#16 All the Sleep

11:00 PM

We topped off our weekend at the beach retreat with great worship, and knowing one day we really will see Jesus face to face. We headed back to Columbia making a few Ollies pit stops along the way. We managed to roll into Lexington about 4 pm, fighting off sleepy eyes and tired bodies. After dinner, I crashed, and hard. I didn't manage to wake up until about 9 pm, where I watched two episodes of my show, and dozed off for another 10 hours.

Have I expressed though how much I adore this man I married? We can sit in silence and just enjoy being near each other, and the next moment be crying from laughter. Be aware there is a small persons jail in Florence, and the fence may or may not be short enough for you to reach in. That's all I'll say. Love. This. Man.

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