#256 A Mix

1:21 PM

Well I'm a bit behind on the daily post, especially the day or day after it happens, but I have been keeping notes. So I at least remember what I did, but I'll be playing catch up starting now through the next week. Work has been crazy, and our nights have been busy, so of course this manages to fall to the wayside. Moments where it does become the last thing on my mind, I wonder if it's worth keeping it up. I do find it cool to look back on any given day in the almost past year and a half and know what I was doing exactly. Although I think the more satisfactory moments comes in knowing that if my life were ever to play out like an episode of Law and Order, I'd be able to say for sure "Well I was at IHOP that night with 20 other people who can all attest to me being there through 1 am." Yep I have an alibi.

This Saturday I woke up much earlier than I would have cared to, so I could be on time for Ariyanna's performance. She's been mentioning for months that she has a dance/creative movement piece she was performing at Christian Life Center. She was the first on the list, and did a great job.

"Break Every Chain"

It was so encouraging to see how the rest of the church engaged and interacted with her as well. Ariyanna has been through a lot with our group the past year, and seems to have come a long way in how she handles and deals with other people. I have always been curious to see her in a different setting, and while she's treated more like a youth than the adult her age makes her, it was good to see that people engaged her and vice versa.

I stayed for a couple more performances, all group performances. I realized the whole event, with hundreds of people mind you, is some sort of regional or statewide competition between churches. Dramas/Skits have come a long way since we did them in our days. In fact these religious dramas/skits are now done to even secular songs. Some of them took a lot of focus to understand too, but the performers did a great job overall.

Afterwards I ran a few errands, picking up another one of favorite blankets from Ollie's. I've decided as much as I use this ivory/white blanket and as soft as it has stayed through washings, I better get one before I completely wear it out and they no longer carry it. It's made relaxing on the couch so much better.

When I pulled in the driveway, I noticed a few extra vehicles. Amber and Phil had stopped by to drop off a wheelbarrow for the gravel delivery. We'd planned on having it delivered today, but unfortunately the place we bought rock from was all booked for Saturday. So instead of shoveling gravel, we spent about an hour with them in the backyard talking as the dogs ran around us.

Before it got too late, Stephen and I headed back inside after saying our goodbyes, and got dressed for Joanna and Chris's baby shower for Alexandria Grace. It was such a fun afternoon, with the best food, best company, and most interesting conversations. I got to spend time with what feels like a second family, the Robinsons. Jennifer was the host, and I was so glad I got to spend time with her. Much needed time. Miss her and little Micah too much! I always appreciate that no time has passed at all with her, and while we have to do some catching up sometimes, it's never awkward or odd. She's one of my people.

I also got to learn a really cute story about Jackson, Joanna and Chris's son. He's my buddy. While I don't always see my nieces and nephews, and my relationship tends to be lack luster with them because so much time passes between visits, I see Jackson pretty regularly and have managed to make this kid like me. He's really my nephew I swear, at least I love him like one! He gives me hope though that kids may actually think I'm okay.

Anyways, Joanna's mom Connie told me about one day when Joanna was in the grocery store. A lady came up and started talking with Jack and asked him, "You love your Mommy, don't you?!" and his response was "Bit-ney". Cracks me up. While this boy sometimes pretends I'm his favorite person, like today he spent the whole day going around saying my name to the world, over and over again, he still wouldn't let me hold him, not even once! Other days, he constantly wants me to hold him, or he gives me kisses galore, but trust me eventually the shine wears off and Mommy is the only lady for him. He loves her to pieces, and daddy too! 

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