#271 I'm Getting Old

6:44 AM

Woke up this morning to snow. SNOW!! In March! In South Carolina! This state has problems, but this problem was a good one because I finally got to see the pretty snow falling outside of my window, which is the first time really in about 3 years.

After a good morning and introduction to "Experiencing God" series that we will be doing over the next few months at church, we all gathered together for a spaghetti lunch and an Operation Christmas Child meeting. The entire time my back kept hurting worse and worse, and so finally after about an hour at lunch, we headed back home, the snow already melted from this morning.

The rest of the day I slept, read, and played on the computer until the wee hours of the night, hoping to give my back some rest. It didn't entirely work.

But in the hecticness the next few weeks will bring, I needed the rest. Also finally turned my phone on that has been dead all weekend to find I actually had a ton of missed messages. Which is good and bad. Makes me feel good, but makes me a bad friend. Oops.

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