#218 Family

11:47 AM

Today was a little rough, as I've not felt well all day. In fact I headed home a little early, because I felt like I was going to pass out at my desk.

Barely making it home, I took an hour and half nap before waking up to decide if I could make it to my parents' house to have dinner with my aunt and uncle who were on their way to Florida. Really wanting to see them, I tried to suck it up and headed to their house about 10 minutes after waking up.

They had what looked like a very yummy vegetable lasagna for my aunt the vegetarian, but I ate nothing but a slice of bread and some water. Feeling like there is an applicable Bible verse here. So good to see them, even though we peaced out about an hour later.

I came home and laid in bed watching the new episode of This is Us, and having all the feels. I think when I'm sick I act like I'm on my period, riding the emotional roller coaster, because I bawled the whole episode. It was the best display of the beauty of marriage, even on its worst day, and why it's worth the fight.

It's about 9pm, and I'm quite certain Stephen and I are about to drift into sleep as he's not feeling so great tonight either.

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