#253 Egyptian Rapture

8:17 PM

Today was productive and insightful at work. I got to meet with Melanie and Lara Gopp in reference to some marketing and PR ideas. Lara used to work for SCBC over a decade ago, and continues to do contract work for them as well as us. She gave me so many great ideas and things to think on, it's got my head spinning. 

Came home beneath a stormy sky that held all sorts of possibilities for a thunderstorm, but not even a drop fell unfortunately. I love me a good storm.

With the backdoor open, Stephen working on the parts car in the backyard, and I in kitchen making a bacon, caramelized onion, and spinach pizza, it was a pretty stellar night. One cup of coffee later, and a couple of Egyptian Rapture games (which I won two of) and the night is almost done.

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