#232 Neighborhood Walks and Endless Talks

5:20 AM

The last night before heading to Austin, TX for the weekend, so Stephen vowed that it would be an intentional night together with no distractions. We enjoyed dinner together at my favorite joint apparently (I'm always there), Chick-fil-a. Quickly ate our meal, before heading right back home to meet my parents for a late night walk in our neighborhood.

My dad actually came with!

So my mom and I talked, as Stephen and my dad talked. We toured the neighborhood. Noticing all the houses for sale, and the different styles of home between our two neighborhoods.

Then we arrived back to our house, and instead of going in, because my parents were "about to leave" we stood in the grass in front of our house for about 30 minutes.

Melinda drove up during our conversation, and handed me my poncho. She's already taking care of me for this trip.

Said our goodbyes, and Stephen and I headed inside for a late night game of Spinners which happens to be made in Waco, TX. Fitting.

While Stephen tried to stay up with me tonight, I finally convinced him to get some rest, because I just don't think I can go to sleep when I've only got 2 hours  or so to rest before our flight. I will oversleep, I know it.

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