#205 When the Spirit Moves

10:24 AM

This past week has been a little difficult, and in all honesty the week before that was too. When it comes down to it, it wasn't about money, work issues, marital issues, friends, parents, etc. It was about me. Internally there's always a lot of self-doubt and insecurities. I sometimes forget to relish in who God sees me as and intends for me to be, and instead project a lot of ill feelings on myself. As I've mentioned before, I know this is the way the enemy attacks me. He stops me before I get going, because well I'm not good enough to do anything right? Well at least I tell myself.

So when outside circumstances feel like they reconfirm those feelings, it really gets bad. I've had a couple of things done or said the past two weeks, and well it eats at me. Although during all this, I've probably sought God more than I ever have in the past few weeks and years. Despite the enemy's plans, I know the only way I can ever be solid and stable is if I turn to Him for that strength to cover my weaknesses.

Last night was a reminder of all the things God is bringing me through, and some things I need to let go of and grow through, instead of holding on to and being held back. Holding grudges never produces anything good.

Pastor Fleming taught on humility, and man was it humbling! There's a lot I can take away and check my own attitude in general, and specifically in these circumstances. The spirit was moving in Unleashed last night, even well before the message. Worship was an amazing time, and I remember looking at Sarah at one point thinking, "Oh He is here now!" No doubt everyone there felt the presence of the Lord.

Even before worship, God confirmed some things to me. That when these thoughts of self-doubt creep in, specifically things like I'm not a good friend, He surrounds me with people who love and display love to me in undeniable ways. Going into small groups, I had 3 different people chanting my name, I had multiple people coming to speak with me, giving me hugs--and have I mentioned how important these people are to me? God uses them as instruments of love and support, and lets me from time to time be that for them.

Real communities of faith are undeniably great. So glad we have one we can call home.

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