#10 Late Night Talks

11:30 PM

I'm not the quickest person to say something, maybe even when I need too. I tend to be shy and reserved, only showing my true personality to a select few I feel comfortable with. I try to be as genuine as I can, even despite this, and be me as much as I can. Just hard to break through that shell sometimes. And so today felt like I'd missed an opportunity due to that reserved nature I have, but only God knows--and honestly looking back I think this might be exactly what God did intend. I mean my ways are not always His ways.

Today we packed out Applebee's after morning service. Squaring away plans for the ski trip coming up, and then heading over to the leadership meeting to discuss this discipleship process.

Afterwards we came home, until I decided I really needed Starbucks and a scone pronto, otherwise Downton Abbey would not be all it should. So we raced out to run an errand, and then swung into Starbucks, where we tried to order two Benjamins, but they were all out! The nerve :)

We ended our last night together before Stephen heads off to Greenville, laying in bed reminiscing about the night before, and opening up about all sorts of things. Our late night talks are some of my absolute favorite.

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