#28 HB Rhame

11:30 PM

So today I'd sort of worked myself into an anxious stressed out state because it was my first day with a couple of kids at a local elementary school. Our office decided to volunteer weekly by reading with a kid or two and try and help them improve their ability to read. So this was my official first time going, as my background check got delayed due to some errors.

So here I was anticipating what in the world might happen during our time there, and well the Lord gave me a peace just a little while before going. Honestly it was a lot of fun. If I let my anxiety control me, I can forget that quickly. But we just hung out for an hour, talking and going through a few of their core word flashcards. These boys are so cute. Mischievous. But cute.

I came home after work, ready to crash until church. But honestly because the day had gone so well at HB Rhame my anxiety about the evening had kind of dissipated. I was hoping for that. Because I tend to stress out every Thursday, to the point I willing have to force myself to engage and interact with people those evenings, and well it's exhausting for this introvert.

But every time I'm there, I feel re-energized. We had a lot of talks, and got to spend some good time with a lot of great people. One of our new guys, he's a little different, had a very very long talk with Steve, that I was able to hear a good chunk of, and well please be praying if you read this, for this guy. He's struggling with a lot of things, and there is no telling how deep that struggle really goes.

After church, say 11:30 pm, we finally made our way out the door to then drive to Waffle House with Jason, Phillip, and Lydia. Sometimes its these moments you realize how much you really love these people you spend so much of your time and investment with. They are great people, and even more fun to hang out with.

We kind of coordinate
Stephen and I, the old fuddy dudds, left before the crew, and arrived home at 1 am. Exhausted, and ready to sleep.

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