#117 Kayaking the Saluda

6:27 AM

Kayaking the Saluda--Our Unleashed ad
Today seven of us from Unleashed headed out down the Saluda on our own self guided tour. I figured we'd be fine doing so, but once again being the person who is "in charge" sometimes adds to my stress level. Like everyone's fun is dependant on me--good thing as soon as we started down the river, my stress stayed behind on the shore.

This year we headed up stream, as we'd been told it was about a 25 min paddle to see the Dam. A few parts the current was super strong, pushing us back until our arms were exhausted. We had to get out and walk our canoes a few times, our feet becoming numb in the frigid water. Daniel saved me another time, as my arms were worn out fighting against the roughest current we'd faced. It was all worth it in the end, for a clear view of the spillway and the side of the Dam we'd never seen before.

The giant wall of a Dam in the background.
Amber and Phil docked near the spillway, and as we began floating back down the river they began yelling at us to come and check out the pool they found. The flood back in October caused them to have to open the spillways for the dam, because too much water had built up inside of the lake. Phil told us the landscape of this area used to be totally different, but the rushing waters from the spillway had pushed these rocks so far downstream that it built up a large pool. This little pond appeared almost as an oasis in the midst of the blazing hot sun we endured.

From the Saluda back to the spillway pond oasis. Just a bit of a hike through rock.

Makayla parting the seas! Looking from the cliff on the spillway to the river.

The warning signs about staying away, the fish skull, and the animal bones were not enough to deter us from scaling the rocks, taking a dip, and even cliff diving into the pool.

The guys making a hot tub out of the waterfall.

Amber standing on the cliff looking back to the Saluda.

The gang hanging out by the waterfall.

We headed back out onto the river after about an hour or so at the pool. A little sad to leave it behind, but we took lots of rock souvenirs with us! Thankfully the rest of our trip was downstream.

What I don't think we expected was how long it would take us to get there. We knew it was a bit of a paddle, but when you're already tired and heat exhaustion is kicking in, it feels so much further! We made it past where we'd originally docked from, and began the long trek down to I-20 where the Canoeing for Kids building is at.

Hunger was kicking in, and we began dreaming of Chick-fil-a. Makayla and I shared a granola bar, courtesy of Daniel. The water around us taunting us as we were dying of thirst. We came a little under prepared! 

On our journey down the river, Stephen finally caught a buddy.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We finally made it back, sun burnt beyond belief. We slowly made our way to Chick-fil-a to then reminisce about the long day we'd had as we ate some of the best tasting food. I think we're already ready for next year, although my legs may not be.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

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