#251 Sand Man

8:06 PM

Wasted my early start to the day in the parking lot at work taking selfies of myself, questioning all the things. Okay one thing.

My day back at work was pretty uneventful. Tried working on some website stuff for SC WMU, and managed to get ridiculously stumped as to what to do with it. Thankfully I know a few people that know a thing or two about website redesign, as well as just marketing in general. Helped me realize I was jumping the gun, so I've got some time to figure out some minor details, and a little less time to figure out the big details. Thankfully big is obvious.

After I came home, I fixed dinner for Stephen and I, which turned out pretty good and tasty. We then sat on the couch wondering what to do next, and managed to fall asleep pretty quickly.

I kind of hate falling asleep so early in the night, but I'm now wide awake at midnight not feeling an ounce of that sleepiness anymore. Of course.

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