#6 Stayin' Alive

11:00 PM

Feeling a little more back to normal today, and managed to walk around and participate in life like a normal human being--yay! The day was a bit slow at work, but I was able to catch up on a few things on my to-do, and now here it goes trying to get myself motivated to begin some of the things that aren't always my favorite to do, but need to be done nonetheless.

Making a Murderer has absorbed a lot of my free time, because HOW CAN YOU NOT BE ADDICTED TO IT? My resolution to actually watch the news, has once again been taken over by watching this show in the morning, on my lunch break, and at least one episode or part of one a night. I'm on episode 7, and whew! Doozy.

Stephen and I enjoyed some spaghetti leftovers from our night with Robbie and Jenn, and a little salad--all our dressing has gone bad apparently. New resolution might need to be we eat more salads. Then we headed over to Steve's house to try and get my computer fixed, and talk about some issues arising in our College and Career that might need to be addressed. It was a good time of fellowship, and talking about some vision for the College and Career. Not quite as intense as most hangout sessions with Steve, so for that I'm grateful--I tire too easily!

But back to knowing when to intervene in an issue or argument, how do you know? I know my prayers need to be more directed at this issue, and that God's Word tells us to not to quarrel with one another, and that we need to make these issues right between one another. But when does outside help need to be involved? Having some younger ones who need to begin learning how to handle their quarrels and address things with one another in a loving, patient manner--well that's one issue. The other issue, is having a perceived leader who's actions don't always sit well with everyone. How do you in a loving manner help to mold that person into a more effective leader, without changing who they are? Has sin entered into this situation? Is this something deserving of correction or intervention? Whew. God is stretching us for sure.

Also, Stephen went in to get a consultation on his gallbladder today. Having found a few issues regarding his gallbladder that is most likely the source of his pain, he's now on schedule for surgery in February. Praise God, He brought peace and comfort to Stephen and answered a lot of his and mine's questions.

Finally, one of my favorite blogs has been officially taken on for an HGTV pilot called "Home Town" set to air on January 24!!

Ben & Erin Napier

This blog and people have been dear to my heart, as my last visit to Laurel, MS (my family's home town), stirred up such affection for this small town, full of people I rarely get to speak with or see, but that I love. Isn't family such an interesting thing? How time and distance can separate, but it never changes that you will always be family? How these people knew me before I knew them, and remember stories of my childhood, my moms, and my dads that I never have heard? How they fold you in, just like you've always been there and will always stay?

This candle is  the stuff of legends.
Something Good Today blog, by Erin Napier, was the extension of that family home grown feeling. I found her months after having visited Laurel for my Jones side family reunion, and the blog continued to fester a desire to know more about family and keep that history alive. So my excitement about this being a show, wellllllll it's intense. Probably more than it should be. 

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