#254 My Phone is Never Charged

4:52 AM

One thing most everyone knows about me is I'm terrible about keeping my phone on me, or even charged. Honestly I just don't care enough to be that in touch all the time. I don't. It actually really bugs me how much time we tend to spend on phones, or checking our phones, etc. So I opt out a lot of times and just choose not to take it with me somewhere, or not charge it and then I have every excuse to be MIA for a bit.

It does not make my hubby happy. Now everyone at church is also aware that my inability to keep my phone charged is a real problem, especially Chad who gives me a harder time than Stephen does about it.

Funny enough Steve has been asking me to record our Thursday nights and post them live on Facebook. My phone dies. I've also lost my charger trying to do this. You know, cause my phone isn't charged enough, so I bring a charger to keep plugged in, and then I forget said charger at the church. Then it disappears into nothingness, which meant this week my phone just flat out died halfway through service tonight. Oops.

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