#1 A New Year, A New Outlook

11:30 PM

I've tried this blog thing before, and my lack of seeing things through meant this blog got pushed to the side and eventually deleted. No need to recall another half-hearted venture, right? But at the brink of a new year, and realizing the older I get the more cynical and down in the dumps I can get, I'm taking the lead from one of my favorite blogs, and posting one good thing a day. A way to make me refocus after long hard days, a way to help me recall those insignificant moments that get forgotten, and a way to see God's hand moving in my life. I pray this is a source of growth for myself, and a way to keep me accountable. So here we go!

We rang in the new year surrounded by friends--our church family.

Insert group photo..gotta load it in

Counting down to the new year, and spending our first few minutes of 2016 conducting probably the scariest and tiniest firework show, as our bottle rockets didn't so much soar into the air, as festering and fuming on the ground and then landing on our neighbors properties. Oops, promise we made sure no damage was caused! We sipped our champagne--aka sparkling grape juice--then headed on inside, as Stephanie freaked out over One Direction performing on Dick Clark's New Years celebration.

Because our night had not been eventful enough, I'm sure that's the reason 😉, Jason became immobilized by letting Abby, his sister, taize him! Oh yeah, there's video..

Insert Video...to come

Around 2 am, the house finally cleared out, and Stephen and I fell asleep in our comfy bed until around 12 pm that afternoon, a much needed nap! With no plans for the day, we fed the dogs and headed out to shop and Hotwheels hunt. It was a fun day, a quiet day, driving from one place to the next as a light drizzle came down on the windshield. We drove past Saluda Shoals, underwater.

After the flood, these places keep filling up with any rain fall.
We just went and saw the lights a few days ago with the Joiners, and good thing we did when we did!

While out and about, I managed to find a few things to get crafty with, and Stephen had limited success in finding some cars he wanted. We ended our outing at Fazoli's, filling our stomachs with twice baked lasagna, chicken spinach ziti, a slice of pizza, and enough breadsticks to make me Italian. It's been forever since I've eaten there, and while it's not Italy, the tiny metal chairs and the low lit lighting, I couldn't help but think that even in these little moments, life is pretty spectacular. I get to enjoy times like these with the love of my life, who keeps me entertained and joyful every step of the way!

We came home to sitting down in front of the TV watching Top Gear and Parenthood as Stephen sorted Hotwheels for his sale tomorrow, and I made me some knock off earrings--I am the Jack of many trades, master of none! One day I'll find my trade, but for now look at my creation!

My creation.
So cheers to a new year, and here's hoping your year started off just as fun and chill as mine was!

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