#69 Visitors

6:40 AM

So we have had a visitor with us the past two days, well including today. It's interesting feeling guilty in the blessings God gives you sometimes.

This is NOT to brag, because not by any means does this mean our life IS perfect or that WE are perfect. That is farthest from the truth, trust me. I've struggled many years with pornography, I've struggled many times during college with other sins, and I've done some awful things in my life and some awful things to other people. But by the grace of God I've been saved, and forgiven. I'm still learning day by day what it means to pick up my cross to follow Him, and thank goodness in my shortcomings God is the one glorified!

So yes not bragging at all, but our life is pretty blissful and blessed most of the time these days. I'm so thankful that our marriage has been one that supports each other. Even when we're upset with each other or having to deal with a conflict, we've managed so far to do so with love and grace. It means I come home and feel like Stephen is a safe place for me, not a place of worry and stress. When we were tight on money in the beginning of our marriage, God blessed us with the financial sense from our parents' teachings to not spend more than what we had, and budget for what we did have. So not only did we pay off a car, but we were able to save money as well. Now we've been blessed with two great jobs, that pay way more than we ever earned before, and we have a home that is filled with far more things that we might need.

And in that, there's a bit of guilt. We don't struggle like some families, and you wonder why at times we are any different than others. But I remember a story once from a missionary at our WMU Annual Meeting. She spoke about needing a couch, and while that seemed like a silly request to send out to all those that supported her, her couch was her ministry. She held after school programs in her home to help the neighborhood kids with school and homework, as well as providing a meal that would probably not be given at home. She didn't have enough room for them all at the table, but she had enough room for them to use the couch as a table too. But her couch had seen better days, and she needed more space on that couch to squeeze more children into her apartment. So she prayed for a couch, and was given a couch. And she was faithful in using that couch for God's glory.

No lie, about that time we were buying our own ridiculous sized couch. I have a bit of design bug, so I really want our home to reflect us and feel warm and welcoming to others. Our odd shaped living room meant there weren't a lot of couch options that worked. We tried the two couch option from the two hand-me-downs we'd received when we first were married. It definitely didn't work. So we decided a U shaped couch was the best option. This couch was pricey, although we did find one at the bottom of the price range for that couch--so being frugal in our splurge! But it is a huge couch. Why did we need such a couch? Two couches really did work, it just was ugly. So why this couch?!

Our living room about 2 years ago, not much has changed.

So I heard her story, and I knew, this couch would be used for ministry. And while it's taken about a year or so to really get used, it's doing just that! Bible studies have been held here, deep talks and conversations have been held here, the beginning of a spiritual journey to salvation has happened here, relationships deepened here, and finally the beginning of outreach has begun here.

So yesterday, we had a new visitor. He's staying with us for a short time as he gets back on his feet. Those extra rooms in our house being put to use for the second time with someone needing to stay for a bit. And again, I'm reminded that God can use these blessings for Himself and His glory and purpose. In that, the guilt fades, and we realize why we live a slightly cushy life. It's not for us to hog up and use up on our own, it's to share. To share without reservation.

Trust me though, relinquishing that control and having to give up the blessings God has given you can sometimes be really tough. Having a guest in your home takes up funds, space, privacy, and can weigh on your marriage too if you're not careful. But God's going to give you the resources to get through those difficulties too.

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