#24 Home Town
11:30 PM
Well the writer that inspired this 24 day experiment so far called a blog, finally had their new TV show air today!
I can't tell you how excited I was all day to watch this thing! Watched Downton first, and then watched this show. Such a cute couple. I could tell some moments were that TV nervousness, but I would have done 1000x worse, and they did exceptionally well! Loved the home, and they had some excellent changes and suggestions on what to do! So proud of them--even if I don't know them.
Church was really great. Good to see faces. Leadership meeting was intense, but I do not handle added stress well--and when people are upset, I get physically burdened by that. Empathy and compassion sometimes takes its toll. But I think conversations lead to good results, and aired out some of that female drama! God is moving, and this is a part of that growth.