#150 "Just Because" Surprise

8:00 AM

This morning began the start to the past two months of planning and coordinating.

I've been periodically checking on Nitro Circus tickets and when they were coming near us for an event. Because Stephen, since seeing Nitro Circus the movie, has continued to follow some of their stuff via Facebook, and probably mentioned at some point wishing he could see them. Well I finally found out they were coming to Charleston on September 2nd.

After thinking about how I could surprise Stephen with this event, I realized this was one of those guy things that would probably be more fun with other guys--instead of just your wife. So I rallied Austin into helping me decide on how I was going to do this.

Instead of putting a invite out to everyone, we'd pick a few guys, so that it was small enough to still keep secret. Originally Austin planned to bring TJ has his date, and the four of us would go down to Charleston to go see Nitro Circus Live. This didn't quite work out, as Austin didn't get the time off and his truck motor blew up yesterday. Whomp Whomp.

So TJ and I tried to find someone else to go with us, and well... long story.. here it is.

This morning when I got up early, Stephen figured I was heading up to Asheville to visit my friend Jenn (sorry Jenn.. I wish I had gotten to come up, next weekend?). So when Stephen went to go move the cars so I could pull out to leave, I got down on one knee and with a sign in hand stating "Will you go on a day trip with me?" I quickly stated as he read the sign "I already asked your boss, and he said yes!" Which is exactly what Stephen said to me when he proposed to me, except replace boss with dad.

So after the initial shock and questions of "You got me the day off of work?", I began giving Stephen clues to where we were going and what we were doing. For a while he was convinced we were headed to Savannah. I gave him another clue as we waited, that went something like this...

A knock at the door, who could it be? 
Who likes surprises? Tis ye!

And if there is anything you need to know about TJ, it's that his favorite quote is "Ye,Ye!" rebel yell. The rumbling of his car gave him away before TJ even made it to the door. So after a good chit chat, we decided on breakfast and headed to Eggs Up in Lexington, which was super good.

Good ole stormy morning breakfast

Some of the best waffles ever

We loaded up, TJ in caravan. We faced crazy hurricane winds and rain, but we finally made it. I mean what's a fun day trip without the potential of being blown away or the river taking  your car down stream? 

Yeah, we were definitely in Charleston by like 1pm. Hmph.
When we finally got to Charleston, there was NO rain. None. But we did have some crazy wind. 

A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

After trying to go to the Aquarium (which had been closed) and trying to go to the Open Air Market (which was closed too), we decided to take ourselves on our own food tour. We had small snacks of different stuff. It was amazing. I'll let the photos talk...

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We ventured to our rental home for the night, which was super nice. TJ bought Guardians of the Galaxy, and we sat down as the wind whipped around the house enjoying the last few hours of the day.

TJ headed back, and it was probably good since our day had gotten pretty violent. Ha!

A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

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