#118 San Jose and Naps

11:21 AM

This morning we got up bright and early for church at First Baptist. We are sitting in on their first college life group, since the early morning means everyone is still a bit sleepy and a little quiet. Normally Sarah and Dan are leading our lifegroup, but since they had their newest bundle of joy on Friday they stayed in this morning--although not for too long because we saw them driving in as we were driving out to go to Oakwood for service.

They are choosing not to post too many photos of Mr. Judah Captain.
He will forever be known as "The Captain" to me! 

Enjoyed service at Oakwood, and got to see some of our favorite faces--the Joiners! They were off to have lunch with Chris's parents, so we scooted on over to San Jose with the gang. 

After filled bellies and trying to still rid this sunburn from the day before, we ended up in comas for the rest of the day--- I mean we slept the rest of the day. 

It's glorious to have days where there isn't anything you have to do, unless you just want to.

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