#226 Cold, Cold Go Away

8:28 AM

Don't come again another day. Seriously I'm sick again. Feeling a little under the weather at work, a couple of my coworkers even took notice I wasn't feeling too well.

 Sure enough by the time Unleashed rolled around I was full on sick. Sniffles here, sore throat to the max, achy body, super cold, etc. Except minus the nausea which is great, but somehow everything is like 10x worse than last week. So here I am missing Thursday night again this week. I slept lots, but then I also managed to squeeze in my episode of This is Us. Tears every time. How do they do that?

I even thought I had this episode figured out since I knew they were sharing
how Jack died. Typically their episodes have a theme to them that all the characters experience. So in light of "death" I figured William, Randall's dad, would end up passing away. But spoiler that is the farthest thing from what happened. I'm glad though.

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