#163 Crazy Adventures & Office Shopping

9:06 AM

Today I finally had my office moved, and oddly enough I think I love it more than my old one. Yay! And I'm determined to make this thing cute. So I've got a classic black, white and gold theme going, and HAD to run to Target after work to get started on my decorating.

I came away with a gold desk lamp, some awesome file folders, bulletin board push pins in the right colors, a small black and white pillow, some under the counter hanging lights, and more. Plus I'm pulling in a lot of the signs I've made, as well as a few DIY projects I've got to accomplish this weekend.

Now I can't wait for Monday.

Tell About a Crazy Adventure You Had Once

I was going to tell you about the time I took Stephen zip lining and zorbing in Georgia, but my words are short right now.

So I'll let the teenage Brittany Hilton tell you all about the time I got paper stuck in my ear.... 


Aight so last night i am about to go to bed. To sleep i must have complete silence... or a lot of noise. Well there was just a little noise next door... ha!... and i couldn't get to sleep. So it's like 1 am, and i decide, as i've done nights before, to stick tissue in my ears. Well being so experienced at sticking tissue in my ears, i had come to find that wettiing a ball of it, and then sticking it in my ear, felt better than the dry tissue rubbing up in there. 

So sure enough, i wet the ball of tissue and stuck it in my ear. Needless to say, as i went to go feel the balls of tissue in my ear, i noticed the one in my left ear was really far down in there, so i panic. I start trying to get it out w/ my big fat fingers, and shove it down in my ear hole to where you can't see it in plain site.. though you sort of could... it just was really far down in there is my point.

So i wake up nicole and ask if she's got tweezers, no she says and i go well i've got something crammed down my ear, i need to get it out. She falls back asleep, i love you nicole. So i panic even more and go next door to rachelle and heather.. rachelle trys to pull it out w/ bobby pins and tweezers... nope! so we call security so he can get us in contact w/ tuttle clinic. So here come the main security man and a guy from the clinic... who by the way had to leave his house to come out to to do this.. and he tries to get it out. He gets lil fragments, but the last time he tried pulling it, it hurt (this is mainly due to the fact he didn't have small enough tweezer type things than the ones he had). So he tells me that i can sleep on it and get it out in the morning, or go to ER. ER!!!!! yeah so rachelle and heather go and take me to the ER.

As we get into the ER, there's a guy.. seems a lil off.. trying to make phone calls, inwhich heather gives hiim her cellular to use. So i'm getting all signed in and stuff... guy gives back the phone and goes outside.. which earlier the security guard had been telling him that he needed to stay inside instead of walking around on the grounds. So rachelle asks the security guard "i thought he wasn't allowed to go out there?" The lady replied "Well it's really up to him. He says he's being followed by a guy who wants to kill him cause he owes him 300 dollars"... and hmm.. eerie enough, the woman sounds like this is completely normal and acts like nothing much is going on. 

So i get taken back and they do lil things like blood pressure temp, get history on me and stuff.. and all in the mean time heather and rachelle act like they are on cloud nine. ha so they are taking pictures of me getting my blood pressure taken.. and rachelle is posing next to me... i'm busting up laughing w/ them... and the first time around the blood pressure machine says error.. WONDER WHY! cause i'm freakin laughing so hard. so we finally get all that done...and the woman takes me to the lil patient room thing.. and the doctor pulls the tissue out in like two tries.. really easy. took like 30 sec. So we go to the desk they finish the paper work.. then we go to the front so they can do a lil bit more paper work.. and well then the security officer starts telling us that they are locking up the building because the man that was out to kill the man earlier is now on the grounds. OH FUN. so heather is trying to get rachelle to go to the other side of the room where there isn't glass.. but then the officer pushes us all back into the back room.... oh by the way when we first came in.. which was like 30 min prior they had already called the police before we got there.. and the police still hadn't shown up. though apparently the station is like 10sec. away. 

So we are chillin behind the desk counter.. like in a hallway.. and the freakin double doors to the outside come flinging open.. UH PANIC. so yeah we are like "the doors are opening.. there's someone coming in!" it's the doctors that decide they wanna have a look outside at the freakin' murderer! whatever. So then they push us back in the room that we were in to get the ear crap out.. and we are chillin'.. prayin'.. laughing at how stupid this is and how unbelievable. and so it's been a while and we finally go and ask one of the girls what is going on.. she calls up to the desk.. and apparently we can leave.. so we go.. there's officers talking to two men.. one of them the guy that borrowed the phone.. the guy that owes 300 dollars.. or however want to describe him. and yeah.. we make a mad dash to the car.. incase we get shot.

typical night in tigerville once again.

my hospital bracelet... :D
my hospital bracelet... :D

aight hopefully we'll get those pics up we took.. here's some i took when i got back of some particular items
this cracks me up.. the lady hilighted it for me too. 

"don't put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow"

i love the size reference too. ha.
this cracks me up.. the lady hilighted it for me too. "don't put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow" i love the size reference too. ha.

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