#172 Haircut

6:27 AM

Today Stephen and I picked out and ordered our flooring for the downstairs area of the house. To say I'm excited is an understatement, and to say it's needed is even more of an understatement.

We love our dogs. Obviously because it will now cost us thousands to refinish the floors they've destroyed, but at the same time I really wanted the "hardwood" look, and now I'll get that! Eek!

It's a very grey warm wood look. Not too red, and not too dark.
We headed to the Flea Market for a bit to HotWheels hunt. I ended up having to drag Stephen away so he could take me to my hair appointment--the first one in almost 2 years. I know, I know.

This isn't really the best photo of what my hair actually looks like (as my boobs decided to eat my hair apparently).

I feel human again though! Seriously. It's like every outfit looks better, and I feel like I can actually dress nicely because it all makes sense now. How does hair make such a big impact on how women feel?

Recreate a Project or Outfit  from Another Blogger

It's not a good idea that I look at these Blogtember Challenges the day of.

So maybe I can find something I've already recreated. That's cheating right?

Well it wasn't quite on a blog, but can this count for now?!

The sign above the bed is very similar to this sign from Aimee Weaver Designs.

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