#121 This Star Trek Generation

1:13 PM

Sometimes I wonder if having this blog glosses over my life too well. While it is a big blessing to look back at days and see that even in mundane or rough days there were good moments to be remembered instead, I wonder about what I've left out. I have shared a few times where I've had a bad day, and how God turns that into something beautiful in the end, something that reminds me of His goodness and how He does fight on my behalf--there are many other moments that I choose to ignore on this blog that one day may show the same beautiful nature of God.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28

So an old acquaintance of mine from college posted today on Facebook in honor of her 4th wedding anniversary.When normally her posts would be filled with humor and jesting towards her husband, instead it was filled with gratefulness and sincerity in difficult times.

Celebrating 4 years of marriage. Click to make larger.
Thankfully, my marriage has been one of the few things that has seemed to hold me in difficult times. Some form of security God has placed around us, and while it doesn't mean we haven't gone through some things (even difficult times with one another), it means I can still cling to it to always be a safe haven. God's used Stephen to bless me greatly in my life. Push me in ways I never dreamed, and enjoy parts of life that I never would have noticed on my own. 

And so maybe from here on, I can try and post a little more of what's really going on in my life, focusing on the good but remembering when God shows up.

Tonight, after feeling like I really needed some time one on one with Stephen, and not wanting to demand it, I asked if he'd go to dinner and a movie with me. While our dinner ended up being us rushing through the drive-thru, we talked and ate in the car as the last few minutes before our movie began disappeared. 

We went to see Star Trek Beyond, in IMAX 3-D. It was really good. But goodness, could movie tickets get any crazier priced--especially IMAX prices? Whew! 

But I left the movie thinking how funny it is that one day, these movies are going to look like to a future generation how the first generation of Star Trek looks to me--old and dated! Right now is the revamp of an old show, and it feels so new and relevant. What the future will REALLY look like, unlike the old show. When in reality we have no idea how dated this will look in a few years.

A show I grew up on, watching in the living room with my dad. Eating up all the Sci-Fy movies and tv shows he used to watch. That was my childhood Star Trek, and right now this is another kid's childhood Star Trek. 

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