#219 A Day In

8:41 PM

Life does seem to have taken on a slower pace these days, and as you know by now, I don't entirely mind it. But sometimes it's tough to take the slow days, feeling unproductive and selfish. Then there are some days, like today where you have to take the slow days. You have to be selfish, because well you're sick. After sleeping about 9 hours last night, I woke up at 6 am to still feeling not quite myself, and watching Stephen get ready for work, as he didn't feel quite himself. He promised me he would come home after Halsey got in to work and they hit the lull period in the morning. At about 11 am, Stephen finally walked in the front door.

Reading back through blog entries today, as it's been such a slow day, I realize my entries don't always make sense or flow. My thoughts are jumbled. I'm trying to rush through writing something, just to have something written down. Sorry for that. And even now, as I read through them, I'm honestly too lazy and uncaring enough to edit them to make more sense. So for the 1.3 people who read this thing ever, just bear with me.

Now if you want to read a page that actually not only makes sense, but makes you taste the words you read, check out my buddy Meghan Frick's page. This blog post made me have such an appreciation for her talent in not only saying exactly what she means, but taking me to the exact place and moment she's recollecting. Putting me in her shoes, letting me experience the things she does. It's a talent only few have, and I would read 100 novels of her's if she wrote them. And of course if I read more often.

Seriously go check her out.

The rest of the day has been spent in an in between state of TV watching and unconscious states. We downed a few scrambled eggs in an attempt to keep our energy up, even though we had no appetite. A quick text to Matt, and an hour later Chad and him show up at our door with milk in hand (what we needed) and two giant bottles of Gatorade. I sit now listening to them talking about short work days, keeping my innocence by not letting me hear cuss words, and old high school buddies turned ladies of the night.

And I've yet to step outside today. Oh except for when the car alarm randomly went off two times. And it wasn't due to the water being turned off and back on due to me not having paid our water bill in two moths. Oops!

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