#272 Brand New Pair of....

5:36 AM

This morning the Jeep wasn't liking the cold. While it started up right away, Hank decided to shut off all the electronics in the vehicle but keep running. So I left it heating up in the driveway, and came back out and all the electronics were still not working. I turned off Hank, and tried to turn him back on, and he was dead.

Most likely a dead cell in the battery.

My wonderful mother woke up from a dead sleep to come and take me to work. Thankful that even in the bad moments I get the good moments of catching up with her.

Work was busy, but productive, which is a far cry from last week I think.

Stephen picked me up from work, in a pretty bad mood. When your teeth hurt, and it's not a pain you felt before, it's worrisome and also puts you in a pretty sour mood. It was pouring outside, and traffic was terrible with no good way to drive home.

Stephen had preordered a battery for the Jeep, except when we got to Advanced Auto Parts they informed us we'd preordered it at another location 3 miles away, which might of well been 100 miles because traffic was at a standstill.

Stephen looked up the address, and I noticed the time it closed was 5 minutes ago. But that couldn't be right, because what auto place closes at 6pm on weekdays and 4pm on a Saturday? Sketchville auto stores, that's who.

We got there and sure enough they were closed like their website hours said. So we sped off, me freaking out a little bit because it was wet, we're going fast, and people are crazy drivers, and ended up going to pick my car up at Stephen's office where it's been parked for a few weeks.

Thankfully the car was working, and the drive was smooth sailing from there.

Chad came over for a bit, and by that time Stephen's mood had gotten better (medication helps a lot) and he felt ready to open his package that had come in the mail. So we recorded the whole event, and even Stephen's first attempt at trying to master his brand new pair of Heely's!

I married a child.

It was just the laughs we needed though. We kicked back the rug in the den, and he used Chad as his assisting arm to roll around on the vinyl floors.

Matt finally made it home a bit later, and we got to present him some brownies with a single candle in the middle for his birthday! Happy birthday BMACK! 

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