#31 Leading Sunday

This morning service was really good. Pastor Rich has been doing series on "Lets Do It", yes there may be a few orange bins scattered around...
I bet Home Depot didn't know they were going to influence sermons.
And it feels very relevant to where I am in life right now, which is God telling me to just step out and faith and do it!

We met the crew for lunch at Bellacinos, and then headed to Leadership Meeting afterwards. The day was long. It's hard for me to sit in meetings for 1 hour, much less for almost 4 hours. Although I will say, despite aggravation and tension, it's been really productive, and I'm excited about where we're heading!

Came back home to a peaceful day, snuggled up in blankets, watching an episode of Fixer Upper,

Scones. So many scones.

and the newest episode of Downton Abbey. And can I just say, I think I am officially scarred for life..

Yeah pretty much my reaction too.
That was my face. Minus the blood. I think. 

#30 Olive Garden Mishaps

After hanging around the house getting a few more things done, (when does this ever end? the cleaning? the maintenance? Guess it doesn't) we hung out with Britney and her boyfriend Branden. It was definitely an interesting meal, but made me very thankful that we could spend some time with Britney. We waited a while in line, waited a while for our food, and some how managed to have 2 out of our 4 meals that were bad and needed to be redone. But luck would have it, and the benefit of knowing people--Amanda--we got compensated with free dessert around the table, and one free entree!

And let me just tell you....

This is what heaven tastes like.

#29 Days Off with Friends

Today I slowly got some much needed things done around the house, but on advice of Stephen decided for once to try and just relax on my day off on Friday. I tend to feel a guilt about working when Stephen doesn't, which is the life to only have to work 4 days a week--but then I feel spoiled too. So I took my time doing thing I wanted to do. It was super nice.

Then I spent the evening with my friend Tori from high school. So glad she takes the time to ask me to get together and then make time for us to get together. We enjoyed Pompeii pizza and saw 13 Hours at Columbiana Grande. Was a very intense movie, but really good. Plus who doesn't like a good "based on a true story" movie!

#28 HB Rhame

So today I'd sort of worked myself into an anxious stressed out state because it was my first day with a couple of kids at a local elementary school. Our office decided to volunteer weekly by reading with a kid or two and try and help them improve their ability to read. So this was my official first time going, as my background check got delayed due to some errors.

So here I was anticipating what in the world might happen during our time there, and well the Lord gave me a peace just a little while before going. Honestly it was a lot of fun. If I let my anxiety control me, I can forget that quickly. But we just hung out for an hour, talking and going through a few of their core word flashcards. These boys are so cute. Mischievous. But cute.

I came home after work, ready to crash until church. But honestly because the day had gone so well at HB Rhame my anxiety about the evening had kind of dissipated. I was hoping for that. Because I tend to stress out every Thursday, to the point I willing have to force myself to engage and interact with people those evenings, and well it's exhausting for this introvert.

But every time I'm there, I feel re-energized. We had a lot of talks, and got to spend some good time with a lot of great people. One of our new guys, he's a little different, had a very very long talk with Steve, that I was able to hear a good chunk of, and well please be praying if you read this, for this guy. He's struggling with a lot of things, and there is no telling how deep that struggle really goes.

After church, say 11:30 pm, we finally made our way out the door to then drive to Waffle House with Jason, Phillip, and Lydia. Sometimes its these moments you realize how much you really love these people you spend so much of your time and investment with. They are great people, and even more fun to hang out with.

We kind of coordinate
Stephen and I, the old fuddy dudds, left before the crew, and arrived home at 1 am. Exhausted, and ready to sleep.

#27 The Forgotten Days 2

Here I am on February 1, and I feel so exhausted, I can only imagine that's how I felt last Wednesday because it seems that is all I've felt for a while now. But really I'm pretty sure today we just sat around the house hanging out. Which is so welcomed and marvelous sometimes, isn't it? I kind of wish I could have that kind of night, tonight. Oh well I'll dream of tomorrow... ya know Feb 2!

Oh but thanks to the glory of your phone and it having date time stamp, apparently we did manage to make a quick trip to Walgreens for some milk, and my sweet handsome man had me pick out some chocolates so we could just sit down and enjoy them together. Guessing what each one held inside.

Life is like a box of chocolates. Is it though?
We live on the edge!

#26 The Forgotten Days 1

So apparently last week was a bit busy, and I never got around to actually posting anything. So here I am on February 1st, posting for January 26. We'll see how this goes!

Pretty sure I came to work, went home, and if my memory proves me right, we literally just hung out at the house. I've been in a very exhausted state of mind for what feels like months.

I'm not sure if it's the exhaustion of worry or anxiety, or if it's just my body screaming out for a break--but didn't I just have one at Christmas? Either way I come home, and I feel like I can't do anything!

Oh wait! My parents came over. I had left my phone at their house on Monday, and we had decided that since streaming Home Town at their house wasn't working, we'd watch it at ours.

It was a fun night of getting to spend time with them, talk, and watch and hear them as they saw images and stories from their own "Home Town". 

#25 Looking to the Future

I barely got any sleep last night, which resulted in me being super exhausted all day. But not until about 3 or 4 o'clock yesterday was I just DONE. Work just seemed to drag much more than normal at the end of the day. I was so happy to be driving home, except I didn't and ended up going to my parents so I could attend the visitation last night for Mrs. Cindy.

We came home and tried to watch Home Town, so my parents could see their little city and how these two are changing it. Dishanywhere.com was not having it though! So hopefully Tuesday night.

But in the silence of the TV, I spoke with my mom about the future. One of my largest hesitations to move anywhere else by within SC, or within the US, or to really follow God's leading to wherever he may take me, is this idea that I'll be taking any future grandchildren away from my parents. I'm their only kid, hence those would be their only grandkids. My mom eased my fears, but at the same time I know that if the Lord ever requires that of me, it will be tough regardless. I feel like I'm daring God not to do that, and in return I'm sure he'll ask that of Stephen and I. We will see, but we are open to the world of possibilities, and whatever the Lord may require of our lives.

So thankful for God fearing and loving parents. So thankful for my mother.

#24 Home Town

I can't tell you how excited I was all day to watch this thing! Watched Downton first, and then watched this show. Such a cute couple. I could tell some moments were that TV nervousness, but I would have done 1000x worse, and they did exceptionally well! Loved the home, and they had some excellent changes and suggestions on what to do! So proud of them--even if I don't know them.

Church was really great. Good to see faces. Leadership meeting was intense, but I do not handle added stress well--and when people are upset, I get physically burdened by that. Empathy and compassion sometimes takes its toll. But I think conversations lead to good results, and aired out some of that female drama! God is moving, and this is a part of that growth.

#23 Road Trips and New Parts

After a long day at the office, Stephen came home and quickly sold the Miata for an extra $700 on top of what he had invested (literally drove it home and sold it). Which in return helped to fund his most recent purchase of a new hood and bumper for the Mazda.

But before we could actually purchase them, we had to drive all the way to Atlanta to get them. Well the best way to pick up a hood, is just to put it right on, which means, you need to take your current one off. Which results in this for a 3 hours drive down to Atlanta....
My mom thought the new hood was blue after seeing this.

But when you finish, it looks something like this... 
5/4/16 New Bumper is about to be put on finally!

Which doesn't really do the hood justice, because it's totally reshaped with new hood vents and slopes. Very nice! 

It was a fun drive, but long. Always long! 

#22 Fights and Healing

It's hard sometimes to get the momentum going on my days off, although I realize I do guilt myself in to be productive, as I keep thinking how Stephen not only always has to work Fridays, but he works the occasional Saturday too. I am living the good life.

After a little cleaning and eating lunch, I finally called Jenn. She'd shared a few things via text, and well there were also a few issues looming out their in our little college crew that needed to be addressed. Praise the Lord, he gave us such ample time to catch up, laugh, and enjoy being around each other, and also let me express a few sentiments from our friends. I think this will help immensely on us all feeling like our old selves again with one another. It's hard when time and distance put some space between you, and you aren't ready to let go of such dear friendships--and in this case nor should I have to! So thankful for their friendship over almost 10 years! It is weird to me to think I've known them so long, and weirder to think it's not longer. Truly the best friends I could ask for.

Although about 2 minutes into the conversation, my dogs broke out in a fight. This is about the 6th fight they've had in the past year. We had about 4 of those almost back to back. I DO NOT handle these fights well. My response is to scream, clap my hands, and throw things around them to make them stop. Sansa does not fight back, and every time comes out with a nicked ear. Honestly the fights aren't bad, but the yelping, biting, knashing of teeth, light bloodshed (like a paper cut that won't stop bleeding), it makes it seem SO bad. I freak out. Poor Jenn had me screaming in her ear till I hung up to handle the dogs. Now Sansa has regressed to her corner again in fear, but I'm starting to read this article, and hoping we can get a handle on this (we know the triggers, just a matter of finding other ways to handle the situation).

We ran out that evening to grab some Hotwheels, no real luck. But fun hunting!

#21 I don't have a home computer

Sadly to say I do not have a home computer, so I had been posting some things from my phone, but that gets tough on the ole hands, especially when you can't text properly.

Thursday was here in the office, then home to quickly whiz out to Unleashed that evening. Stephen was held up with Kevin, his brother, trying to do an oil change on Kevin's car. Stephen posted a few cars up for sale that evening--with my help of uploading images. Because they were in a rush to get to Unleashed, I stopped by to pick up Stephen's stomach medication (he's getting his gallbladder out in a month), and some food for these guys. PS. We have got to go shopping--we've been eating out sooo much!

Unleashed was good. We had a decent crowd, even with the crud going around. I swear I'm not this sick normally. During Stephen's message on Balaam and his donkey, I saw a text from my mother about our neighbor Mrs. Cindy. She had passed away that evening due to complications with her lungs and a combination of the cancer that had spread. I sat there, tears slowly streaming down my face as Stephen continued to speak. I could have walked out and bawled. Its tough when death hits so close to home. While I may not have been family to Mrs. Cindy, I grew up with her right next door. Her oldest just a few years younger than me, and her youngest still in grade school. I tried to remember she was in a better place, but my heart mourned for their loss and how the rest of their life will forever be changed by this moment.

We stayed late, and I got to chat with Kat (Kevin's girlfriend) and Kimmie. We aired out a few other issues going on in Unleashed--whew you put a bunch of girls together and there is DRAMA! I thought this would end as adults, but I guess I shouldn't have expected so much.

The night was good though, productful and challenging.

#20 Chicken Tenders and Laughs

Today was another day that I realize I have begun to blow things out of proportion-hugely. I've been meeting with Becka for a while, and she's been discipling me. I honestly don't know how this process is supposed to go, so I've been along for the ride. I think a combination of what happened a couple of weeks ago, some sin in my own life, and Becka feeling frustrated at my lack of effort--well it all came to a head today. I went home feeling a bit frustrated and dejected. Most of all though I realized I'd not spoken my mind really with Becka. I hadn't been honest to her or me about what God is calling me to.

I realize I don't think I'm called to be a missionary--although Becka is helping me to define that--which we'll see where that goes. But I am called to live on mission for God, and I have some ideas on what that may be. I more so see using my talents to glorify God, and to bring awareness to and help facilitate taking the gospel to the nations. And I also had to define nations, which I feel like I'm getting set up, and am going to give the wrong answer on the test. Hmph.

But today as the day came to a close, Stephen and I went and grabbed dinner at Chick-fil-a. This man is awesome. He goes and gets my icecream cup when they mess up my chicken tender kids meal. He just does it. I don't have to ask.

As we sat there in the quiet dark Chick-fil-a restaurant, sitting at our high top table looking out the window into a cold dreary night, Stephen retold his story about speaking with some timeshare people about a stellar deal on a vacation. He confidently reassured me he'd tried every possible way to prove or disprove if it was a scam, and he determined it to be valid. He's cute when he defends himself--although not cute when he keeps reminding me how horrible I am to smash the dogs tail in our sliding glass door--don't look at me with those eyes! At the end of their conversation, the guy on the phone needed to validate information from Stephen to finish.

Timeshare Man: "Are you still currently at ____ address?"

Stephen: "No, actually I've moved since then. I'm now at _____." 

Timeshare Man: "Can we call you at _________ number?"

Stephen: "Yes, that's correct."

Timeshare Man: "Are you still over the age of 25?"

*Long Pause*

Stephen: "Well actually I HAVE gotten younger since then. I'm Benjamin Button."

#19 Those Dam Hotwheels

Thought I cussed there didn't you? Well if you haven't figured out a trend yet in my life, then I'll let you in on a secret. It goes something like this:

  1. Lazy Days
  2. Wagoneer Driving
  3. Dogs
  4. Hotwheels
  5. Jesus
  6. Friends
I do believe that sums up the past 3 weeks, and probably a good bit into the future. 

My work day was a minor challenge, but not much. By the end of the day my mind was at ease. Lately on the route home, 26 has been backed up badly, and 20 backs up onto 26, which causes more issues. So I've been taking a detour home, which includes having to drive across Lake Murray Dam. Right now with the winter hours being the way they are, I hit the Dam at the perfect time. I get to take in moments like this.

A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

PS. Hank the Wagoneer is seriously the best vehicle to catch views in. The whole thing is just windows, with a steel bottom it seems like.

To the right, the lake with a sunset, and to the left, downtown twinkling in the night time sky. Beauty.

After a quickie dinner of pancakes and eggs, Stephen and I headed out to Second and Charles to scope out the Hotwheels collection they have going right now. Literally $387 later, we have close to 200 desirable Hotwheels, and me having to cut Stephen off. Just kidding, but for real he's going back in this morning to see about getting a deal on the rest. Glad it's good stuff, and things he can resell.

#18 Thrifting and Company

I had the day off today! So I headed out the door this morning with Joanna and Jack, as we set out to find a pair of chairs for Stephen's office since I painted it back in December. The first thrift store we went to, I found two leather/pleather rolling chairs in a mustardy brown that fit the bill for $10 a piece. A few nicks and tears, but nothing a hot glue gun can't fix. Also would love to rub a bit of brown Rub N'Buff into it so we can tone down the mustard yellow color. Hoping they'll look great!

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We then trekked on over to Havird's to pick up Christopher for lunch at Zesto's. Columbia favorite, and something these two out of towners had never tried before. Was pretty good, and man was it packed! Plus we got schooled in a few of the Zesto's dos and don'ts. We'll know for future reference now! We swung into Joanne's on the way back to Havird's to pick up Chris's car. Found a sewing kit for Sydney (maybe next Christmas?) on the cheap!

After dropping off Chris, Joanna and I headed to the local Bakery Discount Store--never been before! We snatched up a bunch of types of bread for 89 cents a pop, and made a pit stop on our way back to my house by Sonic for our free slushies. Ending our adventure with some leisurely time on the couch, before it was Jack's nap time.

Stephen tried to find me a center console for Hank out at the junk yard, but no luck! Next time. We chilled out until 7:30pm for our Bible studies. I headed off to Starbucks and got to hang out with Nicole, Sarah, Stephanie and Lauren for a bit, as we caught up on life and digested a little bit of God's word in Hebrews 4.

These days fill up and go so fast. Trying to enjoy every moment of it!

#17 This Weather

Again, I was sick. I think it's this constant change in weather from warm to cold. We had 65 degree weather on Saturday as we drove back from the beach--and it was glorious! Then we quickly went back to the 40s, and 20s during the evening.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

But it was a nice day of relaxing with Stephen at the house. We got out for just a moment to get some dog food and a few other essentials, then quickly got back into our cozy PJs and lazy routine. A much needed day of rest and breaks. Pretty sure I've slept the past 20 hours of the past 36.

#16 All the Sleep

We topped off our weekend at the beach retreat with great worship, and knowing one day we really will see Jesus face to face. We headed back to Columbia making a few Ollies pit stops along the way. We managed to roll into Lexington about 4 pm, fighting off sleepy eyes and tired bodies. After dinner, I crashed, and hard. I didn't manage to wake up until about 9 pm, where I watched two episodes of my show, and dozed off for another 10 hours.

Have I expressed though how much I adore this man I married? We can sit in silence and just enjoy being near each other, and the next moment be crying from laughter. Be aware there is a small persons jail in Florence, and the fence may or may not be short enough for you to reach in. That's all I'll say. Love. This. Man.

#15 Polar Bear Club

We started our day bright and early to the crashing of the waves on the beach, since we left the sliding door open that night. We quickly got ready, brewed a quick cup of coffee, and made our way down to the second session of the retreat. We struggled to stay awake, as 4 hours of sleep just does not cut it.

Our day was a great time of meeting new faces, and going deep in God's Word seeing the times God came face to face with people. Challenging talks, and insightful messages.

He loves me.
We enjoyed a quiet lunch at Nacho Hippos, excellent food. I did think I was having an allergic reaction based on how bad my ears were burning and on account of my tongue going numb. But it was worth the pain. So worth the pain.


Wrapped the day up with another session, and Stephen's crazy stunt to end the night. Jamie, Topher, Jamie and Stephen all ran into the ocean in 40 degree weather polar bear style. Amazingly no fingers or toes were lost.

A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

#14 New Beginnings

Today we spent the majority of our work day at Shandon Baptist Church for the election of our new Executive Director of the SCBC. It was a good day, and of course Dr. Hollingsworth was elected. God really seems to have led him here to SC, and I know many people are excited for what new and needed changes this will bring.

After a long day there, I trucked back home in the Wagoneer, taking in the sights of Columbia. This big city we never took huge advantage of when we lived outside its borders, but one booming and growing with lots of history untold. We did spend many days at the Riverfront Park with Spence, as we walked along the rivers edge. Enjoyed a few local hot spots to eat at. I spent a few nights at the Nickelodeon, the local movie theatre that shows all sorts of never heard of up and coming films. Attending a few too many Greek Festivals in the summer. It's a unique place, Columbia. Keep on Soda City, keep on.

Downtown View. Well kind of.
At home, I was able to spruce up the house some, before Stephen came home. As soon as we could, we broke out for Myrtle Beach for our church's 21st annual beach retreat. We promptly arrived at 2am Friday morning......ugh! So tired, and we crashed until we woke early the next morning. Not nearly enough sleep.

Myrtle Beach Sunrise

Our drive up to MB was fun. Somehow we stayed alert, catching up on our weeks and talking the whole way. It was such a good car ride, as I hate how quick phone calls during the week can be, it was our time to reconnect.

#13 Simple Day

Unfortunately with work being an odd week, and my lack of diligence, I am a bit behind in posting this! Today I spent the evening with my parents. We had bbq sandwiches and mac and cheese, where I analyzed the green and red specs thinking it was mold. Come to find out my dad got spicy with the mac and cheese and put some pepper jack in them.

Can't explain how good it is to spend time with my parents. It's odd that transition from them being the overbearing parents (even if they really weren't), fighting their decisions, and feeling like they know nothing, to now being your friends, the people you confide in, the people you enjoy seeing, and them being family and not just parents. It's a great transition, but I'm not sure when it exactly takes place. When you go off to college and begin making your own choices? When you return after college and finally have a career? When you run off and get married? When you're established in a home you've bought, with cars you pay for, and dogs you spoil? Who knows exactly, but it's odd to see your parents in such a new light, when you spent so many years thinking of them in one way.

Ipsy is the bomb. Like really.
Ipsy bag is in!

Excuse my lack of eloquence. Ipad typing is challenging to get wordy.

#12 Quit Playing Games with My Heart

Stephen headed to Greenville for an Annual Meeting event with TCI. He will not be back until Thursday. Can I say how much I hate him being gone? House is awfully lonely, even with my giant dogs. Tomorrow is also his birthday, and he won't be here. Ultra lame.

After another day on the job, I quickly ran by Taco Bell to get  Mexican pizza with extra tomatoes. Argued with the girl about extra tomatoes. "No, I WANT the tomatoes, don't take them off!" Finally go them, for free. I am serious about tomatoes.

Talked to my mom, and then the doorbell rang. Stephanie, Lauren, Lydia, and sweet Abby all came by for one last hang out before Abby leaves. She's heading off to Liberty. So ample games of Toss the Pig and Phase 10 were played!
Memories being made folks.
Saying goodbyes don't always register with me. We'll see her during breaks, but I was honestly sad to have Abby leave, and somehow I don't feel like my in person reaction is quite what my heart is feeling. It finally settled in when she sent me a few messages that went like this....
<3 me some Abby
I'm going to go cry now. So thankful for sweet friendships.

#11 Day Like Any Other

I realize I really find myself more and more struggling with anxiety over social situations. Sometimes I could have been around these people my entire life, and knowing I have scheduled meet ups with peoples puts this anxiety cloud over my day. About the only people this doesn't happen with is family, Stephen, and college buddies. Ugh I have got to learn to get over it, cause I always have a blast. Repeat to self, right?

So after a very slow, normal, non-exciting day at work, I headed home. Because traffic was so backed up on the interstate (PS. let me mention Columbia is like the worst at roadways; there is literally no way to get around from place to place WITHOUT being on the interstate at some point), I missed my normal exit, and headed to St. Andrews Road to head over the Lake Murray Dam.
These views can make all things right.
Worth it. Horrible shot, but the was setting just right over the lake, with the moon and stars already showing. Stunning. Plus, anything out this "windowy" Jeep is pretty stellar these days.

Got home, let the dogs out, and then headed to Starbucks to meet up with our girls from college & career. Was a great night of fellowship before we enter into a new chapter of discipleship and Bible study. 

#10 Late Night Talks

I'm not the quickest person to say something, maybe even when I need too. I tend to be shy and reserved, only showing my true personality to a select few I feel comfortable with. I try to be as genuine as I can, even despite this, and be me as much as I can. Just hard to break through that shell sometimes. And so today felt like I'd missed an opportunity due to that reserved nature I have, but only God knows--and honestly looking back I think this might be exactly what God did intend. I mean my ways are not always His ways.

Today we packed out Applebee's after morning service. Squaring away plans for the ski trip coming up, and then heading over to the leadership meeting to discuss this discipleship process.

Afterwards we came home, until I decided I really needed Starbucks and a scone pronto, otherwise Downton Abbey would not be all it should. So we raced out to run an errand, and then swung into Starbucks, where we tried to order two Benjamins, but they were all out! The nerve :)

We ended our last night together before Stephen heads off to Greenville, laying in bed reminiscing about the night before, and opening up about all sorts of things. Our late night talks are some of my absolute favorite.

#9 Lazy Days for Playing

Today Stephen and I did things around the house. As he worked on the old Jeep, and put replacement parts on my new Jeep Hank, I was inside putting away a few Christmas items (not all, I'm not a Grinch), doing dishes, and the laundry.

Wagoneer. Woody. Tom Hanks. Hank.

Hank is looking pretty nice if I do say so myself. Is it weird to get so excited about driving a vehicle? Every time I climb in this thing, I feel like the coolest person alive, and like I've stepped back in 1989, which would make me 1 years old. I'm a pretty stellar driver for 1. Just saying.

We ended the night with another trip back to Garners Ferry, and had a ton of fun on our scenic route to Ollie's trying to find the last few Trix Metal on Metal Hotwheels trucks. I think Hotwheels needs to pay me for all my free promotion of them.

#7 & 8 Grace Like Rain

Well third time is a charm in trying to post this, that will teach me to save what I write! And I need to combine these, because I feel it's the highest high and lowest low, and one doesn't feel right without the other.

Thursday was normal in any other sense, and there is no real telling why it ended the way it did. I went to work like normal. Participated and did my work like normal. There was the abnormal retirement party for Mrs. Fan, and I kind of wonder, in light of hearing the kind of woman I know Mrs. Fan to be, if my self worth and reflection of my own life seemed to dimenish in comparison. Now reflecting, Mrs. Fan has had many years to become the Proverbs 31 lady she is. God has cultivated and molded her into the woman she is today through many ups and downs, good times and bad. I am slowly learning my identity lies of course in our Heavenly Father, but sometimes when you feel unworthy, it's hard to believe the worth Christ gives.

After resolving an issue with a WMU lady, and I felt I handled very well, the overshadowing disapproval of my work from another coworker loomed. I can handle criticism, but there are days and times where it builds up, where words are expressed unrelentingly, and no good comes from it on either side. Nothing is to be resolved, or can be when a coworker does not want to give proper critical suggestions, but only negative criticism.

So as the work day ended, and I climbed in my Jeep, I began to sob.
What am I doing here? Who have I become? What kind of person am I to be? Do I do a good job? Is this the place I'm to be? Do I demonstrate a Godly life, love, and compassion to others? Am I a good friend? All these doubts and questions I've battled for some time came crashing in.

I pulled in the driveway to find Stephen home, and it took me the better part of an hour to even express what was going on, and all I could do between every couple of words was cry. 

Here I am, feeling unworthy of Christ's love, doubting why He could love me, and here is the man I adore, and I can't help but think the same.  Why and how could he love this mess? Crazy, sobbing, unreasonable mess? Did he sign up to console this woman who barely believes in herself? Did he sign up to have to be her confidence and voice of reason? 

And the thing is, he didn't, but he did sign up for this. He loves all of me, and just as Christ loves me, here he had put a shining example of that kind of love in front of me. Reluctantly I went with Stephen to Unleashed, and well, God knows what He's doing. I needed to be there.

We began with our small groups of prayer, and my inability to handle certain people, to not allow them to dominate conversation, was blaring in like the full force of the sun. Of course, leaving me feeling helpless, and once again not equipped. But as we walked into worship late, the words from this Passion song were up on the screen.
This song gets me now, every time.
I am not my inabilities, I am loved by God, and that's who I am. He is ever faithful, and that includes me. And my strength is most clearly not my own, but His. As the night continued, I had many conversations that I believe to be building foundation for more. Amber approached me, and wanted me to disciple her, and her seeing how inadequately equipped I was earlier, it's only a God thing that occurred. Then later, Stephanie asked to talk with me, unleashing some of her burdens. And I still feel unequipped, but as long as I stop relying on me, and rely on God all the more, this thing called life is just an act of obedience, not always something I have to figure out every step of.

Not coming home until about 1 am, I immediately went to bed. I woke up on my Friday off, and opened God's Word to not only confirm the good work of WMU in my devotional, but a reminder of God's concern for me. He sees me, knows me, loves me, and cares for me. I am not forgotten, my pain and cries not unheard. He is a good, good Father for sure. 

I spent the rest of the day with my parents at lunch and at their home. Sharing stories of life as it is now, and dogs. I whisked away later to Books-a-Million while on the way home to buy a coloring book, but instead of home, met up with Kevin, Kat and Stephen for Firehouse subs. 

Stephen and I came home, I colored and he played video games. 
You can't see it, but this book is filled with scripture.

Late at night we ran out to Garners Ferry to Hotwheels hunt, pick up essentials, and get out of the house. We enjoyed a late night snack at Krispy Kreme with more conversation, laughs, and milk to make the ending of a good day, a great day.

Praise God for his many blessings, and timely reassurance!

#6 Stayin' Alive

Feeling a little more back to normal today, and managed to walk around and participate in life like a normal human being--yay! The day was a bit slow at work, but I was able to catch up on a few things on my to-do, and now here it goes trying to get myself motivated to begin some of the things that aren't always my favorite to do, but need to be done nonetheless.

Making a Murderer has absorbed a lot of my free time, because HOW CAN YOU NOT BE ADDICTED TO IT? My resolution to actually watch the news, has once again been taken over by watching this show in the morning, on my lunch break, and at least one episode or part of one a night. I'm on episode 7, and whew! Doozy.

Stephen and I enjoyed some spaghetti leftovers from our night with Robbie and Jenn, and a little salad--all our dressing has gone bad apparently. New resolution might need to be we eat more salads. Then we headed over to Steve's house to try and get my computer fixed, and talk about some issues arising in our College and Career that might need to be addressed. It was a good time of fellowship, and talking about some vision for the College and Career. Not quite as intense as most hangout sessions with Steve, so for that I'm grateful--I tire too easily!

But back to knowing when to intervene in an issue or argument, how do you know? I know my prayers need to be more directed at this issue, and that God's Word tells us to not to quarrel with one another, and that we need to make these issues right between one another. But when does outside help need to be involved? Having some younger ones who need to begin learning how to handle their quarrels and address things with one another in a loving, patient manner--well that's one issue. The other issue, is having a perceived leader who's actions don't always sit well with everyone. How do you in a loving manner help to mold that person into a more effective leader, without changing who they are? Has sin entered into this situation? Is this something deserving of correction or intervention? Whew. God is stretching us for sure.

Also, Stephen went in to get a consultation on his gallbladder today. Having found a few issues regarding his gallbladder that is most likely the source of his pain, he's now on schedule for surgery in February. Praise God, He brought peace and comfort to Stephen and answered a lot of his and mine's questions.

Finally, one of my favorite blogs has been officially taken on for an HGTV pilot called "Home Town" set to air on January 24!!

Ben & Erin Napier

This blog and people have been dear to my heart, as my last visit to Laurel, MS (my family's home town), stirred up such affection for this small town, full of people I rarely get to speak with or see, but that I love. Isn't family such an interesting thing? How time and distance can separate, but it never changes that you will always be family? How these people knew me before I knew them, and remember stories of my childhood, my moms, and my dads that I never have heard? How they fold you in, just like you've always been there and will always stay?

This candle is  the stuff of legends.
Something Good Today blog, by Erin Napier, was the extension of that family home grown feeling. I found her months after having visited Laurel for my Jones side family reunion, and the blog continued to fester a desire to know more about family and keep that history alive. So my excitement about this being a show, wellllllll it's intense. Probably more than it should be. 

#5 Sick, Still

Yesterday was spent lounging around at home, taking the day off from work, trying to gain my voice back and feel somewhat human again. Thankful for a sweet puppy who stays by my side all day. While he can annoy me, he's a sweet boy when he tries. Always ready to please.

My Bear boy.

What would we do without dogs?

And then of course I got addicted with the rest of the world on Making a Murderer. I tried hard to stay away from knowing the ending, and then I went off and read an article on the petition they have going. Don't look it up if you have not watched the show yet. Doesn't seem like real life.

Guilty? Not Guilty?

#4 The Yucks

Been asleep since about 6 pm tonight until now, 11:30 pm and the bed is calling my name. I've been feeling nasty and sick since Sunday, and it just appears to be getting worse. Oh well, at least a quick helping of chicken pot pie did the trick to warm me up, and waking up to 20 text notifications from the best friends I could want. Here's to dreams and snoring sleep.

#3 Beginning of the End

I think the theme of my new year so far has been staying up late and sleeping in even later. I won't complain, because it's coming to a screeching halt tomorrow! Back to the grind.

Today we slept in way past service, but our scratchy throats and exhausted bodies convinced us it was necessary. Rolling out of bed I came downstairs to enjoy a hot blueberry scone and a cup of Chai tea. We quickly got ready at around 12 to go meet our church crew for lunch at Fatz. I barely could eat all of my dish, thank goodness for leftovers, as I ate about 2 lbs of their rolls. Like heaven.

Loving this view.
Sitting around laughing at ridiculous year end stories, hearing life plans for friends, and seeing new budding romances forming, makes me grateful for these friendships that have kept us going these first few years of marriage in Columbia.

We wasted a little time after lunch until our leadership meeting at 3. Stephen and I ventured over to Red Bank searching for new Hotwheels shipments, to no avail. Next time.

Leadership meeting was encouraging and eye-opening as we enter into a much needed chapter of discipleship.

These people keep me going!
I will tell you how encouraged and excited I am to see this happen, as we keep trying to figure out what the purpose of our college and career group really is in the overall mission of the church.

I think far too often we raise up our children in the ways of the Lord, investing and pouring scripture in their lives, and then we realize we never prepared them to replicate what was done in them. Just recently Becka, my coworker, has begun mentoring and discipling me, and it's been wonderful to see how God is teaching me through her actions. I could immediately see the need for me to do this in my own life with others, but I know that I need to begin pouring my life full of God's Word if I hope to pour into others. So a new year to doing that, and preparing to disciple a couple of our freshman college aged girls. Right now I am going to be praying for God to give me a clear vision of who I should disciple, and covet your prayers on whether or not one of the girls is better being discipled by me or another, as I have already begun investing in her life. God only knows, and I'm realizing I may need to loosen the reigns and wittle down my pride in this process.

I spoke on the phone with my mom for a bit, because even though I have had two weeks off, I haven't seen her in a week. So we caught up, as she told me the aches and pains in her own life, that woman doesn't know how to slow down, and the aches and pains in the life of others. I relish in the fact we have a God who is our Comforter and Healer, our Portion and Strength. It's hard sometimes to see what God is doing when all these things keep toppling in.

And I still cringe and wonder what is looming in mine and Stephen's life. It feels so picture perfect and peaceful in our lives, and yet I feel like we are going to cross that bridge sooner or later where the bad and the horrible seem to crumble down upon us. I just always know the devil is waiting to attack. Maybe we have faced some of those roads already, but the strength of God has kept us afloat. My dad almost dying weeks before our wedding, my cousin's marriage facing rough times, my mom having hip surgery, Stephen about to have gallbladder surgery, and the passing of another cousin--but somehow it doesn't feel like it's entirely touched us. Praise God for His working hand in our lives and keeping us joyful and praising Him all through the sorrow! Even when we doubt, God us faithful.

So now I curl up to Downton Abbey, with two scones and cold coffee. The candles flickering, and the aroma of sweet olives filling the room.

My home view. The best spot on the couch.
I keep pausing and unpausing the show as I don't want this show to end! Here's to the beginning of the final season, and enjoying every moment till the end!

#2 Intentional Intentions

Today I slept in till 10:30, enjoyed a cup of coffee downstairs, and watched a little Hart of Dixie, it's been my new fix lately.

Stephen asked why this was on my phone. Blogs people. Blogs.

I laid around for another hour or so, until Stephen finally woke up. Monday is going to be a rude awakening when I have to actually wake up before the sun. Don't remind me.

I headed out to try and grab a new scarf at Kohls, no luck. 

Anything in this Jeep is beautiful.
Headed then to Publix to grab some grub for tonight's get together. I slowly put together our food for the evening in between washing my hair, redying our kitchen curtains, and getting dressed. It was another chill day mixed in with my excitement and anxiety over company.

Of course the evening was great, as we chowed down on spaghetti, salad and bread with Jenn and Robbie. We topped off the night with pumpkin pie and two rounds of Spinner, which Robbie murdered us both times! Come on now. 

Now as we wind down the night, I near my husband as he sorts the day's Hotwheels sales, and I reflect on my goal to be intentional with people and investing in their lives. Another person touched today on my list of people I want to reach out too better. 

I let myself a few days ago get pretty down in the dumps about my lack of effort of pouring into those around me, and being a true friend. On the wings of Nicole's post today, we as Christians need to be discipling at least one to two people, and while I feel like I am close to at least starting with one person, there is no way I can do that, if I can't be growing closer to God and at least be a friend to those I love.

So here is to being intentional in my time with the Lord, and intentional with those around me! Can't wait to see what this year holds.

#1 A New Year, A New Outlook

I've tried this blog thing before, and my lack of seeing things through meant this blog got pushed to the side and eventually deleted. No need to recall another half-hearted venture, right? But at the brink of a new year, and realizing the older I get the more cynical and down in the dumps I can get, I'm taking the lead from one of my favorite blogs, and posting one good thing a day. A way to make me refocus after long hard days, a way to help me recall those insignificant moments that get forgotten, and a way to see God's hand moving in my life. I pray this is a source of growth for myself, and a way to keep me accountable. So here we go!

We rang in the new year surrounded by friends--our church family.

Insert group photo..gotta load it in

Counting down to the new year, and spending our first few minutes of 2016 conducting probably the scariest and tiniest firework show, as our bottle rockets didn't so much soar into the air, as festering and fuming on the ground and then landing on our neighbors properties. Oops, promise we made sure no damage was caused! We sipped our champagne--aka sparkling grape juice--then headed on inside, as Stephanie freaked out over One Direction performing on Dick Clark's New Years celebration.

Because our night had not been eventful enough, I'm sure that's the reason 😉, Jason became immobilized by letting Abby, his sister, taize him! Oh yeah, there's video..

Insert Video...to come

Around 2 am, the house finally cleared out, and Stephen and I fell asleep in our comfy bed until around 12 pm that afternoon, a much needed nap! With no plans for the day, we fed the dogs and headed out to shop and Hotwheels hunt. It was a fun day, a quiet day, driving from one place to the next as a light drizzle came down on the windshield. We drove past Saluda Shoals, underwater.

After the flood, these places keep filling up with any rain fall.
We just went and saw the lights a few days ago with the Joiners, and good thing we did when we did!

While out and about, I managed to find a few things to get crafty with, and Stephen had limited success in finding some cars he wanted. We ended our outing at Fazoli's, filling our stomachs with twice baked lasagna, chicken spinach ziti, a slice of pizza, and enough breadsticks to make me Italian. It's been forever since I've eaten there, and while it's not Italy, the tiny metal chairs and the low lit lighting, I couldn't help but think that even in these little moments, life is pretty spectacular. I get to enjoy times like these with the love of my life, who keeps me entertained and joyful every step of the way!

We came home to sitting down in front of the TV watching Top Gear and Parenthood as Stephen sorted Hotwheels for his sale tomorrow, and I made me some knock off earrings--I am the Jack of many trades, master of none! One day I'll find my trade, but for now look at my creation!

My creation.
So cheers to a new year, and here's hoping your year started off just as fun and chill as mine was!