#224 I've Got Friends...

8:11 AM

I was going to sing a song about I've got friends in low places, but that doesn't fit and then it also talks about whiskey or something. I don't listen to country. Not sure why I felt that was all appropriate. But now you know my title of "I've Got Friends" is not to brag, simply a statement.

Better title is probably I've got new friends. About a year ago I met Lisa through our College and Career. Since then I've been able to build a friendship with her and it's one of the few I can say I feel is a real new organic friendship I've been able to create. She's been involved in our group, but not to the level others have. Yet we've still managed to hang out multiple times, encourage each other, and be there for one another in times of hardship.

Tonight we got together to catch up after work. So after my sweet hubby came to my rescue and replaced my brakes for me while I was at work (they were something horrible), I rushed over afterwards to meet Lisa at Chick-fil-a in Five Points.

We spent over 3 hours there, and I'm pretty sure almost closed the place down. It was such a needed time together, and it encourages me to have a friendship like this that has come naturally.

Also I got to see Rick Henry with Sports.
WIS tv News Anchor for Sports
I kind of had a weird fan girl moment. I didn't think I was capable of them, but nonetheless here I was freaking out over my childhood TV star. Just saying I've watched him since I was a kid.

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