. I hope they see the beauty in our group, and I hope God can paint a picture of the purpose they could serve at Unleashed. It'd be really awesome to have them back.

We headed out to Waffle House (my choice) after Unleashed. We managed to fill up half the restaurant, but is that really difficult in a Waffle House? I sat with Emily, Sam, Callie, and Makayla, and we managed to share way too many fart stories for 20-30 somethings. And while the night was ridiculous, I have to say God keeps opening my heart more and more for these people, and keeps pointing out to me that this is our family. We've truly made a home here, and it's partially due to these amazing people.

I got to be filled in on a little relationship secret too--more maybe to come on that? Time will tell! 

#121 This Star Trek Generation

Sometimes I wonder if having this blog glosses over my life too well. While it is a big blessing to look back at days and see that even in mundane or rough days there were good moments to be remembered instead, I wonder about what I've left out. I have shared a few times where I've had a bad day, and how God turns that into something beautiful in the end, something that reminds me of His goodness and how He does fight on my behalf--there are many other moments that I choose to ignore on this blog that one day may show the same beautiful nature of God.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28

So an old acquaintance of mine from college posted today on Facebook in honor of her 4th wedding anniversary.When normally her posts would be filled with humor and jesting towards her husband, instead it was filled with gratefulness and sincerity in difficult times.

Celebrating 4 years of marriage. Click to make larger.
Thankfully, my marriage has been one of the few things that has seemed to hold me in difficult times. Some form of security God has placed around us, and while it doesn't mean we haven't gone through some things (even difficult times with one another), it means I can still cling to it to always be a safe haven. God's used Stephen to bless me greatly in my life. Push me in ways I never dreamed, and enjoy parts of life that I never would have noticed on my own. 

And so maybe from here on, I can try and post a little more of what's really going on in my life, focusing on the good but remembering when God shows up.

Tonight, after feeling like I really needed some time one on one with Stephen, and not wanting to demand it, I asked if he'd go to dinner and a movie with me. While our dinner ended up being us rushing through the drive-thru, we talked and ate in the car as the last few minutes before our movie began disappeared. 

We went to see Star Trek Beyond, in IMAX 3-D. It was really good. But goodness, could movie tickets get any crazier priced--especially IMAX prices? Whew! 

But I left the movie thinking how funny it is that one day, these movies are going to look like to a future generation how the first generation of Star Trek looks to me--old and dated! Right now is the revamp of an old show, and it feels so new and relevant. What the future will REALLY look like, unlike the old show. When in reality we have no idea how dated this will look in a few years.

A show I grew up on, watching in the living room with my dad. Eating up all the Sci-Fy movies and tv shows he used to watch. That was my childhood Star Trek, and right now this is another kid's childhood Star Trek. 

#120 More Storms

Another round of thunderstorms rolled through tonight. I'm soaking up each moment of it. So as I left the driveway this evening, I had to stop and take some video of the rumbling thunder, strikes of lightening and the pillar of rain falling in the distance.

Although Zen and Jason spotted me on their way into our neighborhood to meet up for the guy's Bible Study they've been having the past couple of weeks. Hence the "Hey" in the video.

Before I pulled out the neighborhood, my phone went off with a text from my mom. She was asking if we wanted to wait till the storm had passed. "Really, Mom? How big of a storm could it be?" Well big. I quickly called her and told her I hadn't expected a hurricane this evening, because between the crazy lightening flashes and flooding roads, it was about as close to a hurricane as we probably will see this year.

We both made it safely to Wal-Mart and proceeded around about 6 or so times, finishing up with some grocery shopping. We stood by our cars before heading home, talking about some family issues going on.

It hurts my heart to think marriages can get to a spot where one spouse just doesn't want to keep trying. I know there are many circumstances which can bring spouses to that point, but being a newbie at this marriage thing with 5 years under my belt, it's hard to imagine at any point wanting to give up on Stephen or have him give up on me. It hurts worse when a family member is going through this, and it feels like they were blindsided by the whole thing. To have your children turned against you, because your spouse feels vindictive enough to spread lies to them--just how did they get there?

I came home to find the guys sitting in an increasingly warmer home than when I left it. Matt assigned to duty of fixing the thermostat, which had suddenly turned off. After multiple guys trying to fix this thing, they finally realized they could test the breaker and be sure they hadn't blown a fuse. So they switched out a couple of fuses, and sure enough the A/C came back on.

I opened my new book, another Karen White novel, The Time Between. It's weird because the last novel had a much more wholesome main character, and while I didn't really love her character in that book, this new girl is quite the opposite. Not a war made widow pining for her dead husband, but instead a guilt filled woman who has at one point been with her sister's husband and sleeps with random strangers. Thankfully Karen White's novels tend to gloss over sensual material, so as not to read anything too risque!

#119 Fingernail Polish & Thunderstorms

The other day I painted my nails in the newest shade I received in my Ipsy bag. Trust Fund in No Filter color, it's like the perfect grey-rose color, although in some lights it looks  grey-purple. I've been staring at my hands all day, as I finally put on the right amount of top coat, and haven't managed to chip them yet! It's a nail miracle.

Excuse my wrinkly hands.
Tonight Stephen went to go meet up with his brother, Kevin, at Moe's with a few others. I'd already had Moe's for lunch so I stayed home with the dogs. Doing some cleaning, watching TV, and getting some soup heated up on the stove. Joanna gave me a jar of this dehydrated soup a while ago, and tonight seemed like the perfect night.

Veggie Chowder

Was so much better than I expected. 

I had some leftover soup, so that will be tomorrow's lunch! Was so delicious. It's been a while since I've had soup, or feel that the weather even calls for it. I mean we've been experiencing 100 degree days for like 2 weeks now. But in my pajamas, as the storm rolled in, sipping on soup--it was a pretty perfect evening.
A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

#118 San Jose and Naps

This morning we got up bright and early for church at First Baptist. We are sitting in on their first college life group, since the early morning means everyone is still a bit sleepy and a little quiet. Normally Sarah and Dan are leading our lifegroup, but since they had their newest bundle of joy on Friday they stayed in this morning--although not for too long because we saw them driving in as we were driving out to go to Oakwood for service.

They are choosing not to post too many photos of Mr. Judah Captain.
He will forever be known as "The Captain" to me! 

Enjoyed service at Oakwood, and got to see some of our favorite faces--the Joiners! They were off to have lunch with Chris's parents, so we scooted on over to San Jose with the gang. 

After filled bellies and trying to still rid this sunburn from the day before, we ended up in comas for the rest of the day--- I mean we slept the rest of the day. 

It's glorious to have days where there isn't anything you have to do, unless you just want to.

#117 Kayaking the Saluda

Kayaking the Saluda--Our Unleashed ad
Today seven of us from Unleashed headed out down the Saluda on our own self guided tour. I figured we'd be fine doing so, but once again being the person who is "in charge" sometimes adds to my stress level. Like everyone's fun is dependant on me--good thing as soon as we started down the river, my stress stayed behind on the shore.

This year we headed up stream, as we'd been told it was about a 25 min paddle to see the Dam. A few parts the current was super strong, pushing us back until our arms were exhausted. We had to get out and walk our canoes a few times, our feet becoming numb in the frigid water. Daniel saved me another time, as my arms were worn out fighting against the roughest current we'd faced. It was all worth it in the end, for a clear view of the spillway and the side of the Dam we'd never seen before.

The giant wall of a Dam in the background.
Amber and Phil docked near the spillway, and as we began floating back down the river they began yelling at us to come and check out the pool they found. The flood back in October caused them to have to open the spillways for the dam, because too much water had built up inside of the lake. Phil told us the landscape of this area used to be totally different, but the rushing waters from the spillway had pushed these rocks so far downstream that it built up a large pool. This little pond appeared almost as an oasis in the midst of the blazing hot sun we endured.

From the Saluda back to the spillway pond oasis. Just a bit of a hike through rock.

Makayla parting the seas! Looking from the cliff on the spillway to the river.

The warning signs about staying away, the fish skull, and the animal bones were not enough to deter us from scaling the rocks, taking a dip, and even cliff diving into the pool.

The guys making a hot tub out of the waterfall.

Amber standing on the cliff looking back to the Saluda.

The gang hanging out by the waterfall.

We headed back out onto the river after about an hour or so at the pool. A little sad to leave it behind, but we took lots of rock souvenirs with us! Thankfully the rest of our trip was downstream.

What I don't think we expected was how long it would take us to get there. We knew it was a bit of a paddle, but when you're already tired and heat exhaustion is kicking in, it feels so much further! We made it past where we'd originally docked from, and began the long trek down to I-20 where the Canoeing for Kids building is at.

Hunger was kicking in, and we began dreaming of Chick-fil-a. Makayla and I shared a granola bar, courtesy of Daniel. The water around us taunting us as we were dying of thirst. We came a little under prepared! 

On our journey down the river, Stephen finally caught a buddy.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We finally made it back, sun burnt beyond belief. We slowly made our way to Chick-fil-a to then reminisce about the long day we'd had as we ate some of the best tasting food. I think we're already ready for next year, although my legs may not be.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

#116 Babysitters Club

My parents were ever so gracious this morning and took Sansa to her vet appointment, so that I could be sure I made it in time to the Joiners house. I got to babysit Mr. Jack--it's been like 10 years since I babysat last. So while it was an experience, it was like the easiest experience. This kid is the best. He's one of the most easy going and happy kiddos.

He may have turned into a Tiger.

We did find out that Sansa has a UTI, which is why she's been not quite herself. I just feel bad it's gone on so long--maybe about a week and a half. They had to shave her butt too, so she looks a bit like a baboon.


#115 Leading Small Group

Me leading small groups is one of those things that causes me a bit of anxiety. Deep set fears of not doing it right, turning away people, and boring them to death. When I can have someone sharing that limelight and help lead, it relieves me a lot and takes out the overthinking. So tonight Zen helped lead. I know it was something new to him, but he has a great ability to speak with people, make them feel at ease, and be relaxed in all situations. Including helping me to relax.

So we enjoyed a good time with one another, sharing life, and prayer requests. Plus we had plenty of time to pray--which is a big deal! Our people like to talk.