#83 FamJam

7:50 AM

Before we left for the lake today, we held a quick prayer for a tough meeting we had to have with someone. I think what God set out to accomplish, was done--and for that I am thankful!

We grabbed food, headed out to Holiday Shores, ate and had a quick devotional. Then the rest of the afternoon was fun in the sun and water. After being pushed in a couple of times, I spent some moments swimming and sitting on the dock.

It was a relaxed afternoon of fellowship and fun. It was so cool to me to see how well integrated everyone has become. God also reassured in me this morning that some of the investment I've made in individuals lives have proven to be fruitful and not gone unnoticed--which is encouraging. Also, at a point in the past couple of weeks I've felt rather isolated and alone. It's hard sometimes to put yourself out there with people to engage and be social when you feel no one returns the sentiment. Through missing out on Thursday night's service, I had countless people asking me how I was and telling me they missed me. I'm telling you, even though I felt horrible for missing Thursday, God used that as a way to prepare my heart for this weekend and to remind me that he has placed good people in my life--caring and loving people!

Our place.

Hank is lurking.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

Hank had some good adventures this weekend that is for sure.

We capped off the night at FamJam's first evening. Holy Moly! I have been to some VBSs before, but LexFBC's FamJam is a whole nother level! We'll be helping out all week being transportation for the kiddos.

Finding Neko aka Prodigal's Son

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