#288 New Phone Case

Came home to a new cell phone cover. I'm not sure I've mentioned my love for my Citi credit card that ties into Amazon and will use my points via Amazon--have I mentioned that? Well this is about the 3rd time now that my points ended up almost paying for my entire purchase. My $25 case was a $1.25 with free shipping (yay Prime!), and was waiting on me when I arrived home.

LG V20 Pierre Cardin Cover

Perfect fit. It's all leather, and while it leaves the top and bottom of the phone a little vulnerable, I already find myself less worried about scratching this dumb thing.

I've already broken the case in though, since it's leather it has a couple scratches. Although I learned from my purse that I bought a few months ago, I like the leather as it shows use, little scratches and scuffs.

I feel like Joanna Gaines would approve, and that's all that matters in life now right? JUST KIDDING.

Tonight's Table Gathering with 1000x better than my little worried heart had worked itself up to. We talked about prayer. I felt some of the questions were a little disjointed, but honestly we had some really great discussion and there were 5 of us total.

So thankful for these ladies that desire community and studying God's Word.

#287 Worries

We've been discussing in our Experiencing God study about hearing God's voice and joining Him in the work He's already doing. While our discussion has allowed for me to see that hearing God's voice is not nearly as intimidating as I sometimes make it out to be (do I see God at work now, what do I discover when I pray to Him, where do I feel the Holy Spirit leading or prompting me, what do other believers say, what is the Bible telling me or reconfirming in me, and what do my circumstances show me), sometimes I still feel lost as to what the answer is.

So tonight I mentioned to Stephen we would probably only have two girls again for tomorrow's Table Gathering. Not bad, it's intended for a small group of women, but still small. Unfortunately Tuesday's is just not the best night for everyone. Essentially it's the best night for me.

I felt selfish at first, but my heart keeps coming back to I can't make this work for me to lead/facilitate unless it is on a Tuesday. I can't commit to having 4 nights of my week away from Stephen and home, knowing that the other 3 days of the week quickly fill up with friends, family and other activities. So my 3 days a week isn't really 3 days a week. My introvert self needs that rest, needs that time alone, needs that time to recharge, and with 4 days a week occupied my heart is uneasy.

Also, not to mention I don't see myself as a leader or a facilitator. If someone else is up to the task, I'd gladly let them step in. At times I find myself in spots to lead, and I'm okay or semi comfortable with it. I know there are times where God is going to ask me to stretch myself, and I eventually come around. While I've enjoyed these nights, I feel uneasy the whole time. I stress the day before, the day of, and sometimes afterwards. It ends up consuming days of my life.

But then I come back to, am I letting God lead? Is this God's desire? Am I the person He has given this task, or am I simply a filler until that person gets here? Do I need to be doing things out of obligation, or do I truly feel God has called me to this?

I'm not sure. I know our girls need a place they feel comfortable and safe to share with others. I know they need a spot that's not a distraction, but truly encourages openness and community. I think I've felt their need for that, and I wanted to be able to start creating that place for them. Is that enough though?

Feeling a bit lost. Just going to stay in it until I get a clear indication from God to move on. 

#286 New Phones

After a full day at church, discussing Experiencing God and learning about D personalities with the DISC profile (so not a D personality here), Stephen and I ran out to look at new phones.

It was super painless actually. I expected go in there and have to fight to keep the awesome deal we have going right now, but Erin our sales person was super helpful and nice. Instead we said what we wanted, looked at a few phones, and ended up walking out with some nice ones not paying TOO much more than we were before. Thank goodness for no contracts anymore--although this paying monthly on a phone thing is irritating.

Ended up spending the rest of my night trying to reorganize my phone. I think I've got it down pat now.

#285 Wedding

Thankfully I was able to scoot out early this afternoon thanks to a great group of people who packed quickly, and efficiently--especially Bradden and Keelie! Man they were good packers.

So I ventured back down to Columbia. Quickly got changed just in time for Stephen and I to make it to Anna and David's wedding. We were convinced they'd started early because we walked in the lobby and there Anna was with the whole bridal party waiting to walk down the aisle--10 minutes early! It would be an Anna thing to do.

The happy couple!

They had a great reception, with amazing food, and even better people. Felt like an Unleashed party, and was good to hang out with so many people I love! 

Congrats you guys!

#284 Beyond

Woke up early this morning and drove with Donna and the gang to the church. We opened up the bookstore at 8:30am, with not many people coming in before the first session began.

But at lunch time the flood gates opened. I'm not 100% sure if the card reader we've been using helps make things go quicker, or slower, or the same. Either way I think the ability to charge credit cards as well as keep track of what is selling has been a huge benefit to us already.

During sessions I hid alone in the book store taking a little rest before the masses of people came flooding through.

Before we knew it the first day was already over, and we were trying to decide on dinner. Heather had recommended Willys Tacos, so we ended up giving this Catina a try.

So good. So stinking good. It was like Torchy's Tacos in Austin, TX but in Spartanburg, SC. So of course I had to text Melinda ASAP about it.

Thankfully everyone else loved it as much as I did, and I know I'll be back there soon with Heather, Kayla, and Jenn. I'm getting hungry again.

#283 In Action

Today our office headed to Boiling Springs for our Annual Meeting. Troy had already made it to the church and unloaded all the bookstore items, making the rest of the day go very quickly.

We managed to get the screens up, and they looked a whole lot better than I imagined.

Not too shabby.
We also had to put up 8 displays. Thankfully Mary Ellen and Melanie went to town on decorating the tables--and asked me minimal questions about how to do it! Which is what I wanted. :) They just used their creativity to make it happen.

WMU Display

Partnership Display

Camp Display

Project Help: PTSD, Refugees, and Human Trafficking Display

CWJC and CMJC Display

WorldCrafts Display

Growth Display

We laughed our heads off at videos during dinner after everything was complete.

Thankful for such a productive day, and enjoying some time that isn't stressful with my coworkers.

#282 Finished Screens

With a work light flooding our yard and the neighbor's yard we finally finished the screens for the event this weekend. They are a little wonky, but for the most part should do the job.

Tonight was a quiet evening. We finished the screens, and then headed over to Chick-fil-a where the staff was having a rough time keeping it together. So we blessed our chicken tenders and chicken sandwich, and asked for an easier night for the staff there.

Then we came home and watched lots of Parks and Rec. A good evening indeed.

#281 Missed Dinner Dates

Almost forgot this evening that I had a dinner date with a friend. Unfortunately when I wasn't getting responses to my texts about where we should finally meet up, I pretty much knew that she was going to bail on me. It's kind of been the pattern with her.

She's introverted. I get it, so am I. So there are times I'd rather bail on a get together with someone than go to it, because it's like I work it up so much in my head that the idea of a simple friend date gets to be overwhelming. But because my desire to see that person and also not disappoint them win out, I show up. Unfortunately with her, she doesn't.

So while she finally replied to me, and we tried to call one another through a bad connection, I was getting the strong impression that she wanted to reschedule. So I told her "not to worry about it" and headed home, to only have her ask me where I was headed and did I want to go to Mellow Mushroom.

Bump that.

I'm not up for being your last option or a possibility. Especially when you've asked me to be someone who supports and keeps you accountable but it's been 3 weeks and you've not made the first attempt to try and get together. While on the other hand I have been met with your lack of commitment and respect towards me.

This post is taking a different turn that it normally does. But life is messy and real right? I do not appreciate feeling used in times of hardships with her, and abandoned with it's good in her life. She's been the friend who has needed me, and it makes it really hard to try and cultivate a friendship because it's been a lot of giving and no receiving.

So it may end up being one of those life lessons where I am going to have to learn to let go of someone in my life. But we did reschedule for this coming Wednesday, so we'll see how that goes. It may be the sure tell sigh I need to make a decision on is this worth working at. 

#280 Making a Prayer Wall

Tonight after work, Stephen and I worked on 3 screen door frames to hopefully create an accordion screen that would work as a prayer wall for the WMU Annual Meeting this coming weekend. Stephen managed to get the screens out the frames, but quickly learned the framing was super weak and almost being held together by the screens. So we battled taping and fixing the framing, and are hoping it will hold up.

We finally figured out how to attach some chicken wire in place of the screening that was there. The chicken wire will then hold rolled up pieces of paper that will be prayers for our SC missionaries serving all over the world. Like this...

I would love to set up a mobile version of this. I wonder what the wire is...                                                                                                                                                     More                                                                                                                                                                                 More:

#279 Personalities and Experiencing God

We started last week a study called Experiencing God. Funny enough National WMU posted that a group of ladies across the world was doing the same study.

The first week of study was really good. Honestly learned a lot, and everyone kept up with their reading. Which is super impressive with the size group we have. I think the biggest point for me that I learned this week was knowing God is already at work, and we just have to pay attention to how he is at work and join in. It's not about asking permission for God to join in on our own ideas and desires, it's about joining God where he's at and what he's doing.

After lunch we had a personality class with Mark and Robin Woodhams. It follows the DISC personality types, and since I've done this before I wasn't surprised to find I'm an S. It will be interesting to continue learning about other personalities and one another over the next few weeks.

#278 Vintage Market

I woke up relatively early for a Saturday, Kayla pulling up in my driveway. We piled in my car, and set out to go to Boiling Springs and then to Asheville to meet up with Jennifer and Heather to attend  a Vintage Market day there.

I won't go into the overloading details, because trust me I could go on forever about the hilarious things these girls say, and the memories we continue to create with one another. So I'll just stick to the highlights. 

After trying to convince Jenn she was going the wrong way, making flirty eyes at passer by cars to get a spot in line, we finally made it to the show. Felt squished and crowded, but saw lots of cool things that none of us bought. We finally decided we'd head out and go elsewhere, which ended up be Culver's. Excuse me, Culvert's. I mean, Culvert's Island. 

We tried to park the car. 5 minutes, one stranger laughing, and 4 girls who could barely hold it together later we finally parked the car in the space.

We got some custard, fell into a big giant round booth and proceeded to laugh for the next hour and a half. These girls are my forever friends. I cherish having them in my life for over 10 years now, although feeling simultaneously that it's not been that long and yet longer than 10 years too. They understand me like no other people do, and somehow I jive with them far easier and better than any people I have yet to meet. Every time we're apart, and then reunite it's like no time has passed at all. They are the people I will always need in my life.

A post shared by Heather Abolfathi (@habolfathi) on

#276 Photo Collages

My mom has been asking me for a few weeks now to come and help them hang some posters and photos they have for their guest bedroom. Honestly I've been nervous about it. A lot of people compliment me on my decor in my own home, which is nice cause I do try even if I don't feel like it's great, but people asking me to do their spaces makes me nervous because my tastes are no longer subjective to my own likes.

So I woke up, got dressed, and headed to my parents house and they presented me with four photos/posters to hang. I arranged them quickly on the floor, and my mom immediately liked the "first draft". My dad got quickly to work, and 20 minutes later all 4 photos were hung on the wall. Thankfully my mom still likes them! Whew.

I met up with Joanna after lunch with my parents. We found a nail salon, casually walking past first to make sure it looked okay, and then we got up the nerve to walk in. Immediately they sat us down after it took way too long by their standards for me to pick out a color for nail polish. We sat down in the chairs, soaking our feet in the bubbly water. It was a really relaxing 40 minutes for sure, and something we both needed. Thankfully my guy brought out the cheese grater tool, and got my heels pretty and soft. He also rubbed and massaged my legs, and trust me if I get my toenails done I'll be back there. Although I feel weird saying some random man massaged my legs and I REALLY enjoyed it. haha.

We both were getting hungry, so we decided we wanted bread. That's a good thing to want for dinner right? So we went to Panera Bread where I ordered a French Onion Soup in a bread bowl with a side of bread. My wish was granted.

All the bread.

Joanna joined me go to see Beauty and the Beast with some of the girls from Unleashed. I was a little hesitant, I mean I think we've all heard the rumors. The issues were minimal, barely noticeable, and the rest of it lived up to the cartoon version plus some really great extra scenes. Gave backstory that was needed, while still maintaining the original. My favorite additional song is Evermore. Seriously Broadway worthy and so good!

#275 Support

I think for a while now I've wondered if what I do makes any difference. I see the time I try to invest in things, and for a long time those things can go without any sort of reward or feedback for your efforts. I too question a lot of how I spend my time, and am I intentional about how I spend that time. Do I make an impact? Do I invest in others? Does this have an eternal impact?

I'm realizing more and more, with the help of a couple of books called Nothing to Prove and Experiencing God, that as long as my focus is on God these questions don't have to haunt me. When I allow myself to join in with God in the work he is doing, it takes the focus off of what is Brittany doing, and makes it about Him alone.

So sometimes those thoughts still haunt me, but more and more I'm trying to feel okay with what I'm doing. As long as I know I'm not directly opposing or disobeying God, then why do I feel like I keep having to make myself worthy?

But nights like these, I realize that somehow God is using the little bit I'm able to give for His glory. Some how.

Having two people come and seek me out to go and talk, realizing I don't really have the words to give or say, but knowing God is going to fill in those gaps so that something can be made of those moments.. that's enough. It lets me know that God is using me enough that people feel they can come speak to me. It lets me know that I don't have to be perfect in those moments, I just have to be obedient. 

#274 Fences

Tonight Stephen and I had an impromptu date night. We ate dinner at Momma Rabbits, where the food is always amazing. We then went to Publix and picked up some ice cream as well as the movie Fences with Denzel Washington. It either was the fact we were full and it was late, or that this movie was so slow and "deep" we just couldn't get into it. So 40 minutes in we ended up turning it off.

And now I'm seeing the reviews for it and wondering why we can't appreciate things. Bahaha. Oh well.

Instead we watched a few episodes of Park and Rec and New Girl before we headed to bed. 

#273 Gather

Tonight was our second time doing IF:Table Gathering. There were only 3 of us this time, but it was good to have my high school buddy Tori there with us. It was a good night of hanging out with them, finding out some of their burdens, discussing the importance of loving others and how we can show that more frequently, and then watching a slew of YouTube videos.

While I feel I do a horrendous job of facilitating this, the whole time I wonder if they are bored out of their mind never to return, I've got to be faithful in a task that has been given to me right? I see the importance of these girls having a place they can fellowship with other girls, where drama is at a minimum and we can share burdens and concerns.

Maybe that's where it'll end up one day, maybe we're already there, and I'm going to try not to worry about it in the mean time. Try. :) 

#272 Brand New Pair of....

This morning the Jeep wasn't liking the cold. While it started up right away, Hank decided to shut off all the electronics in the vehicle but keep running. So I left it heating up in the driveway, and came back out and all the electronics were still not working. I turned off Hank, and tried to turn him back on, and he was dead.

Most likely a dead cell in the battery.

My wonderful mother woke up from a dead sleep to come and take me to work. Thankful that even in the bad moments I get the good moments of catching up with her.

Work was busy, but productive, which is a far cry from last week I think.

Stephen picked me up from work, in a pretty bad mood. When your teeth hurt, and it's not a pain you felt before, it's worrisome and also puts you in a pretty sour mood. It was pouring outside, and traffic was terrible with no good way to drive home.

Stephen had preordered a battery for the Jeep, except when we got to Advanced Auto Parts they informed us we'd preordered it at another location 3 miles away, which might of well been 100 miles because traffic was at a standstill.

Stephen looked up the address, and I noticed the time it closed was 5 minutes ago. But that couldn't be right, because what auto place closes at 6pm on weekdays and 4pm on a Saturday? Sketchville auto stores, that's who.

We got there and sure enough they were closed like their website hours said. So we sped off, me freaking out a little bit because it was wet, we're going fast, and people are crazy drivers, and ended up going to pick my car up at Stephen's office where it's been parked for a few weeks.

Thankfully the car was working, and the drive was smooth sailing from there.

Chad came over for a bit, and by that time Stephen's mood had gotten better (medication helps a lot) and he felt ready to open his package that had come in the mail. So we recorded the whole event, and even Stephen's first attempt at trying to master his brand new pair of Heely's!

I married a child.

It was just the laughs we needed though. We kicked back the rug in the den, and he used Chad as his assisting arm to roll around on the vinyl floors.

Matt finally made it home a bit later, and we got to present him some brownies with a single candle in the middle for his birthday! Happy birthday BMACK! 

#271 I'm Getting Old

Woke up this morning to snow. SNOW!! In March! In South Carolina! This state has problems, but this problem was a good one because I finally got to see the pretty snow falling outside of my window, which is the first time really in about 3 years.

After a good morning and introduction to "Experiencing God" series that we will be doing over the next few months at church, we all gathered together for a spaghetti lunch and an Operation Christmas Child meeting. The entire time my back kept hurting worse and worse, and so finally after about an hour at lunch, we headed back home, the snow already melted from this morning.

The rest of the day I slept, read, and played on the computer until the wee hours of the night, hoping to give my back some rest. It didn't entirely work.

But in the hecticness the next few weeks will bring, I needed the rest. Also finally turned my phone on that has been dead all weekend to find I actually had a ton of missed messages. Which is good and bad. Makes me feel good, but makes me a bad friend. Oops.

#270 Surprise Lunch with Melinda

Stephen and I were walking to the car a little after lunch to drive over to Lowe's to pick up a few items for the backyard, but mainly to get me out of the house because I was starting to get a little bit of cabin fever. As we stepped out the door I saw Melinda getting out of her car walking towards me. Asked her how her daughter Hailey was doing, and she mentioned she was going to come ask me to lunch.

So instead of just the two of us, Stephen joined us too. We went to Panera Bread and ended up sitting there for about two hours just talking about how the earth may be flat, kids growing up, and entrepreneurship.

As scary as it may be for me to think about Stephen starting his own business and us not having the most stable income for a while, it's always amazing how God keeps putting people in our path who want to help Stephen along the way. Melinda has been through managing her own business for years now, and they are about to open up another business this month. So her connections and advice I think could prove really valuable in Stephen's venture.

God keeps trying to ease me into this, and trust me I really appreciate it.

Later tonight we had my parents over for my Mom's 69th birthday! We ate Hudson's BBQ, had some baked scones from Momma Rabbit's and played Spinners--all things my mamma loves! Matt was even able to join us for a bit.

#269 Britney

Around lunch time I headed out the door with a present in tow to go to Elgin to meet up with Britney Paquette. Britney has come to our Unleashed group for a while, but she moved recently and I haven't seen her in almost a year.

She's actually pregnant, and expecting a little girl next week! She's super excited for Avery to be here, and it was so good to get to open up with her some about anything and everything.

We've never really hung out just the two of us, so it was a bit of shock to me to realize how natural we were around one another. No weird awkwardness or silence, just catching up like "old times". Always nice when I manage to make a friend as an adult. I feel so accomplished when I do. 

#268 Grouchy Moods

I think my mood today was defined in the moment tonight when we tried to leave for Unleashed. I needed to repark my car as it was sitting in the middle of our lawn so Stephen could sell his truck. In trying to move it back into the driveway, I managed to do anything but get it straight. At no point do I believe all 4 tires were on the driveway, so finally after staring at Stephen and Matt in desperation, I finally gave up. Halfway parked on the grass and driveway, I just shoved it in to park, turned it off, got out, and stormed off to Stephen's car and told them, "I know. I'm just done."

Later Matt told me as soon as I turned off the Jeep, Stephen said "Oh she's so done right now." Haha. I've come to realize when I get frustrated I just quit and walk away, because otherwise I will explode.

Unfortunately this week has been crazy busy and weird, and slightly overwhelming at work. While its been some good mixed in there, like today when sweet Keith begged me not to leave school, there's also been some real crummy moments like realizing on Monday I had nothing done for all our volunteers who were coming today to help pack our camper packets. On top of getting more projects that need to be completed in like a week, it was just a bit too much today.

But now it's the weekend, and hopefully the grumps will be gone soon! 

#267 Another Monday

Being back today at work was like having a second Monday in one week. I thought having a break was going to be good, but unfortunately it was quite the opposite.

Just was happy to be home this evening, and once again take in all the rest and relaxation we could. So with scrambled eggs made, Parks and Rec on the tv, and cuddled under a blanket with my head in Stephen's lap, it was a pretty good day. 

#266 Wisdom Teeth

We were the first ones in the door this morning at the surgeons office. Unfortunately they were a bit behind and so we had to wait for a bit still, but soon enough Stephen was taken away for 2 hours while they removed his wisdom teeth.

Insurance didn't cover the whole cost of this, so I was fully hoping that my 1K was going to get me a front row seat to loopyville and hilariousness. But apparently Stephen is immune to anesthesia and its ill effects, and all I got was a drowsy and still kind of funny live video Stephen did from the parking lot at Walgreens as I picked up prescription meds.

You might can watch that here :/

#265 Last Meal

Tonight we enjoyed an excellent Unos meal in honor of Stephen's last solid food meal for a while. Yep the wisdom teeth come out tomorrow. So we enjoyed pizza, mozzarella sticks, and good pasta. Stephen was even able to sell some tires/wheels from the Unos parking lot, putting him one step closer to his goal of starting his own business.

Tomorrow we both have the day off, but obviously not for good reasons. So I'm glad we get little moments like this to slow down and enjoy the moment.

#264 January and February Birthdays

Today we finally got to meet our newest niece Alathea. She's just as beautiful as her photos, and honestly such a happy baby to be around.

We celebrated all the January and February birthdays. We got to revel in the chaos of our family, enjoying conversations, kids running everywhere, and chickens squawking in the background.

Prahl Family 2017, plus friends! 
Love getting to see how much these little nieces of ours love their Uncle Stephen, and makes it so heartwarming to imagine him one day with our own kids. They are going to love him so much.

#263 Mother's Day Baskets, Craft Show, and Logan

I woke up early this morning to get ready for our Mother's Day basket meeting at the Haven. I convinced, that's a strong word, Joanna to come with and give her motherly input into the baskets, and then us both head out to a local marketplace event for a reused/reclaimed store.

We made it to the Haven pretty early, and grabbed ourselves some coffee and hot chocolate. Sat down with the gang, and once everyone arrived began going through last year's baskets to find out what worked and what didn't. I think we had some good ideas, as well as being able to have some time and distance between what we did last year to realize how some things didn't quite make sense. So we will see what we finally end up with, but it definitely felt productive.

After some good fellowship with these awesome ladies, Joanna and I headed down the road to Rustic Chic's Saturday Marketplace. They had some really nice stuff, but all just a little too pricey. So we decided to take Makayla's advice and go to the Craftsman show down at the fair grounds. We managed to find so many cool booths and pieces of art. Joanna and I especially fell in love with this one artist's work, and we spent way too much money and time there.

After a long day, and tired feet, we headed back to my house and chilled for a little bit before Joanna headed home.

Finally saw Logan tonight for Jason's birthday. I had really been excited to see this movie, and it was really good, but that is a see once movie because the gore was just too much! Glad I saw it, but glad it's over too.

#262 Deva's Graduation

After Stephen got home from work, we headed over to Zen's house for Deva's (his sister) graduation celebration from firefighter training. She's actually training to be a cop, which I didn't realize they have to go through the same training a firefighter does as well. She was so pumped to rewatch some clips from her 8 weeks in training.

She held her own in those clips for sure!

We enjoyed an awesome meal, and got to enjoy Zen's family's company who are some really sweet people--especially his mom! We watched a few minutes of John Wick, and finally grew tired enough to head home a little early.

Even on nights where I don't think I want company, its nice when I can still enjoy being in the moment and realizing how many people we have that we love and love us back.

#261 Reading Buddies

A couple weeks ago I found out Jacklyn, my reading buddy at HB Rhame, moved to a new school. I am really saddened by this, she was such a sweet girl. I also found out she was shocked by the move and found out she was moving the last day at school when her mom picked her up early. Although I have been reassured this was a good move for her, a much better school who can hopefully really assist her in some of her reading disabilities. So for that I am happy for her! Just hate I never got to say goodbye. 

So today was my first day with my new reading buddy, Keith. I walked in Mrs. Carlson's classroom and mentioned I was there for Keith, which he looked in complete shock and disbelief that he was going to get a reading buddy. It was pretty funny.

Keith reads really well, much better than I've been used to and he is classified as an intermediate reader. He mainly needs some encouragement to continue trying to push himself to read and gain confidence in his current abilities. So we read a few books, and I hopefully was able to do just that with him.

The last half our time together I spend with him in his related arts class, which this week was art! On our way to art class, Keith looped his little arm in mine as if to "claim me" as many of the other students asked if I could be there reading buddy next week. Doesn't quite work like that unfortunately.

I love that these kids find having a reading buddy as something cool, but it breaks my heart the amount of kids who probably do need assistance and/or desire having a buddy that don't. Something I never really saw as important has now really made its way into my heart as not only something fun and a way to share love, but as a way to really assist kids at a time when they need it most. 

Can't wait to see where these last few weeks of school take Keith and I. 

#260 Cookout & Windy Nights

In a bought of restlessness, Stephen took me out to grab a milkshake and take a drive.

We got to Cookout, stole a table outside, and while the weather was beautiful, eventually the milkshake and the wind sent my body into shivers. So we hopped in the car and drove around Lexington eventually ending up at the lake.

We glanced at giant homes, saw tidbits of people's lives as we drove by, and enjoyed exploring new roads, which is sometimes hard to come by for us.

I so appreciate these quiet moments with Stephen. It was desperately needed today.

#259 IF:Table

Playing catch up is getting tough. These weeks have been busy. So I'm going to be brief.

Tonight we had our first IF: Table, what I'm calling Table Gathering. A small group of women gathering around a meal together, and discussing 4 questions. Tonight's theme was Italian, so we had spaghetti, bread, salad, and all sorts of goodies. We discussed things based around Acts 2:42 and the importance of fellowship and community with believers.

Honestly it felt very timely. I know a few of us felt deeply challenged to make sure we continue to stay connected with other believers. Over the past few years I have seen how important this is in my own life, because the times where I don't want to be around people and choose to excuse myself from social situations, the worse that feeling gets. Honestly the farther I separate myself from others, the farther I begin to separate myself from God too.

We have also been discussing on Thursdays the idea of how our relationship with God, others, and ourselves forms this triangle, and when one side is broken the triangle is broken. When our relationships with others are broken, that directly effects our relationship with God.

Really hoping this will continue to be a good way to create that community with our girls in a drama free zone where we are uplifting one another and challenging one another spiritually. 

#258 Patio!

Well the order of gravel came in today. I was super nervous how big of a task this would be for Stephen, and potentially some of the church guys. We had a few wheelbarrows handy, but having to transport literally 4 tons of gravel from the driveway out front to the backyard is going to take a while.

Thankfully Austin came to the rescue with a friend who had a trailer that would fit through the gate on our yard. So an hour later the driveway was clear.

Gravel Free Driveway
I realize now not having the before photo makes this process really uneventful. Oops.

More photos to come when I finally break out the camera to snap a few. Having the gravel down, what resembles a firepit in place, and a couple chairs out around it, its giving me summer fever and I want to enjoy cool nights in our backyard under the glow of some stringed lights. 

So tonight I began potting the flowers Stephen got me for Valentines Day. It's been long overdue. Now my porch looks pretty and springy, and I'm all ready for pretty weather!

#257 Cleaning Your Washing Machine... that shouldn't have to be a thing

Oh sometimes my hunger becomes so ridiculously overwhelming, I end up getting hangry. Today was that day. We thought we were being smart and tacking on our order to a group that was going to Groucho's to pick up lunch and bring it back to church, but instead the orders all got mixed up and there was more confusion and chaos, and our orders came like 45 minutes later. Bless Lauren and Lydia for sticking with it, but man by the time they showed up I about ate them instead.

This evening was really peaceful, and I was able to take some time to try and clean our washing machine. It's been smelling, and worse its been leaving grey marks on our light colored clothing. But who thinks you really have to clean your washing machine. That's some serious irony right there. The thing that is supposed to clean things is dirty.

So 1000x cleaner tablets later and I think it's fixed? It still smells. This may be our first big adult purchase we're about to have to do. I really don't want to have to buy a washing machine. Lets pray to the laundry gods (just kidding) that this thing starts cooperating. Although I would be happy to get rid of the awful noises this thing makes while washing.

I have to turn the tv up like another 10 notches when its running. First world problems.

#256 A Mix

Well I'm a bit behind on the daily post, especially the day or day after it happens, but I have been keeping notes. So I at least remember what I did, but I'll be playing catch up starting now through the next week. Work has been crazy, and our nights have been busy, so of course this manages to fall to the wayside. Moments where it does become the last thing on my mind, I wonder if it's worth keeping it up. I do find it cool to look back on any given day in the almost past year and a half and know what I was doing exactly. Although I think the more satisfactory moments comes in knowing that if my life were ever to play out like an episode of Law and Order, I'd be able to say for sure "Well I was at IHOP that night with 20 other people who can all attest to me being there through 1 am." Yep I have an alibi.

This Saturday I woke up much earlier than I would have cared to, so I could be on time for Ariyanna's performance. She's been mentioning for months that she has a dance/creative movement piece she was performing at Christian Life Center. She was the first on the list, and did a great job.

"Break Every Chain"

It was so encouraging to see how the rest of the church engaged and interacted with her as well. Ariyanna has been through a lot with our group the past year, and seems to have come a long way in how she handles and deals with other people. I have always been curious to see her in a different setting, and while she's treated more like a youth than the adult her age makes her, it was good to see that people engaged her and vice versa.

I stayed for a couple more performances, all group performances. I realized the whole event, with hundreds of people mind you, is some sort of regional or statewide competition between churches. Dramas/Skits have come a long way since we did them in our days. In fact these religious dramas/skits are now done to even secular songs. Some of them took a lot of focus to understand too, but the performers did a great job overall.

Afterwards I ran a few errands, picking up another one of favorite blankets from Ollie's. I've decided as much as I use this ivory/white blanket and as soft as it has stayed through washings, I better get one before I completely wear it out and they no longer carry it. It's made relaxing on the couch so much better.

When I pulled in the driveway, I noticed a few extra vehicles. Amber and Phil had stopped by to drop off a wheelbarrow for the gravel delivery. We'd planned on having it delivered today, but unfortunately the place we bought rock from was all booked for Saturday. So instead of shoveling gravel, we spent about an hour with them in the backyard talking as the dogs ran around us.

Before it got too late, Stephen and I headed back inside after saying our goodbyes, and got dressed for Joanna and Chris's baby shower for Alexandria Grace. It was such a fun afternoon, with the best food, best company, and most interesting conversations. I got to spend time with what feels like a second family, the Robinsons. Jennifer was the host, and I was so glad I got to spend time with her. Much needed time. Miss her and little Micah too much! I always appreciate that no time has passed at all with her, and while we have to do some catching up sometimes, it's never awkward or odd. She's one of my people.

I also got to learn a really cute story about Jackson, Joanna and Chris's son. He's my buddy. While I don't always see my nieces and nephews, and my relationship tends to be lack luster with them because so much time passes between visits, I see Jackson pretty regularly and have managed to make this kid like me. He's really my nephew I swear, at least I love him like one! He gives me hope though that kids may actually think I'm okay.

Anyways, Joanna's mom Connie told me about one day when Joanna was in the grocery store. A lady came up and started talking with Jack and asked him, "You love your Mommy, don't you?!" and his response was "Bit-ney". Cracks me up. While this boy sometimes pretends I'm his favorite person, like today he spent the whole day going around saying my name to the world, over and over again, he still wouldn't let me hold him, not even once! Other days, he constantly wants me to hold him, or he gives me kisses galore, but trust me eventually the shine wears off and Mommy is the only lady for him. He loves her to pieces, and daddy too! 

#255 Gravel & Such

I slept in a little extra this morning as Joanna and I had decided on a later meet up time so Jack Jack could get a little shut eye. Finally I ventured out at about 11 am to try and find us some gravel to have delivered on Saturday. Well after trying to recollect who all I had spoken to a few months ago about this and who had the best price, I remembered reading stellar reviews on Rock Solid as well as remembering they had about the cheapest prices in town. Doesn't hurt that they are about 2 miles from my house either.

So I strutted on the property in my new heels.... yep... and checked out some light colored brown rock. Unfortunately they can't deliver tomorrow, but will be there on Monday. Lets hope we can do this.

Grabbed some food on the way to Jo's and made it there around 1 o'clock. Greeted by Jack Jack learning to say "Bit-ney" and making me feel like 100 bucks. If I can't have my own little nieces and nephews nearby, its good to know one little kiddo loves me--and I love him a ridiculous amount. Doesn't hurt his family is the bomb.

We went shopping for a bit, grabbed a snack at Target, and headed back to Jo's house after a few hours of shopping. We managed to come away with a few goodies, one of them being about the most uncomfortable shoes ever that I could have bought. But the heels were killing me today so I needed some relief.

Headed home in time for our 7 o'clock game night. We thought like 2 people were going to show up, instead it was about 17 people. That's what happens when no one really tells you "yes" or "no" via text, they just give you a thumbs up or a "cool".

Kat came tonight, but left quickly as the house became super crammed really quick. We played another game of Redneck Life with Stephen and Aaron narrating the whole night. Christopher also came, and it was so good to have him enjoy this group of weirdos we call our church family.

#254 My Phone is Never Charged

One thing most everyone knows about me is I'm terrible about keeping my phone on me, or even charged. Honestly I just don't care enough to be that in touch all the time. I don't. It actually really bugs me how much time we tend to spend on phones, or checking our phones, etc. So I opt out a lot of times and just choose not to take it with me somewhere, or not charge it and then I have every excuse to be MIA for a bit.

It does not make my hubby happy. Now everyone at church is also aware that my inability to keep my phone charged is a real problem, especially Chad who gives me a harder time than Stephen does about it.

Funny enough Steve has been asking me to record our Thursday nights and post them live on Facebook. My phone dies. I've also lost my charger trying to do this. You know, cause my phone isn't charged enough, so I bring a charger to keep plugged in, and then I forget said charger at the church. Then it disappears into nothingness, which meant this week my phone just flat out died halfway through service tonight. Oops.