#237 Shopping Spree

5:52 AM

Stephen and I have a pattern of never shopping for clothes until we desperately need new ones. It's been a while since I've really had any new looks. And this isn't even in a dent in what I need for my wardrobe, but heck it's more than I've done in a while. So Lucky Brand wore off on me and I managed to snag some 60% off deals on what was already marked down....

Little taste of what is to come.

Because I struggle with the shame of my weight lately, its tough for me to want to invest in clothing that I see in a size that's larger than I'd like, or I hope I won't fit into much longer. But gotta be happy in the skin your in, and dress for how you want to feel and be now. Because looking like a dump in holey clothes that don't really go together doesn't help anything. Although I still need help in the fashion department. Give me a house to decorate, but myself not so much.

After getting home to a grungy house, I took a brief nap because this cold/sickness is still hanging out. We then headed over to David and Anna's new house for a leadership meeting on our Prayer Groups on Thursdays.

I've been leading one for a while, although I've been out for 3 weeks. I'm not the most dependable prayer leader. It's something I enjoy when I'm in the moment, but I am just not a natural leader. I don't enjoy leading people, but can if no one else will step up. 

So I was pretty excited to not only get to hear suggestions and ideas from people on what was working for their groups, but also that I won't be regularly leading a group. Only if we have a large group of late comers or stragglers will I lead a group in the lobby before we begin on Thursdays.

The pressure is relieved! 

Arrived home to Matt on the door step, since he lost his house key. We then delved into conspiracy theories through the power of YouTube about how planet earth may actually be flat. 

Yeah I said it. Yes. The earth may be flat. 

Do I believe that? No. Do I see there is a lot of evidence that doesn't quite make sense? Yes. Did I also relay this conversation the other day to Melinda in the airport while waiting for our plane? Yes. Did I sound like a crazy person in the midst of like 20 people? Yes. Especially that one guy that eyed me like I needed to be in a psych ward. 

I know judgy dude. I know. My husband is a crazy conspiracy theorist, and even though he's not convinced nor I, we entertain these ideas.

My life is never boring I guess.

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