#230 Endless Coughs

So while for the most part I'm better than I was last Thursday, I. CAN. NOT. STOP. COUGHING.

It's driving me crazy.

I'm sure it's driving Stephen crazy.

I cough myself awake at night.

Hate it. Pretty sure after looking up the coughing bit I've got bronchitis, which of course really can't be treated. So here's to hoping it doesn't last the 3 weeks it says it potentially could.

Tonight, after a bowl of cheese grits, I settled in on the couch and watched a couple episodes of Supernatural instead of taking down the Christmas tree that is about to see February if I'm not careful. Stephen had to attend an HOA meeting, and that left me with some time on my hands at home. Which should have been used for putting away laundry, but I'm going to milk my sickness for as long as I can.

Especially if it means getting out of laundry duty.

But tomorrow it really probably has to be done.

#229 Middle Bro's Birthday

Now that the Prahl's seem to have collected not only in Travelers Rest, but also in Columbia (we stole Kevin and kept him down here), I forget we can celebrate things together. So Thursday I received a text from Kevin asking if we may be doing anything Saturday. Come to find out it's his birthday.

So when we got back in town today, we began sending out some feelers for a small birthday get together. We ended up with about 15 people, and a night of fun with cake, icecream, Doritos, YouTube videos and fun conversations.

Again, love this gang. And happy belated birthday Kevin!

#228 Exploring Tiny Towns

While Augusta is a big draw for the Masters Golf Tournament, I'm not sure what else there is to offer in Augusta. Proves there is a lot. While the weather was a bit nippy, we managed to find a warm little breakfast spot at The New Moon Cafe (funny enough the same place I enjoyed some coffee from in Aiken last week).


I enjoyed their Augusta grits, which had avocado, salsa, bacon and more making it into a very spicy grits concoction. But man was it good. Stephen had a hearty breakfast with all the essentials like eggs and bacon and a Nutella hot chocolate on the side. I had a Machete Mocha coffee, which I think gave me enough heartburn for the day. That thing was spicy.

We then went down to the Riverwalk, which was a bit nippy with the wind picking up.

Little bare right now, but the bridge and walking area were beautiful! 

After we'd frozen ourselves enough, we ventured around town driving through the Old Towne district, and found ourselves on the North Augusta side.

We got out to find gators at Brick Pond Park, which no gators, but it was beautiful!

No Tufted Tittymouses either. That's a thing.
We went on the hunt to figure out what the mills were in the distance and found these two beautiful buildings. Old Gun Powder Mills...

The chimney is the Confederate Powder Works Chimney
One last stop on our tour ended at the Saluda Rapids Park, which was stunning! We enjoyed every moment before we headed home to our AirBnB to try and catch the sunset on the river.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We ventured out after sunset to Boll Weevil Cafe. Delicious shrimp and grits and creole pasta, and a take home Red Velvet cake with cheesecake in the center. Yep you read that right.

PS. I realized last night my baby shower was not Sunday, but actually today. Hate our trip away made me miss it, but I know I'll get to see the lovely Brittany and her baby Avery soon!

#227 Get-Away

Stephen and I promised each other a Christmas present get-away somewhere. Because I knew I had a baby shower for my friend Brittany on Sunday, Stephen planned for us to not go too far away in Augusta. Which normally I'd say "Well what's in Augusta?" But it has proven so far to be a lot more cute, sweet and quaint than I thought it was going to be!

We are staying at an AirBnB which I think has already exceeded all AirBnB standards and may ruin us in the future.

Exterior. Yes that's the river down there.
We are staying in the basement.

Panoramic views.

Huge ceilings and gorgeous windows.

Sweet dreams tonight!

#226 Cold, Cold Go Away

Don't come again another day. Seriously I'm sick again. Feeling a little under the weather at work, a couple of my coworkers even took notice I wasn't feeling too well.

 Sure enough by the time Unleashed rolled around I was full on sick. Sniffles here, sore throat to the max, achy body, super cold, etc. Except minus the nausea which is great, but somehow everything is like 10x worse than last week. So here I am missing Thursday night again this week. I slept lots, but then I also managed to squeeze in my episode of This is Us. Tears every time. How do they do that?

I even thought I had this episode figured out since I knew they were sharing
how Jack died. Typically their episodes have a theme to them that all the characters experience. So in light of "death" I figured William, Randall's dad, would end up passing away. But spoiler that is the farthest thing from what happened. I'm glad though.

#225 Planning for Magnolia Market

After work, Melinda my neighbor came over to discuss our upcoming trip to Austin, TX. Not sure I've mentioned this yet, but we are planning to go to IF: Gathering women's conference. Her best friend was planning to attend with her, but has a Bible study she is beginning the same weekend and thought it was best, rightfully so, to stay and be there for that first day of Bible study.

Which left an extra ticket for me. Wasn't sure I'd be able to splurge on this trip, but with the encouragement of Stephen I'm going! So I'm really excited to get to spend more time with Melinda, but also digging into God's Word at this event. I've done a couple Jennie Allen's studies as well as a study or two on IF:Equip.

Their motto is simple...

The vision was to gather, equip, and unleash women to live out God’s calling on their lives. 

So we've got tickets booked, and tonight we were looking for things to do in Austin. Funny enough, my neighbor Deepty moved recently to Austin. This is one relationship I wished and wished I nurtured more while she lived next door, and while we created a bond, we never took it much further than neighbors. But now all 3 of us neighbors will be roaming the Austin area together for a few days. Hopefully God uses this as an opportunity to share with Deepty more about why we're there.

My other deep excitement may lie in the fact I finally got the nerve to ask Melinda if she'd like to go to Magnolia Market. Fixer Upper's Chip and Joanna Gaines have their own store and really experience in Waco, TX just a couple hours outside of Austin. Fortunately not only was she cool with going, but Deepty has really wanted to go too.

So if you happen to see me in any upcoming Magnolia Instagram shots, or hear how I've become best friends with Joanna Gaines.. you'll know how.

#224 I've Got Friends...

I was going to sing a song about I've got friends in low places, but that doesn't fit and then it also talks about whiskey or something. I don't listen to country. Not sure why I felt that was all appropriate. But now you know my title of "I've Got Friends" is not to brag, simply a statement.

Better title is probably I've got new friends. About a year ago I met Lisa through our College and Career. Since then I've been able to build a friendship with her and it's one of the few I can say I feel is a real new organic friendship I've been able to create. She's been involved in our group, but not to the level others have. Yet we've still managed to hang out multiple times, encourage each other, and be there for one another in times of hardship.

Tonight we got together to catch up after work. So after my sweet hubby came to my rescue and replaced my brakes for me while I was at work (they were something horrible), I rushed over afterwards to meet Lisa at Chick-fil-a in Five Points.

We spent over 3 hours there, and I'm pretty sure almost closed the place down. It was such a needed time together, and it encourages me to have a friendship like this that has come naturally.

Also I got to see Rick Henry with Sports.
WIS tv News Anchor for Sports
I kind of had a weird fan girl moment. I didn't think I was capable of them, but nonetheless here I was freaking out over my childhood TV star. Just saying I've watched him since I was a kid.

#223 Frother

After sending out my picture to the web world about my jar shaken milk to replicate some sort of froth on my coffee, my neighbor Amber reminded me they make tiny frother hand held device things. Yes that is the technical name. Okay no.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

I had tried to buy one before, but managed to get a hand mixer instead. Which blends up my ice coffee drinks really nicely, but isn't quite the same as a frother. So upon Amber's recommendation I headed to Target specifically for this item, no luck.

Finally made my way to another Target and lo and behold was this beautiful little frother.

Uh yes.
It's made all the difference.

#222 Looking Forward

After a great day at church, we headed to the Brown's house in the rain, greeted by Amber with a giant golf umbrella. About 30 or so of us managed to cram into their beautiful home. We then proceeded to have a 3 hour leadership meeting, but Phil did a great job managing our time and progressing our conversation. Lots of good topics, and things were addressed. I think our biggest being that we truly step into places of leadership and begin displaying behavior worthy of our King.

Afterwards, Phillip mentioned he had a hankering for Monopoly. Since the past few days have been in solitude and loneliness with all this sickness, I quickly agreed we should have an impromptu game night. So Phil, Amber, and Phillip came over. We ended up playing Redneck Life, which I must say was much more hilarious and unfortunately very telling of our society today.

My poor Clancy went down with my boat as I tried to load it into the lake. Stephen's house got taken by a twister, but thankfully he had won another Big Rig in a pink slip race against Phillip. Unfortunately after too many Darryl's showed up on my door step and a few others, Amber came out victorious as the rest of us licked our wounds. Oh that game.

#221 Missing Activities

Still not 100% feeling myself, obviously, because I unfortunately sat around the house almost all day being bored when I had somewhere to be. My days were so thrown off, and I was convinced yesterday was Saturday, and apparently I never knew the actual date, and yeah.

So I missed my friend Anna's wedding shower. Yeah.

Definitely realized I missed it by watching Snapchat's from my buddies

Once in a lifetime event and I missed it. But thankfully I did not miss the wedding. But I did realize it falls on Annual Meeting for work, so I'll be out of town. So I've got to convince my boss to let me leave early. HARD CONVINCING.

I did get to enjoy shopping for her last minute wedding gift at Bed Bath and Beyond. That store holds all sorts of wonders. Stephen was a champ at discovering what things were and their uses.

#220 DMV

Today the sickness seems to have subsided more, and I'm so thankful. Stephen still didn't feel 100%, so Halsey sent him home. Which meant another day with my love, and it's totally thrown me off my schedule. In my mind today has been Saturday because I've gotten to spend all day with Stephen.

A week overdue, we finally headed to the DMV in Chapin to take care of Stephen's license renewal. It didn't take too long fortunately. In line we commented on how nice Stephen looked in his teal colored plaid shirt and it would look really great in the photo, instead of bland boring colors. Unfortunately only certain parts of the plaid showed up better than others, and his head seemed to float in the frame of the photo supported by either a bowtie, the longest beard ever, or a pillar.

Which helped inspire our new chalkboard artwork....

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

#219 A Day In

Life does seem to have taken on a slower pace these days, and as you know by now, I don't entirely mind it. But sometimes it's tough to take the slow days, feeling unproductive and selfish. Then there are some days, like today where you have to take the slow days. You have to be selfish, because well you're sick. After sleeping about 9 hours last night, I woke up at 6 am to still feeling not quite myself, and watching Stephen get ready for work, as he didn't feel quite himself. He promised me he would come home after Halsey got in to work and they hit the lull period in the morning. At about 11 am, Stephen finally walked in the front door.

Reading back through blog entries today, as it's been such a slow day, I realize my entries don't always make sense or flow. My thoughts are jumbled. I'm trying to rush through writing something, just to have something written down. Sorry for that. And even now, as I read through them, I'm honestly too lazy and uncaring enough to edit them to make more sense. So for the 1.3 people who read this thing ever, just bear with me.

Now if you want to read a page that actually not only makes sense, but makes you taste the words you read, check out my buddy Meghan Frick's page. This blog post made me have such an appreciation for her talent in not only saying exactly what she means, but taking me to the exact place and moment she's recollecting. Putting me in her shoes, letting me experience the things she does. It's a talent only few have, and I would read 100 novels of her's if she wrote them. And of course if I read more often.

Seriously go check her out.

The rest of the day has been spent in an in between state of TV watching and unconscious states. We downed a few scrambled eggs in an attempt to keep our energy up, even though we had no appetite. A quick text to Matt, and an hour later Chad and him show up at our door with milk in hand (what we needed) and two giant bottles of Gatorade. I sit now listening to them talking about short work days, keeping my innocence by not letting me hear cuss words, and old high school buddies turned ladies of the night.

And I've yet to step outside today. Oh except for when the car alarm randomly went off two times. And it wasn't due to the water being turned off and back on due to me not having paid our water bill in two moths. Oops!

#218 Family

Today was a little rough, as I've not felt well all day. In fact I headed home a little early, because I felt like I was going to pass out at my desk.

Barely making it home, I took an hour and half nap before waking up to decide if I could make it to my parents' house to have dinner with my aunt and uncle who were on their way to Florida. Really wanting to see them, I tried to suck it up and headed to their house about 10 minutes after waking up.

They had what looked like a very yummy vegetable lasagna for my aunt the vegetarian, but I ate nothing but a slice of bread and some water. Feeling like there is an applicable Bible verse here. So good to see them, even though we peaced out about an hour later.

I came home and laid in bed watching the new episode of This is Us, and having all the feels. I think when I'm sick I act like I'm on my period, riding the emotional roller coaster, because I bawled the whole episode. It was the best display of the beauty of marriage, even on its worst day, and why it's worth the fight.

It's about 9pm, and I'm quite certain Stephen and I are about to drift into sleep as he's not feeling so great tonight either.

#217 Back to the Grind

This month has been weird. With almost two straight weeks off for the Christmas holiday, and now a second day off within a couple weeks, I feel like I've barely gotten into the feel of things at work. It's like I can't get myself motivated to get going. But with auditors in the house starting tomorrow, trust me that pace is picking up.

This evening I spent time at home doing a few chores, and finishing up the painting on the stair railings. Now all I've got to do is clean up the extra paint on the wood rails, and poly the whole thing. Considering staining the wood railings to better match the flooring too.

Watched the new Fixer Upper, and never would I ever want to live in a modern home, but this episode made me question all the things.

Those windows to the floor. I swoon.

#216 MLK

Unfortunately MLK day tends to just mean a day off for me. I did have a few more moments this year, especially in light of so much going on in the world, to realize the impact this man had for the world we live in today. Forever grateful we will be, and I hope we can continue to apply the same principals in this life as he did in his own.

I spent the day painting some of the railings in the house as well as staining my shelves.

New and Old

This angle makes it worth it

Enjoyed coffee with my parents at The Haven. Not entirely cracked up to all I've heard.

Then spent the rest of the evening dreaming of Japan with Philip and Stephen. Not sure if this trip will take off or not, but it's fun dreaming at least.

#215 Neighborhood Walks

We barely managed to wake up this morning in time for the second life group. Enjoyed a much anticipated McAllister's lunch. Came home to the couch, and took a two hour nap.

Then to cap off the night we took a tour of the neighborhood, walking around with the pups. We made all sorts of friends. We met a new couple in the neighborhood expecting their second child; we met another couple walking their brand new hound dog named Bullet; and then we met about 10 neighborhood kids who must be an organized gang, because they sent one of their scouts to "find out where the dogs live". We slowed down and changed our walking path after that comment.

Oh Millstream Place. You are a unique neighborhood.

#214 Weekend Trip

Well we were supposed to take a trip for the weekend, but birthday celebration, work, and well life got in the way. So instead we ventured to Aiken. We managed to get there pretty late, so our wondering in and out of shops didn't entirely pan out. But we still saw some amazing sites, drank some strong coffee, and drove around trying to find as many fun things as we could.
Near Mellow Mushroom

Forever the model

Fun blurry murals

#213 Birthday Smurfday

Quite sure I've used that title before.

Today was the love of my life's birthday! While he worked, I ran out and about to gather up the last few items for his gift, as well as ingredients for a birthday cake.

I got a text from Kevin earlier in the day, and not knowing mine and Stephen's plans for the weekend, brushed off Kevin's question about if we were celebrating away. Until, I decided to ask if we had plans this evening, and we didn't. So I took Kevin's hint, and invited a slew of people to come and enjoy my delicious cake. Which, for the record was AMAZING.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

Coffee in a cake to enhance the chocolate taste.. how about the icing tasted like coffee and it was incredible.

We managed to have about 10-15 people over, and my ever extroverted husband loved every moment.

I even hung in there until 1 am, but then the guys started with the football talk. I was done.

So thankful for great friends, and an even more amazing husband to celebrate. Can't wait to see what year 29 has to hold!

#212 Closing Down IHOP

In case you weren't aware our IHOP is no longer 24 hours. I imagine it may have to do with an unfortunate incident back in June, as well as the unimaginable, choke inducing smoke we experience a couple of months ago.

Tonight I do believe we arrived at 11:30pm, and were there till 12:40 am. Yeah we're those people, because I totally forgot we had a time limit.

Soon enough they'll be closing at 7pm.

#211 Ikea Package

Came home today to finally find my Ikea package had arrived. Knowing what I had ordered, I kind of wondered what in the world must be in them--like did they give me a bunch of freebies? Because all I ordered was two packs of curtains, two down inserts (vacuum sealed), and a set of 3 boxes for our closet which were flattened out for packaging.

I can't even

Pretty sure I was prepared for someone to pop out of there and hang up my curtains for me.

#210 Tour Lexington

Today was a struggle to get up. Not having your hubby near by and acting like you're in middle school again staying up till 2 am, makes getting to work at 7:30 am a rough thing.

Last night, and some today, I spent time on making a Lexington map. I seriously have too much time on my hands right now. It's all of our favorites in the greater Lexington area. The spots you want to check out that you may not know are there.

So now you know all my favorites, and go ahead and laugh at my descriptions. I took a stab at being a food reviewer apparently.

So come on to Lexington and try us out! This was a pretty fun way to realize that we do have some pretty awesome things going for us here.

This evening I finally made it to Goodwill again to actually purchase the rug I've been eyeing for too long. It's $60 less than the current sales price at Target, so I call that a win. I also bought a grapevine wreath with some awful decor on it. Removed the extras, and I left with an 18"+ grapevine wreath for $1.75. My kind of thrifting.

Not my room, but that is now my rug :) 
Because my idle hands are going crazy not doing something (my extroverted husband has made me into an introvert in an extrovert lifestyle), I finally painted the little wood tray I bought with Kayla a couple weeks ago.

Fixer Upper episode tonight was tear jerking, and This Is Us was once again great! I may have to watch it again, as I was a little distracted with painting my tray. 

#209 Remember This?

Remember my Home Alone video?

A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

Well that was me again last night. You better believe every door was locked and barricaded.

Since today was my last day to see Stephen for a while, I was so thankful I got to see him at lunch. We snagged some free Moe's from a catered meal at work, and soaked up our last few hours together.

After stalking Goodwill last night for my rug (I'm going to buy it today. I've got to stop delaying. I know I know.), I came home to an empty house. Which was quiet, too quiet.

Drank my celebratory Starbucks, and watched tv shows and movies until the wee hours of the night, before finishing the night off with asparagus and pea risotto (which was delicious).

Talked to Stephen on the phone for a few minutes since he's up in Greenville this week for a business meeting.

#208 Five Guys on a Scooter

I've never even watched this, even as I'm posting it, but the whole day my husbands singing of this song has been stuck in my head.

Especially after we went to Five Guys, and so naturally it's Five Guys On a Scooter.

Lunch today was at Five Guys, obviously. Filled up about 5 tables with 15 people. God is good. We have such a wide variety of people from all walks of life, and it seems lately no matter what gets "thrown" our way, God has equipped us with people who have been through it all to help through it all. Doesn't always mean that we know exactly how to do it, but the Holy Spirit tends to fill in the gaps.

We ended the night with a round of Bananagrams. Tied. Our kids will never be competitive.

#207 Snow Day

Today's snow day was more of a rain day. Lots of rain.
The only bit of snow that stayed put.
Unfortunately the frigid air and little bit of snow kept Kayla and I inside, so we didn't manage to go to Momma Rabbits for brunch, thrifting, or to the new coffee shop on Main Street. Another time though.

Instead most of the day was spent inside, until Stephen go home. We ventured out to Bellacino's for my parents celebration of Stephen's birthday--coming up this Friday! Enjoyed a hot dish of lasagna.

This evening we drove out on the roads, all dried up from the afternoon sun, and headed to the Meldrums. We enjoyed a night with them and three other couples from our college and career group. Talking about life, family, marriages, etc. It was a really enjoyable night, and so glad they had the vision to invite us all for a night like this together. 

#206 Friday Surprises

Woke up this morning to a phone call from Stephen reminding me we had an appointment with Craig Jr our financial adviser. Yep we have one of those--just call us ADULTS. I managed to make it there in time for our meeting, and we got the great news that some of our accounts are up by at least 5 to 6%. Better than a savings account. Everytime we are there, Craig has to double check and make sure he heard me right about my job contributing 10% towards my 403b (401k) without me even putting anything in. Now I barely make any money, but nonetheless that makes up for it a WHOLE lot. My benefits are amazing--I'll go ahead and brag. One of the few things I can brag about.

After our meeting, Stephen and I grabbed a bite to eat at Del Taco. Ran into Target a few minutes later, with not much to show for it. I headed back home after that since I wasn't feeling well, and the weather was so nasty. Stephen headed back to work.

I came home, lounged for a bit, tried to do some laundry, and then made a list of groceries to go pick up. Something I've not done in a long time. But I delayed and instead took a trip to Goodwill, where I managed to find EVERYTHING Target on discount. I'll post some of the pics here soon.

I texted Joanna as my lifeline to decide on which Target bag to buy, and got a quick invitation to dinner.

I rushed into Aldi's real quick, with a couple of prayers.

Then rushed home to Stephen so we could get ready to go enjoy a delicious potato soup with Red Lobster biscuits with one of the sweetest and best families we know.

Got all the good loving I need from Mr. Jackson, and we settled in for the night watching weird videos of robots, Studio C, and thriller cuts of Elf. Was a splendid and surprising night. 

#205 When the Spirit Moves

This past week has been a little difficult, and in all honesty the week before that was too. When it comes down to it, it wasn't about money, work issues, marital issues, friends, parents, etc. It was about me. Internally there's always a lot of self-doubt and insecurities. I sometimes forget to relish in who God sees me as and intends for me to be, and instead project a lot of ill feelings on myself. As I've mentioned before, I know this is the way the enemy attacks me. He stops me before I get going, because well I'm not good enough to do anything right? Well at least I tell myself.

So when outside circumstances feel like they reconfirm those feelings, it really gets bad. I've had a couple of things done or said the past two weeks, and well it eats at me. Although during all this, I've probably sought God more than I ever have in the past few weeks and years. Despite the enemy's plans, I know the only way I can ever be solid and stable is if I turn to Him for that strength to cover my weaknesses.

Last night was a reminder of all the things God is bringing me through, and some things I need to let go of and grow through, instead of holding on to and being held back. Holding grudges never produces anything good.

Pastor Fleming taught on humility, and man was it humbling! There's a lot I can take away and check my own attitude in general, and specifically in these circumstances. The spirit was moving in Unleashed last night, even well before the message. Worship was an amazing time, and I remember looking at Sarah at one point thinking, "Oh He is here now!" No doubt everyone there felt the presence of the Lord.

Even before worship, God confirmed some things to me. That when these thoughts of self-doubt creep in, specifically things like I'm not a good friend, He surrounds me with people who love and display love to me in undeniable ways. Going into small groups, I had 3 different people chanting my name, I had multiple people coming to speak with me, giving me hugs--and have I mentioned how important these people are to me? God uses them as instruments of love and support, and lets me from time to time be that for them.

Real communities of faith are undeniably great. So glad we have one we can call home.

#204 Momma Rabbits and Dessert

I don't know if I've mentioned Momma Rabbits before or not. I had to of. It is probably one of my favorite restaurants in Lexington right now. Simple food, great prices, and amazing taste. Also helps that the restaurant is adorable, small, quaint, and the staff is always super sweet.

Interior bar area.
It's 8 siblings who decided to go into the restaurant business together after their grandmother Momma Rabbit passed away and left them some money. They try and source farm to table food, and always manage to create some amazing dishes.

A few of the siblings.
I follow them on Facebook, and everytime I see one of the siblings in person I feel like I'm meeting a minicelebrity. A Lexington celebrity.

After a great day at work, we had a building wide prayer meeting to beckon in the new year, Stephen and I found ourselves without any of the tasks or agendas we had made for ourselves earlier in the day. So we headed to Momma Rabbits for dinner. The food excellent as always.

Afterwards Stephen and I went to Target, because I can't pass up a Target run, and grabbed dessert to take home. Tiramisu and Key Lime Pie. Unfortunately too full, mine will have to wait until tomorrow!

#203 Quiet Nights

As of the past few weeks, we've not had our ladies Bible study, nor have we had Monday night get togethers at Steve's. Which please be praying for his family. They had some home issues turn up, and are having to deal with the aftermath of water damage in their kitchen and laundry.

Back to the point, I've not really had much I've HAD to do the past few weeks. Talk about a change. It's the silence and flexibility I crave, and honestly I don't know what to do with it. So after my first day back at work, I came home and slept. For like 2 or 3 hours.

Not the best use of my time, but between a lack of sleep last night and some sickness I'm starting to have to fight off, was probably what I needed.

After Stephen got back from Bible Study, I woke up to watch the new episode of Fixer Upper. I've also recently become addicted to a fan Facebook group for Fixer Upper. It's everyone putting up photos of things they are doing in their home or asking for advice. It's getting to play designer, without having to actually design anything.

I also worked on some dreams for our back guest bedroom today.
I have some of the coral pieces, so I'm trying to determine if navy is the right accent color.

But in the massive list of other things to do in our house.... 
  • Caulk and paint the baseboards downstairs from the floor redo
  • Paint and install shelves in the laundry room
  • Install light in the laundry room
  • Finish up the backyard pebble/gravel patio
  • Replace the front porch railings
  • Paint the hallway leading upstairs
... No idea when this bedroom would actually get done, especially with our house guest being here. 

But I am weighing whether it is worth going ahead and buying that rug. 8x10 for $100. Hmph.

Oh and all my worries from yesterday, about assuming the worst and it being the worst. Maybe it wasn't quite the worst, like I thought--there you go again God. But nonetheless I've got a friend choosing to ignore me and others, and it hurts. It hurts to have people push you away when you mean the best, and when you just want to help their hurts.

But lesson learned God, lesson learned.

#202 Word of the Year

So I recently read an article from SobreMeStories.com, and it resonated so deeply with me. Not too long after read it, I had the pleasure of hanging out with some of the ladies in my neighborhood before my neighbor Deepty went to Austin, TX for her husband's job. During that dinner with them, my other neighbor (saying "neighbor" a lot here) Melinda mentioned her word this year was "intentional". To be intentional in her job, intentional with her daughter, and even more intentional with her husband and friendships. Then about a week after that, I saw on one of the Facebook pages I follow about how there should be a specific word you choose to define your marriage. It all made me think more and more about what my defining word would be for this year.

And I keep going back to the Sobre Me Stories post, and would it be okay to choose more than ONE word? It is? Okay good.

Assume the best.

And as I typed that, I realized God has already pushed me about 10 different times to try and assume the best, and what do I do? Assume the worst.

Unfortunately the assumption of the worst over the past couple of days turned out to be true today, but in the end I could have saved myself a couple of days of absolutely torturing myself that I had hurt someone and they were choosing to ignore me, until I knew for certain that was the case.

So I'm still in the same boat, it was the worst thoughts come true, but honestly until they are ready and willing to respond and deal with it, there's no reason for me to fret or worry. Move on until they are ready to handle this. Assume the best, that one day they will want to talk about it. Maybe even address some past hang ups, but this girl right here is not forcing anyone to do anything. When they are ready I will be too.

Until then, I'm going to try and keep taking this challenge to assume the best of myself and others.

I think Sobre Me Stories' summarization of her self centeredness is about spot on for me when it comes to others, and that's no way to live:

 Oh man, am I guilty of this one.  My immediate assumption is that everything Jordan thinks, says, and does is 100% connected to me, his beautiful, charming, and completely selfless wife (See the irony here?).  From my selfish perspective, I viewed everything Jordan did as a reflection of me and his heart for me.  Not only did this put an enormous amount of pressure on Jordan, it meant that a lot of my value and my self-esteem came from what Jordan said or did on a daily basis.  I turned my husband’s opinion of me (whether he meant to express that “opinion” of me or not) into an idol that gave me worth and significance.

Moving forward, we decided that we needed to embrace the reality of our selfish natures: 80% (okay maybe 70%? I’m making this statistic up so who knows) of what we think, say, and do is connected to ourselves and our own issues, NOT to our spouse.  Yes, sometimes our comments and actions reflect frustrations and issues that need to be addressed in our marriage.  But most of the time, if we’re honest, our actions are more a reflection of our own emotional, mental, and physical state in that given moment.

#201 A New Year

Well I think it's kind of appropriate that my New Year post should be post #201. While unfortunately it does not say #366, I feel like #201 says it's the first day (1) of the second year of writing this little blog (2). The blog no one sees, but I think my heart needs to just remember all the goodness God pours into my life.

There are times I realize God has given me a very even kilter personality. Not much ruffles my feathers. Stressful situations seem to bead off, and I can hunker down and make it through to the other side. I'm reminded God is still in those moments, and I think that God-filled joy He gives is what keeps me going. But the one thing I realize that can bring me down much quicker than any life circumstances, are my own thoughts. My worrying thoughts, my self-doubt, past hang ups. It's like when the enemy knows he can't get to me through things going on around me, he fills my head with lies that eat away at me--quickly.

But looking back at this blog, I realize those thoughts are deafened by the simple joys that life brought this year. The simple joys God still continues to bring into my life on this new day in a new year.

Today was a rainy, mucky, miserable day. These days I love, but every now at then they can throw me off my game. So after lunch at Miyabi Jrs with our church crowd, I came home to rest some aches and pains. But when I woke up, as Matt put it, "I feel like I've woken up in a new year." See what he did there? But seriously, it was one of those naps where I felt like it was day time when I went to sleep and night time when I woke up, but it was actually still day out, so that doesn't make sense.

Thankfully I took an hour or so to try and shake it off with a cup of coffee on my soft cozy couch, and around 7pm we headed out to meet up with Philip and Makayla to go see Sing. Was actually a really cute movie. The more I hang out with these fine folks, the more I realize how awesome they are. So glad to have my little group of people I feel extremely comfortable with expanding.

So today was filled with the simple joy of friends, and even though today brought some self doubt and worries mentally, God quickly took those things away by the end of the day.

Happy new year!!