#139 Prahl Birthdays

5:00 AM

So when it's been a while, as in a couple of months, birthdays tend to happen in this giant Prahl family of ours. So we miss them because we're all a little spread apart--okay just us and Kevin really. Therefore make up birthday celebrations are in order.

After a morning at FBLex, we ventured on to good ole Greenville. Presents in tow.

We stuffed ourselves with cake and ice cream, blew out candles, and sang the birthday song. I got to talk with Amie for a bit, and it warmed my heart to hear how her, Whit and the kids always try and stay a little longer than normal on days we are there so they can spend time with us. While Stephen and I feel Columbia is where we are supposed to be, it's tough being away from family that we have in Greenville. Little nieces and nephews growing up before our eyes over FB, and we're barely there in person to catch a glimpse of it.

I feel Amie and I are forming more of a bond, which only makes sense now that it's been a few years. We're very close in age, and we even went to North Greenville together--although I did yell at her once when she lived on my hallway, but we won't go there. Haha.

It made my heart melt to hear how much they want to be in our lives; they've even tried to come on their own to visit us down in Columbia. Today though Amie brought up how when Stephen and I have our first child, they will be down in Columbia immediately to see the new one.

It's weird sometimes being an only child, to remember how sibling bonds are, and that your siblings will sometimes (on a good day right? haha) cross heaven and earth to be there to help and support you. With this family, I finally get that.    

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