#145 Bowling Party

7:16 AM

Today is another scorcher. I'm really just wanting this weather to take a chill pill and settle down. Don't know why it's so raging angry, but Columbia has lived up to their lame slogan "Famously Hot" for sure this summer.

So even though it was that kind of day, Stephen and Matt spent all day outside practically working on the yard and cars. I feel really, really lazy when they do that. So I decided I'd work on getting the mildew off of Hank, which unfortunately is a whole process. Thankfully I think we can just wax it and buff it from here, and then spot clean with Purple Power, but literally had to wipe the whole thing down in Purple Power and scrub. Otherwise the only thing to get the mildew off is my spit. Apparently my spit = Purple Power.

I took like 20 min shifts to get that done, because I cannot stand the heat, at least not like this!

On our way down the road this afternoon, Stephen and I look over at the car next to us as we're sitting in Hank, and this guy is caressing his window as he stares at us. At first anyone might would think the guy is being a creep, but that is some good ole Jeep Wagoneer love right there. I've had people wave me down, stop me in parking lots, drive next to me while talking through the window, and more because of this thing. I think Stephen has a real good method taking the Gospel to others--through cars--because man do they flock to a cool vehicle!

One thing you should know about me, I really don't like bowling. But I do like my friends, and I do love Lydia. Today was her birthday, so we headed out around 5 to go eat and bowl with a group from church. I really suck at bowling, but Menchi's Yogurt made up for it.

Love these people! They are good souls for sure.

PS. Sorry for the lack of photos this past week. I know they speak a thousand words.

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