#273 Gather

4:51 AM

Tonight was our second time doing IF:Table Gathering. There were only 3 of us this time, but it was good to have my high school buddy Tori there with us. It was a good night of hanging out with them, finding out some of their burdens, discussing the importance of loving others and how we can show that more frequently, and then watching a slew of YouTube videos.

While I feel I do a horrendous job of facilitating this, the whole time I wonder if they are bored out of their mind never to return, I've got to be faithful in a task that has been given to me right? I see the importance of these girls having a place they can fellowship with other girls, where drama is at a minimum and we can share burdens and concerns.

Maybe that's where it'll end up one day, maybe we're already there, and I'm going to try not to worry about it in the mean time. Try. :) 

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