#244 Answered Prayers

5:15 AM

Throughout my life there are obviously many things I have prayed for. Things I've seen God answer clearly; like when I prayed for what seemed like almost 10 years that I would just have an understanding of why my dad was not willing to go to church or have a relationship with God, and so around age 17 or so we finally got to talk about it. Not only that, but the secret prayer of mine that God would reconcile my father to Himself was answered just a year or so ago. 

Other times, God has answered in the way I least expect. I think of boyfriends, specifically one boyfriend I thought was my "mate". It was tough times trying to pry myself away from a relationship that was honestly manipulative and damaging more than anything, but in that moment my answer to prayer would have been us together forever. I look back and laugh because God gave me my answer of a husband in Stephen, who far exceeds the things I could have imagined to ask God for. 

Then there are times I've prayed and God doesn't answer. I think He's still yet to write those pages of my life, and so I have to be still and wait.

But today I want to remember the little things that God answers, because I forget those most of all. The times I pray or ask others to pray, and when they are answered, I barely acknowledge they were. Instead I treat them like it would have always just happened, and that the prayers offered to God were nothing more than words and had no impact on the events that occurred. I don't want to be that person. I do want to remember God even in the small things. 

Today was a continuation of that tough day last week that Stephen had, and so I called on multiple people for prayer over him. I asked that he would have peace, he would focus on the things he needed to, and that the auditors that had decided to grace Stephen's center with their presence would be kind.

So God answered just that. So thankful for so many people who care and love on my husband like they do. Not only do they obediently pray, but they follow up, they keep praying, and they checked in on him to make sure he was doing well. 

So when Kayla asked me later this evening how Stephen was doing, I realized God had shown up in that moment. When I got home Stephen was actually in good spirits. While I could tell he wasn't 100% himself, he kept reiterating he'd done all he could, and the situation was what it was at this point. He seemed to have this peace in the midst of the storm that didn't quite make sense, especially in light of last week. 

He told me how last week he'd accomplished a lot of things he needed to catch up on for the audit, and he had some things earlier this morning that he was able to accomplish as well. So while not every "I" is dotted and "T" is crossed, he was able to stay focused on his tasks at work and get even more accomplished today.

When the auditors walked in, Stephen was pretty frank with them and told them they were the last people he wanted to see today. He mentioned there were some things they'd really gotten behind on because they were so short handed, and so he knew it was going to be a tough road for them as they began their audit. One of the auditors quickly responded that it wasn't going to be that bad, and overall just seemed very reassuring. And the icing on the cake, Stephen's regional manager Dan has been overall supportive of him throughout this incident. Even in light of last week, Dan is in Stephen's court, and that's what Stephen needs most right now.

God is good! Even when we fail to see it, He is faithful and hears our cries.

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