#134 Tuesdays Have Routine

5:57 AM

My most routine of days is probably Tuesdays lately. Ever since Stephen and some of the guys from Unleashed have been holding a Bible study in our living room (which once again can I get an "Amen!" that God is good-->case in point), I feel the need to get out of the house. Last time I stayed cooped up in the master bedroom, I kind of went stir crazy and a little downer Debbie on Stephen.

So now I fix dinner (which we had Little Ceasers, so maybe I should have skipped this step for the blog), go walking with my mom for about an hour, shop for a little bit, and do a little driving around. I end up spending about an hour or so alone in my bedroom by the time I do get home, before the guys finally call it a night.

Today Joel was home before even I was, and Stephen stayed on the phone with a coworker and a friend, before the two of them headed out to get grub. I piddled around the house getting some stuff done before they came back with food in hand, and I dined and dashed out to meet my mom at Wal-Mart. Praise the Lord for air condition.

We got to talk. About a lot. I'm sure there is going to be the day (okay today may be that day) I look back and wish I could come back to these moments with my mom. Spending an hour once a week just walking and talking about things. Sometimes the phone calls don't always get made, but having a set time like this where we know we'll be together keeps that communication open. It becomes a set aside time that shows the importance we've placed on well exercise, but also each other.

I came home. Browsed the internet for information on graphic design certificates and human trafficking organizations in the Columbia area. I found one. I've been searching and didn't turn up anything except in Greenville and Charleston, granite they are not that far, but to keep doing what we're doing in Columbia and find a way to be involved in helping to combat human trafficking, I need it to be nearby.

Which brings me back to Greece. My friend Allison (buddy from college) and her husband George (Greek national) live in Athens, Greece. We got to visit them almost a year ago in September for a week and a half. I planned and schemed with George for months leading up to this, because he was set to make this a huge surprise for Allison. Well I sometimes forget not everyone cares for crazy surprises, that they have ZERO warning for! Although, after an hour or so, Allison and I were back in college again, staying up until the late hours (okay we arrived at their house at midnight so it was already late) talking and gabbing, and making Dubsmash videos to commemorate the moment--booooo, it won't post.

At Myrtos Beach--not Myrtle Beach, Myrtos
One of the things they shared with us was their heart for those being trafficked. They work with a local organization, and reach out to many Nigerian women who are prostituting themselves in exchange of caring for their families back home.

Athens from the nearby mountain
Our last night with them in Greece, we went to the top of the mountain that overlooks Athens. George shared his heart about reaching a city with the Truth that contains over half a million people--bigger than some countries. We went back to their flat and watched Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. My heart broke.

Since then, I've kept trying to pray and think on what it is that God would have me do. Why has my heart latched onto this horrendous act and made me not want to sit idly by and let this go on?

So I'm at a crossroads, and I hope that I can take the next step. What will I do to be sure I can be a part of this story of freeing a generation of enslaved people?

From the Acropolis in Athens

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