#164 Asheville Trip

4:37 PM

This morning was a slow start, and I even was sleeping in late. But the queen of being late is never deterred from letting a few extra hours in her day help her out.

After breakfast, I headed out to meet up with Heather at her job.I couldn't help but be impressed with their new beautiful building--old factory converted hospital building.

We hopped in the car again, to drive another hour to meet up with Jenn in downtown Asheville, and of course sweet Micah.

Siting in the biggest chair of all time. Yeah a chair.
Either my crazy eye was disturbing Micah, or I REALLY AM his favorite fake auntie!

We had fun walking around downtown, getting some grub at Farm Burger, and drinking the most awful tea of all time. Most is not an understatement in that sentence. Plus we got to people watch like crazy, as Asheville has to be one of the most interesting places below the Mason Dixon line. It is the entire liberal North relocated into the South as a city.

Unfortunately we had to end the day all too soon. I miss these people too much when I am not with them.

And next time I'll load up on caffeine so I won't be in a weird caffeine lull all day too. Headaches suck.

How Do You Destress/Take Care of Yourself?

This might have to be one that I fess up to that I'm not really the greatest at. Honestly who has this figured out? I think I thought being an adult meant knowing how to navigate life, but in reality I think it's flashing past us as we just try and keep up. I mean who has time to work, have a social life, invest in others, spend time at church, spend time alone with the Lord, go on dates with your husband, visit with family, go shopping for food, go shopping for clothes, go get a haircut, go buy clothes so you have some without holes, get home estimates for flooring, get the dogs to the vet, get the dogs to the groomers, finish decorating your home, thinking about the future, creating posts for college and career and more. So much more.

I think though, that because I'm an introvert, the biggest thing I've come to realize is necessary for me to function is alone time. Not that I need to be alone, being by my husband feels kind of the same, or spending the day with college buddies feels the same as being alone--they don't drain my energy. So I just need to get away from the scheduled plans, the things that feel like I'm being pulled in every direction. Take a moment to myself. Watch a movie. Watch a show. Read a book. Take a nap. Pray. Read God's Word. Something away from the hustle and bustle, and make that time about recharging.

If I don't schedule this time, or allot for it to exist in my life, I'm drained. I'm exhausted. I feel overwhelmed. And while it feels selfish to do so, I realize I can't give what I don't have. If I'm lacking energy, I've got to find more of it, and I find it in the quiet.

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