#161 Evening Shopping and the Library

8:30 AM

After another long day at work, with nothing really important to share, I scooted out of work to go shopping for a little bit. Stephen has his guy's Bible Study on Tuesdays, so no need for me to race home.

First though, I ran over to the library to return my book that I've had out for like a whole month. I have a problem with reading. If it doesn't grab my interest quickly enough, it's tough for it to win over watching an episode of a show that evening. So I had to renew this thing like twice, once late, and resulted in a $1 late fee. Seriously I'm just trying to help the library make some extra money.

After picking out a book I wasn't certain about, I ventured into the hallway at the front of the building, where one wall of the hallway is glass to the parking lot, and the other half of the hallway is hand prints on one foot tiles.

See my hand?
And the memories flooded in.

Back in Elementary school, they placed a model of the new library that they planned to build in Lexington in the middle of our library. I remember staring through the plexi glass surrounding the small model of the new library, and thinking how grand it looked.

Before this our town library resided beside the leisure center, it was almost like two large hallways crammed together to make one "large" library. We did have catalog systems on the computer then, bu they were black screens with orange type, and almost blinding to stare at too long.

So in preparation for the opening of the new library, they had a day where you could come and place your hand print on a tile that would be featured in the new library. So my mom took me to the leisure center that day, and I got to do just that. Among many other young kids doing the same, I still clearly remember that day and thinking how special it was that MY hand print would be on their wall forever. I picked yellow paint that day, because it was my mom's favorite and books are her favorite.

So I found Brittany Hilton's little yellow hand print today. I scanned the walls looking at other hand prints recognizing so many classmates, and even some people that today I've managed to meet and make my friends in the present. Kind of funny how these strangers on a wall have become beloved people in my life. God's little fortune cookie memorialized in this wall forever.

After my venture to the library, I headed to World Market and got a message from my mom about why I hadn't visited them (they live a stone throws from the library). So I grabbed some Rush's and headed back to my parents to enjoy an evening with them.

If You Could Switch Lives for a Day with Someone, Who Would it Be & Why?

This is never an easy answer is it? I think weirdly I'd say Rob Dyrdick. This guy lives on the edge, and sometimes helps people along the way. But he does it without reservation. I think it'd be a fun day for sure.

And that was a very lazy thought of an answer, maybe one day I'll have a real response to that question.

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