#65 Long Work Days, and Longer IHOP Trips

5:13 AM

Today I worked on coloring book pages, and camper assignments until about 7:30pm before I finally left to head to church tonight. Scarfed down some Chick-fil-a on the way there, and managed to arrive at church around 8:30, due to running home for a get well card.

After church we headed out to IHOP which has become a tradition on Thursday nights of sorts. We bombarded them around 10:30 pm with 25 people. Maybe that's why one of the cooks quit? The poor lonely, last cook left took about 2 hours to complete our order--and then we got like 3 additional tall stacks out of it because the orders never worked their way out of the system. But this lead to a few good talks with the cook who was out taking a smoke break--since you know he'd been slaving over our meal for the past 2 hours, least you can do is thank him! :)

Right after some of us left, the 25 became like 8

I headed home separately, since I'd driven myself to church. I crashed in bed until Stephen finally creeped in around 2 am I'm assuming.

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