#261 Reading Buddies

6:56 PM

A couple weeks ago I found out Jacklyn, my reading buddy at HB Rhame, moved to a new school. I am really saddened by this, she was such a sweet girl. I also found out she was shocked by the move and found out she was moving the last day at school when her mom picked her up early. Although I have been reassured this was a good move for her, a much better school who can hopefully really assist her in some of her reading disabilities. So for that I am happy for her! Just hate I never got to say goodbye. 

So today was my first day with my new reading buddy, Keith. I walked in Mrs. Carlson's classroom and mentioned I was there for Keith, which he looked in complete shock and disbelief that he was going to get a reading buddy. It was pretty funny.

Keith reads really well, much better than I've been used to and he is classified as an intermediate reader. He mainly needs some encouragement to continue trying to push himself to read and gain confidence in his current abilities. So we read a few books, and I hopefully was able to do just that with him.

The last half our time together I spend with him in his related arts class, which this week was art! On our way to art class, Keith looped his little arm in mine as if to "claim me" as many of the other students asked if I could be there reading buddy next week. Doesn't quite work like that unfortunately.

I love that these kids find having a reading buddy as something cool, but it breaks my heart the amount of kids who probably do need assistance and/or desire having a buddy that don't. Something I never really saw as important has now really made its way into my heart as not only something fun and a way to share love, but as a way to really assist kids at a time when they need it most. 

Can't wait to see where these last few weeks of school take Keith and I. 

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