#143 Missing Out

2:48 PM

Today was a good way to end the week at work. We had staff meetings this week, so today was WMU's, which means we go out to lunch together. We headed to the Villa, which has great Italian food. Got to spend some time with some of our Camp guys as well as Denny who has been helping us move this entire week. And while the food was very much appreciated, it sent me in my downward spiral of needing sleep.

Food coma. But also it put my cold coma into hyper-drive.

I woke up early this morning multiple times with acid reflux so bad that I felt I was choking, which is terrifying. I've had sore throats, sniffly nose, achy body and more, and so my body finally was telling me it was time to crash.

I came home to Stephen working hard on the cars. He told me the dogs had refused to go outside when he got home, which is odd since they stay cooped up all day in the house. He asked if I'd grab a cup of water for him, so I came inside to find that the dishes had been put away and done. I filled up Stephen's glass of water, and went outside asking him if he'd unloaded the dishwasher--No. Odd.

Came inside to find that the dish towels had been washed. So I put them away, and looked in the laundry to find my bra hanging up. Okay so this is not the doings of Matt, or is it? Why would he do my laundry and also touch my bra? Weird.

I came around the corner and found the couch pillows straightened up and the couch blanket folded. I headed upstairs to see all of our laundry folded on a freshly made bed. AH HA! It had to be my mamma! Who tried to play me for a fool when I called, but I saw through her quickly.

Such a sweet gesture, and so perfectly timed as today I was just too exhausted to do much more than put away the laundry. She wanted to bless us, knowing that there were certain things when she was working she wished someone could come and do--and so she came and did it!

I decided to take a nap on my freshly made bed, and that nap turned into mostly sleep, as since then I've been and out of consciousness--missing Thursday night Unleashed. Bummer.

Hoping tomorrow brings on some pain meds and better feelings! 

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