#259 IF:Table

6:48 PM

Playing catch up is getting tough. These weeks have been busy. So I'm going to be brief.

Tonight we had our first IF: Table, what I'm calling Table Gathering. A small group of women gathering around a meal together, and discussing 4 questions. Tonight's theme was Italian, so we had spaghetti, bread, salad, and all sorts of goodies. We discussed things based around Acts 2:42 and the importance of fellowship and community with believers.

Honestly it felt very timely. I know a few of us felt deeply challenged to make sure we continue to stay connected with other believers. Over the past few years I have seen how important this is in my own life, because the times where I don't want to be around people and choose to excuse myself from social situations, the worse that feeling gets. Honestly the farther I separate myself from others, the farther I begin to separate myself from God too.

We have also been discussing on Thursdays the idea of how our relationship with God, others, and ourselves forms this triangle, and when one side is broken the triangle is broken. When our relationships with others are broken, that directly effects our relationship with God.

Really hoping this will continue to be a good way to create that community with our girls in a drama free zone where we are uplifting one another and challenging one another spiritually. 

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