#122 Secrets

7:27 PM

Tonight we had a couple join our college and career group (Unleashed) for the evening. They are relatively new members to FBLex, and are a little outside of our demographic--but that's just perfect! Steve has really been wanting to bring in an older age demographic into our group to provide mentors and build relationships to help bridge the gap to the church. This couple was super sweet and got to sit in our small group prayer time. It was neat to get to interact with them, hear their life stories, and see our group really engage back with them. I hope they see the beauty in our group, and I hope God can paint a picture of the purpose they could serve at Unleashed. It'd be really awesome to have them back.

We headed out to Waffle House (my choice) after Unleashed. We managed to fill up half the restaurant, but is that really difficult in a Waffle House? I sat with Emily, Sam, Callie, and Makayla, and we managed to share way too many fart stories for 20-30 somethings. And while the night was ridiculous, I have to say God keeps opening my heart more and more for these people, and keeps pointing out to me that this is our family. We've truly made a home here, and it's partially due to these amazing people.

I got to be filled in on a little relationship secret too--more maybe to come on that? Time will tell! 

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