#126 Restless Mondays

2:50 PM

Today I was supposed to go and have lunch with Stephen at his work. I had the day off because it was my birthday weekend, plus having to work put me in a position where I needed time out of the office--no overtime here!

So around 12:30pm I headed out the door to meet Stephen at work with some leftovers from home. While he helped a few customers, I started heating up his food, saying hello to Gary as he walked in for his lunch.

I headed back to his desk with all the warm, delicious, heated food in tow, and sat down. I then proceeded to wait for an hour and a half as Stephen ran around the office putting out one fire after another, while simultaneously trying to juggle 10 other things, including but not limited to interviewing someone in the conference room. I don't know how this man does it people.

I had to rush out to go meet my mom at the flooring place to look at samples for the house.
We had someone come and give us an estimate on flooring installation--but they don't secure the flooring for us, so we went to someone he suggested. Found a few viable options.

The Waterfront Oak is pretty much the only thing I've really liked in the house.

I came home shortly after, and kept thinking to myself how when Stephen got home we'd be able to enjoy a night in together. No distractions. Nothing pressing. Nothing we had to do. No house guest coming home that night. Until a couple of the guys from church decided to come by. Which honestly was great, except their quick stop by visit at 9:30 pm lasted until 12:30 am.

So here's some of that nitty, gritty, ugly, not always the best part of anyone's day type story, but for the sake of being honest I'll share it. I got really jealous. A time when my husband was right where he needed to be (a God appointed moment), I stewed away inside, getting more and more upset. Although simultaneously getting more and more upset at myself knowing that I had no real reason to be mad. 

But here's the thing people, our lives have changed drastically in the past 6 months or so. I know I've stated this before. Honestly I guess drastically may be too strong, but when you've gone on 4 1/2 years of marriage where it almost always is just the two of you 3-4 days a week, to now where you have a few hours in the evening on 2 to 3 nights (and that's if something doesn't come up, which case in point it does). And on top of always having things going on during the week, we now have a guest who's been with us for the past 2 months. Even our alone time, isn't alone anymore.

So when Stephen finally came back in, I didn't know how to feel or what to say. After trying to go to bed, and failing at it miserably, I went downstairs to try and just work out my frustration. Stephen woke up and realized I was gone, and well we had a little talk. At 1 am. I love my husband for caring enough to listen, as well as understand.

Thankfully the time alone downstairs had given me enough time to figure out that tonight was not the reason for me getting upset, it was just one of that catalysts that let the emotions rise to the top. It also gave me time to not get angry, but just share how I felt instead. I miss my husband. Our life is changing, and these are growing pains. Just still trying to navigate this marriage thing and find balance in the newness. 

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