#12 Quit Playing Games with My Heart

11:30 PM

Stephen headed to Greenville for an Annual Meeting event with TCI. He will not be back until Thursday. Can I say how much I hate him being gone? House is awfully lonely, even with my giant dogs. Tomorrow is also his birthday, and he won't be here. Ultra lame.

After another day on the job, I quickly ran by Taco Bell to get  Mexican pizza with extra tomatoes. Argued with the girl about extra tomatoes. "No, I WANT the tomatoes, don't take them off!" Finally go them, for free. I am serious about tomatoes.

Talked to my mom, and then the doorbell rang. Stephanie, Lauren, Lydia, and sweet Abby all came by for one last hang out before Abby leaves. She's heading off to Liberty. So ample games of Toss the Pig and Phase 10 were played!
Memories being made folks.
Saying goodbyes don't always register with me. We'll see her during breaks, but I was honestly sad to have Abby leave, and somehow I don't feel like my in person reaction is quite what my heart is feeling. It finally settled in when she sent me a few messages that went like this....
<3 me some Abby
I'm going to go cry now. So thankful for sweet friendships.

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