#278 Vintage Market

5:15 AM

I woke up relatively early for a Saturday, Kayla pulling up in my driveway. We piled in my car, and set out to go to Boiling Springs and then to Asheville to meet up with Jennifer and Heather to attend  a Vintage Market day there.

I won't go into the overloading details, because trust me I could go on forever about the hilarious things these girls say, and the memories we continue to create with one another. So I'll just stick to the highlights. 

After trying to convince Jenn she was going the wrong way, making flirty eyes at passer by cars to get a spot in line, we finally made it to the show. Felt squished and crowded, but saw lots of cool things that none of us bought. We finally decided we'd head out and go elsewhere, which ended up be Culver's. Excuse me, Culvert's. I mean, Culvert's Island. 

We tried to park the car. 5 minutes, one stranger laughing, and 4 girls who could barely hold it together later we finally parked the car in the space.

We got some custard, fell into a big giant round booth and proceeded to laugh for the next hour and a half. These girls are my forever friends. I cherish having them in my life for over 10 years now, although feeling simultaneously that it's not been that long and yet longer than 10 years too. They understand me like no other people do, and somehow I jive with them far easier and better than any people I have yet to meet. Every time we're apart, and then reunite it's like no time has passed at all. They are the people I will always need in my life.

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