#137 Riverbanks Zoo

9:27 AM

Well because I do not have any photos (since to download the video and photos I shared on Instagram stories was apparently too difficult for me) you'll have to suffice with online photos.

Side note: I think I'm starting to hit that age where technology may be slowly falling out of my realm of knowledge. Trust me, when it comes to tech stuff, I'm one of the first people ask to help troubleshoot things. While I have nothing more than Google search and trial-and-error knowledge, I tend to get something accomplished when trying to resolve issues. The problem is now--social media. Social Media was just starting when I began college (Facebook), and now there's so many Instagrams, Tweets, Stories, Snapchats, etc. that I can't keep up with how it all works. Mainly because I really just hate to be so connected and available, but some social media platforms I really don't care about. Nonetheless, I feel like a 90 year old grandmother learning how to move the mouse for the first time on a desktop computer. Hence my nickname from Stephanie is grandma.

Back to it...

Today I spent the morning and afternoon with Joanna and Jack. We ventured to the Riverbanks Zoo, which for South Carolina and for the size the zoo is, this is about the nicest zoo you'll see in the southeast (okay, minus North Carolina and Atlanta's zoos). They've updated so much, and I felt myself being blown away just at the new entrance alone.

Sets a whole new tone for the zoo.
We ventured on, taking breaks under the new outdoor misting areas, while ducking in and out of buildings like the Aquarium and the Bird House (whew it stunk!). We ended our afternoon at the Grizzly Bear exhibit, where all the bears were relaxing a lot like Daniel was in the stream of the waterfall on our kayaking trip--almost creating a dam with his fuzzy bear body as he sunk into the water neck deep.

We also saw the otters, but they were passed out and asleep, although a little wild squirrel stole the show as it very sweetly approached a little girl, trying to get food from her hands. He sniffed, and when no food was found, continued to crawl about approaching people.

Joanna brought me home after a fun day of relaxing and talking at her home, and afterwards Stephen and I went on an adventure/date to Momma Rabbit's, which is such a hipster cool place in Lexington with THE BEST food. I mean they can make their two specials something that you actually want to eat, when normally those kind of ingredients would scare me away too much.

We had both :) 

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