#3 Beginning of the End

6:56 PM

I think the theme of my new year so far has been staying up late and sleeping in even later. I won't complain, because it's coming to a screeching halt tomorrow! Back to the grind.

Today we slept in way past service, but our scratchy throats and exhausted bodies convinced us it was necessary. Rolling out of bed I came downstairs to enjoy a hot blueberry scone and a cup of Chai tea. We quickly got ready at around 12 to go meet our church crew for lunch at Fatz. I barely could eat all of my dish, thank goodness for leftovers, as I ate about 2 lbs of their rolls. Like heaven.

Loving this view.
Sitting around laughing at ridiculous year end stories, hearing life plans for friends, and seeing new budding romances forming, makes me grateful for these friendships that have kept us going these first few years of marriage in Columbia.

We wasted a little time after lunch until our leadership meeting at 3. Stephen and I ventured over to Red Bank searching for new Hotwheels shipments, to no avail. Next time.

Leadership meeting was encouraging and eye-opening as we enter into a much needed chapter of discipleship.

These people keep me going!
I will tell you how encouraged and excited I am to see this happen, as we keep trying to figure out what the purpose of our college and career group really is in the overall mission of the church.

I think far too often we raise up our children in the ways of the Lord, investing and pouring scripture in their lives, and then we realize we never prepared them to replicate what was done in them. Just recently Becka, my coworker, has begun mentoring and discipling me, and it's been wonderful to see how God is teaching me through her actions. I could immediately see the need for me to do this in my own life with others, but I know that I need to begin pouring my life full of God's Word if I hope to pour into others. So a new year to doing that, and preparing to disciple a couple of our freshman college aged girls. Right now I am going to be praying for God to give me a clear vision of who I should disciple, and covet your prayers on whether or not one of the girls is better being discipled by me or another, as I have already begun investing in her life. God only knows, and I'm realizing I may need to loosen the reigns and wittle down my pride in this process.

I spoke on the phone with my mom for a bit, because even though I have had two weeks off, I haven't seen her in a week. So we caught up, as she told me the aches and pains in her own life, that woman doesn't know how to slow down, and the aches and pains in the life of others. I relish in the fact we have a God who is our Comforter and Healer, our Portion and Strength. It's hard sometimes to see what God is doing when all these things keep toppling in.

And I still cringe and wonder what is looming in mine and Stephen's life. It feels so picture perfect and peaceful in our lives, and yet I feel like we are going to cross that bridge sooner or later where the bad and the horrible seem to crumble down upon us. I just always know the devil is waiting to attack. Maybe we have faced some of those roads already, but the strength of God has kept us afloat. My dad almost dying weeks before our wedding, my cousin's marriage facing rough times, my mom having hip surgery, Stephen about to have gallbladder surgery, and the passing of another cousin--but somehow it doesn't feel like it's entirely touched us. Praise God for His working hand in our lives and keeping us joyful and praising Him all through the sorrow! Even when we doubt, God us faithful.

So now I curl up to Downton Abbey, with two scones and cold coffee. The candles flickering, and the aroma of sweet olives filling the room.

My home view. The best spot on the couch.
I keep pausing and unpausing the show as I don't want this show to end! Here's to the beginning of the final season, and enjoying every moment till the end!

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