#135 Power Outage

6:07 AM

One, lets all have a moment of silence for the fact I've now driven two days without Hank. Gerard is a lovely little car, 2005 Mazda 6, but personality--he has none. Although he is quick, but Hank makes me slow down and appreciate life. So for that I am sad that I have not been able to drive the Jeep this week. Dumb heat #ColumbiaFamouslyHot

Tonight around 9:30pm, as Stephen, Matt, and I sat around talking about things (with the TV off, it's a miracle), the power went out. My husband, who has the most childlike amazement in things, sprung to his feet and was so excited "to see the sky with no light pollution"!

We all walked outside, and because the whole house was pitch black dark, Little Bear snuck by and out of the house. So in the pitch black night, our dog ran away up the street, with Stephen running after him. Thankfully after about 2 minutes, he came running right back home.

We all stood in the driveway, staring at the brightness of the moon that almost made you feel like it was dusk it was so bright. Shadows forming on the ground as we stood in the strong moon light. Stephen couldn't contain himself, and had to find out how far the outage had spread.

We hopped in the car, and realized the power was still going strong at the corner with the gas station, so we headed back by the neighborhood and beyond, and realized it was probably a good square mile that had been impacted.

It's little moments like these that I'm very thankful for a man who finds joy in the small things. Even his appreciation for old cars has rubbed off on me, as I'm missing my rusted panels, broken seats, missing door handle, squeaky, slow Jeep. 

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