#22 Fights and Healing

10:30 PM

It's hard sometimes to get the momentum going on my days off, although I realize I do guilt myself in to be productive, as I keep thinking how Stephen not only always has to work Fridays, but he works the occasional Saturday too. I am living the good life.

After a little cleaning and eating lunch, I finally called Jenn. She'd shared a few things via text, and well there were also a few issues looming out their in our little college crew that needed to be addressed. Praise the Lord, he gave us such ample time to catch up, laugh, and enjoy being around each other, and also let me express a few sentiments from our friends. I think this will help immensely on us all feeling like our old selves again with one another. It's hard when time and distance put some space between you, and you aren't ready to let go of such dear friendships--and in this case nor should I have to! So thankful for their friendship over almost 10 years! It is weird to me to think I've known them so long, and weirder to think it's not longer. Truly the best friends I could ask for.

Although about 2 minutes into the conversation, my dogs broke out in a fight. This is about the 6th fight they've had in the past year. We had about 4 of those almost back to back. I DO NOT handle these fights well. My response is to scream, clap my hands, and throw things around them to make them stop. Sansa does not fight back, and every time comes out with a nicked ear. Honestly the fights aren't bad, but the yelping, biting, knashing of teeth, light bloodshed (like a paper cut that won't stop bleeding), it makes it seem SO bad. I freak out. Poor Jenn had me screaming in her ear till I hung up to handle the dogs. Now Sansa has regressed to her corner again in fear, but I'm starting to read this article, and hoping we can get a handle on this (we know the triggers, just a matter of finding other ways to handle the situation).

We ran out that evening to grab some Hotwheels, no real luck. But fun hunting!

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